Topic: Tag Training

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

It seems to me that every week right now, we have one or two people popping up and causing major drama over tags. They go nuclear on everyone, behave with complete disrespect toward admin and fellow members, and ultimately end up banned. Then they get sock puppet accounts, keep going, and turn their temporary bans into permanent ones.

It's getting really tiresome.

Has admin considered the possibility of a tagging class? Perhaps tagging rights could be revoked from ALL community members except Admin and Privileged users. Then, those who want to help the site by tagging could be forced to read through a tagging tutorial with the most important information. Finally, there could even be a quick quiz to make sure people understand basic concepts. For the purposes of this site:

  • Tag what you see, not what you know. Artist and owner intent do not matter for tagging if they aren't visible in the image.
  • "Gay" and "Lesbian" do not refer to sexual orientation but to sexual acts.
  • Etc.

This would slow down tagging until people are trained, but it weeds out the really noxious personalities who just want to have one night of glory while they piss everyone off with their butthurt.

Updated by ThenIThought

I'm not a fan of the idea of revoking people's tagging rights and forcing them to take a test to get them back.

I would be really happy to see some updated and clarified documentation on tagging because I have many questions on the subject. Perhaps a sticky thread for "ask all of your tagging questions here" where the admins would answer questions that users are confused about. That thread could then be synthesized into a more condensed form suitable for the wiki.

Updated by anonymous

Really? Is e621 train everyday closets on how to tag apropriately? Let me think, Uh... No.

Updated by anonymous

AbsebaroKoon said:
Really? Is e621 train everyday closets on how to tag apropriately? Let me think, Uh... No.

I'm not sure what you said.

Updated by anonymous

AbsebaroKoon said:
Really? Is e621 train everyday closets on how to tag apropriately? Let me think, Uh... No.

Has anyone really been as far to go do look more like?

Azazial said:
I'm not a fan of the idea of revoking people's tagging rights and forcing them to take a test to get them back.

Abuse privileges, get privileges taken away. Using the site is a privilege, not a right.

Azazial said:
I would be really happy to see some updated and clarified documentation on tagging because I have many questions on the subject. Perhaps a sticky thread for "ask all of your tagging questions here" where the admins would answer questions that users are confused about. That thread could then be synthesized into a more condensed form suitable for the wiki.

Because this obviously doesn't exist already.

Updated by anonymous

I think Blaziken pretty much covered all the responses that came to my mind!

Also, this is a good reference. Just search on any tag, and it gives reasonably good advice on what the tag is intended for.

Updated by anonymous

DobiesHot said:
It seems to me that every week right now, we have one or two people popping up and causing major drama over tags. They go nuclear on everyone, behave with complete disrespect toward admin and fellow members, and ultimately end up banned. Then they get sock puppet accounts, keep going, and turn their temporary bans into permanent ones.

That's their problem, IMO.

It's getting really tiresome.

Has admin considered the possibility of a tagging class? Perhaps tagging rights could be revoked from ALL community members except Admin and Privileged users. Then, those who want to help the site by tagging could be forced to read through a tagging tutorial with the most important information. Finally, there could even be a quick quiz to make sure people understand basic concepts. For the purposes of this site:

  • Tag what you see, not what you know. Artist and owner intent do not matter for tagging if they aren't visible in the image.
  • "Gay" and "Lesbian" do not refer to sexual orientation but to sexual acts.
  • Etc.

Uhhh, definetly not. Forcing an user to read a tutorial before changing/adding tags isn't good as it sounds, it'll be like an EULA (you don't read it, just skip it), or when you install a new program (continue, next, next, next, next, install, finish). BUT*, it could be used when a new user tries to add/edit tags

*not likely

Updated by anonymous

It does sound like it could help. Maybe a varient of this could be installed. I litterly have to check every day for wrong tags 97% of all pictures with dickgirls end up tagged at first with herm. Gay tags are mistaken as sexual preference tags. And users who own or drew the pictures often get offended or reverse the changes made, sometimes multiple times or untill someone notifys them or an admin.

Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:
Has anyone really been as far to go do look more like?

You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.

Updated by anonymous

Rusteee said:
john madden john madden

big american tts

Updated by anonymous

xLuna said:
... it'll be like an EULA (you don't read it, just skip it), or when you install a new program (continue, next, next, next, next, install, finish) ...

You're right, it could. That's why I suggested a quiz after the tutorial to help ensure they actually read it. Heck, admin could place a series of possible tags and check boxes next to a test image and ask tagger candidates to choose the ones that apply. Make it tricky so they have to think. Have an image of a solo effeminate male and offer Gay as one of the (incorrect) tag choices.

Esme_Belles said:
I litterly have to check every day for wrong tags 97% of all pictures with dickgirls end up tagged at first with herm. Gay tags are mistaken as sexual preference tags. And users who own or drew the pictures often get offended or reverse the changes made, sometimes multiple times or untill someone notifys them or an admin.

Exactly! That herm-dickgirl issue is another big one I've encountered a lot, too.

Updated by anonymous

xLuna said:
it'll be like an EULA (you don't read it, just skip it), or when you install a new program (continue, next, next, next, next, install, finish)

there are some things that can make that work. admin can hide the "go to tagging edit" page link within the text stating how to tag and instructions on how to get to the page, thus if they dont read it, they have to read it to find the link hidden in the wording which has instructions on what to click to proceed (case in point the babysitting cream flash, you have to click a word in the flashes disclaimer to proceed). or a program that makes it that you have to scroll to the bottom (less effective) in order to get the next button to become active.

Updated by anonymous

If we ever implement anything like this (unlikely), it would be completely optional and not interfere with tagging in any way whatsoever.

Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:
Has anyone really been as far to go do look more like?

Abuse privileges, get privileges taken away. Using the site is a privilege, not a right.

Because this obviously doesn't exist already.

A quick reminder to use the Dtext synatx because without https I get logged out, and appearently logged-out users don't have permission to view forum posts:

forum #18467, forum #12841, help:home

Another page I've slaved over is the much-underused e621:tagging checklist.

Some other appear to be help:tags and howto:tag. Though this seems redundant.

Updated by anonymous