Aliasing bow_panties -> panty_bow
Link to alias
bow_panties alias to panty_bow
bow_bra alias to bra_bow
bow_hat alias to hat_bow
It could be the other way around. I'm unsure.
panty_bow -> clothing_bow -> accessory
bra_bow -> clothing_bow -> accessory
hat_bow -> clothing_bow -> accessory
panty_bow -> panties
bra_bow -> bra
hat_bow -> hat
I want to suggest that all fashion related bows be grouped together under a similar tag like bow_accessory.
However this term also could refer to accessories for bow_(weapon). I doubt there will be much conflict since the tag hasn't been used yet. We can move conflicted posts to tags like bow_(weapon_accessory) or stringed_instrument_accessory if necessary.
My concern about some of these changes is if ribbon_bondage bows should count as an accessory.
EDIT: The tag alias bow_panties -> panty_bow (forum #282290) has been rejected by @NotMeNotYou.
Updated by auto moderator