Topic: Can someone critique my recent uploads?

Posted under Art Talk

Hello, I've never done any forum posting before so please be patient with me.

Anyways my recent uploads have been getting downvoted and it makes me feel bad cause when I uploaded them I was proud of them but now I'm not sure what I did wrong.

I also don't know how to show pictures on this thing so I'm going to just post links....

Here's this one I uploaded 2 days ago: post #1138182
I can kinda see what's wrong, I think the angle that I drew the faceless male in made his dick look kinda weird.

This one I posted yesterday: post #1140296
I get it that this isnt some people's thing but I know some people DO like this kinda stuff, but it doesn't even have any faves. At least the one before this one had some faves.

And this one I posted today: post #1140918
I honestly didn't think this was going to get and upvotes or downvotes cause it's not really sexy nor is it offensive in anyway. I thought this was harmless.

I may sound like a bit of a crybaby, but I don't get a lot of constructive criticism on any of the sites I upload my art on, usually people saying "looks good!" or no comments at all.

I just wan't someone to point out something that I need to work on and maybe give me some advice.

Keep in mind that I draw with a mouse, I use FireAlpaca and I'm probably not going to get a drawing tablet in a pretty long time, cause I'm pretty darn broke.

Please help me out here.

P.S: I also drew this picture of Pearl from Steven Universe getting fingered by the Mystery Girl and it was on here for a couple months and just got deleted because it was "Irrelvent to the site." which I think is kinda dumb cause people liked the image and there's a lot of HumanXGem porn on here.
Here's what it looks like BTW:
I know it's not an amazing picture, I just thought the reason was kinda silly.



Former Staff

People liking something has no bearing on whether or not it's deleted. If it's irrelevant, it's irrelevant, and will be deleted. SU gems are too human to be kept on e6 and were ruled as such a few months ago. We don't delete older posts due to grandfathering, but new posts of the same content will be deleted after posting.

Updated by anonymous

Bear in mind that plenty of people will downvote something simply because they don't like it regardless of how good it is.

post #1138182post #1140296post #1140918

I'm showing the thumbnails so others have an idea of what we're dealing with before they click. Some things I've noticed on the third one is the dress pattern doesn't quite follow the contours of her body and the edge of her right sleeve is drawn straight when at that angle, it should be curved to show it wrapping around her arm. The fried egg beret is an interesting touch.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
People liking something has no bearing on whether or not it's deleted. If it's irrelevant, it's irrelevant, and will be deleted. SU gems are too human to be kept on e6 and were ruled as such a few months ago. We don't delete older posts due to grandfathering, but new posts of the same content will be deleted after posting.

Ah alright. I wasn't aware of that ruling at that time, but it makes sense. Thanks for replying.
Sorry if I came off aggressive when I brought that up, I was just really confused. Once again, thank you for telling me.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Bear in mind that plenty of people will downvote something simply because they don't like it regardless of how good it is.

post #1138182post #1140296post #1140918

I'm showing the thumbnails so others have an idea of what we're dealing with before they click. Some things I've noticed on the third one is the dress pattern doesn't quite follow the contours of her body and the edge of her right sleeve is drawn straight when at that angle, it should be curved to show it wrapping around her arm. The fried egg beret is an interesting touch.

Thanks for showing the thumbnails, I'm not really sure how to do that yet lol.
But thanks for pointing those things out, I did kinda try with the pattern but it could have come out better, maybe I should have made the lines a bit thinner... hmm...
and yeah now that I noticed the sleeve that does look kinda odd, I'll see if I can fix it in a bit.

And yeah I really like the hat! I based her outfit off of this clothing site called "Trash Queen" and they had that and I thought it was just great. >w<

Thanks for replying btw!

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

GinaE said:
it doesn't even have any faves

It might be worth considering that this is a site intended for furry art. Your posts are not_furry so there might not be much interest. Have you considered posting on DeviantArt or Hentai Foundry? Maybe Tumblr?

