Topic: Removing talespin implication from shere khan

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Shere khan isn't inherently from talespin, though he is a character. Having talespin as an implication seems a bit odd, as he is not inherently a talespin character but rather originally from the jungle book.

Updated by skunk in scarf

BlueDingo said:
Just like how Chip and Dale were originally Mickey Mouse characters yet Dale (but not Chip for some reason) implies chip_'n_dale_rescue_rangers. Considering the way forum #232396 went down, I suggest not holding your breath.

That may be so, but at the very least chip and dale are the main stars of the chip and dale show and more warrant the implication of the rescue rangers tag

While shere khan was the villain, he still wasn't like.... the main title lead role like baloo is to talespin.

Updated by anonymous's a dumb implication. I mean look at this image:

post #767416

what does that have to do with the Talespin? It literally says THE JUNGLE BOOK on it!

There really aren't that many shere_khan images anyways...not even two full wouldn't be hard at all to just go through them by hand and sort which ones should have the talespin tag and which ones should have the jungle_book tag.

Updated by anonymous

forum #187522

funny how I forgot all of my own suggestions/projects after becoming admin.

i'll deal with this very, very soon.

UPDATE: implication removed. I'll try to figure out what should be implicating what later.

In the meantime, anybody who wants to clean up should look at forum #187563.

Updated by anonymous

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