Topic: GETTIN' CLOSE TO 1,000,000...

Posted under General

Perhaps the lucky pervert that soon posts the millionth image should get a prize of some sort. But what kind of prize would be suitable? How would one reward me… I mean, WHOEVER has the honor of making that post?

And yeah, I know the site technically surpassed 1,000,000 if you count in the deleted images, but deleted images don't count now, do they?

Updated by Kavellrist

There will never be a definite 100000th (normal/active) post on e6 unless the other 999999 are guaranteed to not be deleted or destroyed.

Technically, you can have THE millionth post to be accepted, but who's counting?

Updated by anonymous

Acolyte said:
Perhaps the lucky pervert that soon posts the millionth image should get a prize of some sort.

Then some posts will get deleted, and another lucky pervert will post 1,000,000th image, again. Then mods will delete some more.

Post id 1,000,000 made sense because ids are never reused.

Updated by anonymous

They can have the prize of the coincidence of having uploaded an image with an attention grabbing number.

Rewarding this thing would just cause the site to suddenly start getting spammed every time it reaches one of these 'epic' gets.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
So the dozen or so we already get are bad ones?

When you have a baker's dozen, 13 is your lucky number.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
So the dozen or so we already get are bad ones?

Any inedible cookie is a bad one. Even if it speeds up logins.
The honor of the millionth post would go to who holds the million ID# and that would be the end of it, or at least it should be.

Updated by anonymous

Acolyte said:
Any inedible cookie is a bad one. Even if it speeds up logins.
The honor of the millionth post would go to who holds the million ID# and that would be the end of it, or at least it should be.

That honor belongs to ConsciousDonkey

post #1000000

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Acolyte said:
I was looking at the splash page counter and not the post numbers! Had no idea a million was reached already.

We've even passed 1111111 by now.
post #1111111

At the rate that the number of uploads keeps growing, we'll hit 1.5 million by the end of the year, and two million sometime in 2018.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
At the rate that the number of uploads keeps growing, we'll hit 1.5 million by the end of the year, and two million sometime in 2018.

By my extrapolation I put in comment under post #1000000, we should hit 2 million posts in january 2019.

Updated by anonymous

Dominass_Triton said:
They can have the prize of the coincidence of having uploaded an image with an attention grabbing number.

Rewarding this thing would just cause the site to suddenly start getting spammed every time it reaches one of these 'epic' gets.

This is pretty much what happens on places like 4chan. Every time a big get is about to come up, shitposting goes through the roof (even more so than usual on a *chan-style imageboard, if you can believe it). The thing is, shitposting is expected on the chans, because what the fuck else do you use them for? Here, though, get-chasing would inevitably result in more chaff for staff to winnow for no really good reason.

Updated by anonymous

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