Updated by anonymous

The art isn't good quality. Most expect uploads of a higher tier when it comes to pornographic material. Shit either gets downvotes if it's prone to offend, something most dislike (such as scat), or doesn't meet an acceptable quality standard for most.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

GinaE said:
Thanks for showing the thumbnails, I'm not really sure how to do that yet lol.

thumb #XXXXXX

where XXXXXX is the post id.

Example: would be thumb #958984 -> post #958984

Anyway, echoing the above: people primarily come here for furry art. For people to like something here it's usually pornographic, furry, and at least mediocre quality. Consider your earlier furry uploads, which have more interest than most of my art-- your posts are pornographic while my art is not, though your art quality is a bit beginner. You can keep on improving, but don't depend on dickthirsty furries to give you a good idea of your post quality. Don't pretend I'm lying when you know that a lot of subpar work gets a lot of interest, furries. You should know better by now.

Updated by anonymous

leomole said:
It might be worth considering that this is a site intended for furry art. Your posts are not_furry so there might not be much interest. Have you considered posting on DeviantArt or Hentai Foundry? Maybe Tumblr?

I do have furry and pony characters I just usually don't feel like drawing them half the time, sadly.
I do post on dA but I'm kind of wary about posting my NSFW art on there, I usually crop and censor them and have links for the full picture attached to them so I don't get in trouble, but my art doesn't do too well on there but I still post often.
As for hentai Foundry, I have to submit my art and it goes through a quality check before anyone can see it, half of the stuff I try to upload gets rejected and only a handful has made it through. The stuff that goes through I think does "okay" on there.
And I always post my art on tumblr, some pictures do a lot better then others.
On all these sites, I think I'm at least kinda.... meh on there.

Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
The art isn't good quality. Most expect uploads of a higher tier when it comes to pornographic material. Shit either gets downvotes if it's prone to offend, something most dislike (such as scat), or doesn't meet an acceptable quality standard for most.

I'll admit... my traditional art looks a lot better then my digital stuff. But I don't own a scanner so I have to take careful pictures of the drawing with a camera/ I only upload them on dA, FurAffinity and tumblr but I think they do worse then my digital art.
I don't upload the traditional art on sites like this or Hentai-Foundry cause they're not the best quality and even though the drawings technically look better you can probably tell that they're defiantly photos. :/

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
thumb #XXXXXX where XXXXXX is the post id.

Example: would be thumb #958984 -> post #958984

Anyway, echoing the above: people primarily come here for furry art. For people to like something here it's usually pornographic, furry, and at least mediocre quality. Consider your earlier furry uploads, which have more interest than most of my art-- your posts are pornographic while my art is not, though your art quality is a bit beginner. You can keep on improving, but don't depend on dickthirsty furries to give you a good idea of your post quality. Don't pretend I'm lying when you know that a lot of subpar work gets a lot of interest, furries. You should know better by now.

Thanks for showing me how to do the thing!
And yeah you're right, like I said earlier I do have furry and pony characters but I feel like drawing my human/humanoid characters more often then the furries.
Another thing that probably dooms me is that my porn art is kinda vanilla, I've seen art that looks worse then mine but the artist draws super kinky things and they get more popular.
It's mostly cause more extreme kinks really make me uncomfortable so of course I won't draw them.

But yeah I'm always trying to improve, tweak my art style, etc. Thank you.

((and yeah you're totally right about that last part. pffbt))

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I'll say this: just make what you want. When you enjoy what you make, it shows in the final product. Numbers on sites are meaningless, and a following should come from what you actually like to make.

Use stats as intrigue, not as a rule.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
I'll say this: just make what you want. When you enjoy what you make, it shows in the final product. Numbers on sites are meaningless, and a following should come from what you actually like to make.

Use stats as intrigue, not as a rule.

Yeah you're totally right, I shouldn't let it get me down too bad, I should only feel bad if someone is being mean anyways, and thankfully not TOO many people are super mean.
I don't ever see myself giving up on my art anyways, even if I do really get down in the dumps. The characters I draw.... I care about them too much, I cannot just stop drawing them.

Thank you, Ratte. This made me feel a lot better.

Updated by anonymous

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