Aliasing kathryn → kathryn_(disambiguation)
Link to alias
Various furry things that start with kathryn. 2 other character tags. 2 artist tags. And a general tag that should probably be changed to artist tag. Plus a giraffe and a tiger.
4 uploads tagged with kathryn : 3 uploads show anthro giraffe (presumably same character) and one upload is of an anthro tiger.
plus 2 other character tags that start with kathryn:
kathryn_janeway (3 uploads)
kathryn_(carry-on) (1 upload)
2 artist tags that start with kathryn:
kathryn823 (1 upload)
kathryn_kellogg (1 upload)
and one general tag that should probably be changed to artist tag.
kathryn_lane (1 upload)
EDIT: The tag alias kathryn -> kathryn_(disambiguation) (forum #241837) has been approved by @bitWolfy.
Updated by auto moderator