Topic: Bug - Favorites button not working

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Bug overview description.
The favorites button, vote buttons, and 'add to favorite' mode in list view are not working.
What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
The favorite button, vote buttons, and "Add to favorites" mode in list view.
What is the expected behavior?
I click the button and a green bar should appear at the top of the screen saying "adding post #XXXXXX..." or "Updating post" and then a few seconds later it should say "Post added to favorites" or "Updated post".
What actual behavior is given instead?
I click the button and the green bar shows up saying "Adding post #XXXXXX..."/"Updating post" and then it just hangs there, not doing anything. About sixty seconds later, it reads "Error: The database timed out running your query. Try again later."
Time of incident (if applicable).
On all but one of all the images I've tried faving or upvoting in the last 15 minutes.
Can you reproduce the bug every time?
I thought it was a temporary issue because on the 3rd/4th pic I tried to favorite, it successfully added to favorites. But then after that, it went right back to not working on other pics.
What steps did you take to replicate this bug?
I tried faving/upvoting about 10 different pictures. Barring the one mentioned above, ALL of them returned the same error.
Errors or other messages returned (if any).
The aforementioned "Error: The database timed out running your query. Try again later."
I tried to add pics to favorites using the add to favorites menu mode in list view instead, and I got the same issue, except the error message I get 60 seconds later is "Error: No Reason Phrase".

Updated by KiraNoot

The_Masked_Newfag said:
Bug overview description.
The favorites button, vote buttons, and 'add to favorite' mode in list view are not working.
What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
The favorite button, vote buttons, and "Add to favorites" mode in list view.
What is the expected behavior?
I click the button and a green bar should appear at the top of the screen saying "adding post #XXXXXX..." or "Updating post" and then a few seconds later it should say "Post added to favorites" or "Updated post".
What actual behavior is given instead?
I click the button and the green bar shows up saying "Adding post #XXXXXX..."/"Updating post" and then it just hangs there, not doing anything. About sixty seconds later, it reads "Error: The database timed out running your query. Try again later."
Time of incident (if applicable).
On all but one of all the images I've tried faving or upvoting in the last 15 minutes.
Can you reproduce the bug every time?
I thought it was a temporary issue because on the 3rd/4th pic I tried to favorite, it successfully added to favorites. But then after that, it went right back to not working on other pics.
What steps did you take to replicate this bug?
I tried faving/upvoting about 10 different pictures. Barring the one mentioned above, ALL of them returned the same error.
Errors or other messages returned (if any).
The aforementioned "Error: The database timed out running your query. Try again later."
I tried to add pics to favorites using the add to favorites menu mode in list view instead, and I got the same issue, except the error message I get 60 seconds later is "Error: No Reason Phrase".


Updated by anonymous

KiraNoot said:

Thanks. I started to suspect it was something bigger and more problematic when I found that I was getting HTTP 500 ("It's dead, Jim") errors on certain pages shortly after posting the bug report, but about 30 minutes later it all seemed to suddenly go back to normal. Guess something over on the server end just needed to be turned off and on again. XD

Updated by anonymous

The_Masked_Newfag said:
Thanks. I started to suspect it was something bigger and more problematic when I found that I was getting HTTP 500 ("It's dead, Jim") errors on certain pages shortly after posting the bug report, but about 30 minutes later it all seemed to suddenly go back to normal. Guess something over on the server end just needed to be turned off and on again. XD

I need to do some more refactoring. There are pieces of code that can lock the posts table by trying to do too much with it at once, and as a result, the users table(as a result of the posts table getting locked). I've eliminated most of them, but every so often a new one will rear up and show me I'm not done.

So read actions continue to work, but anything that tries to touch posts or users ends up failing and timing out while waiting to obtain a lock.

Updated by anonymous

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