Topic: [Rule Change] All paid content is now DNP forever.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Waba said:
That's not how it works. You can open a store and get people in it, but if no one's buying anything, there's no income. Perfect example is Wikipedia. They've been begging for donations for years to prevent putting ads on their site yet everyone visits that site daily for whatever reason.

There are alternative routes to income than advertising and donations. Collecting and selling data from visitors (so your visitors are products, not customers) is one route. 'Premium' perks (here that might mean priority in approval or promoted images) is also common.

Updated by anonymous

regsmutt said:
There are alternative routes to income than advertising and donations. Collecting and selling data from visitors (so your visitors are products, not customers) is one route. 'Premium' perks (here that might mean priority in approval or promoted images) is also common.

Worst kind of income.

Updated by anonymous

The Site said:
"All paid content is now DNP forever."

Huh, well that sucks but I can understand that. ╹‿╹)

I mean it's not like the end of the world, There will always be other sites to find such content for free. It just won't be as organized- Well- Personally I think e-hentai and u18-chan are a bit more organized and yaoihavenreborn is pretty neat too but that's not what I'm trying to say here lolz ◠‿◠;)

Seeing less stuff here is gonna suck, Not gonna lie but If the higher up peeps think it's the right course than whatever, Ya know? ╹‿╹)

Updated by anonymous

Amazing how people can flip their shit about artists "having power" over their art, like that isn't the way it should be in the first place. And don't give me "but the exposure!" That's always just been code for "give me free shit I think I deserve it." You can tell by the way these people react when they're told no.

And "they'll just pirate it elsewhere" is a similarly bad excuse. It's like robbing a gas station because "well, someone else is going to rob it, so why not?" The fact that other people violate laws does not justify your doing so or exonerate you after the fact.

I support this decision even if it reduces the pool of content. Because, you know, there's still a whole crap ton of content that people willingly put out for free just so other people can enjoy it (I'm one of these people, so I don't think I'm speaking out of turn here). I don't begrudge anyone for trying to get paid for it considering the amount of time and effort it takes to produce, and they shouldn't have their hard work undermined by jerks who think they're the exception to the rules.

Updated by anonymous

Yes copying furry porn is the same as armed robbery. Sorry this took a while to write out I'm also downloading a car.

Updated by anonymous

Golden-Dragon said:
Yes copying furry porn is the same as armed robbery. Sorry this took a while to write out I'm also downloading a car.

Doesn't matter how large a theft. Theft is theft. And they add up.

Updated by anonymous

As the drama seems to be slowly calming down, following from AstroSecants comment, site is still getting hundreds of posts uploaded daily where couple will get deleted for various reasons and not just DNP. Then there are thousands and thousands of posts requiring better tagging, replacement with higher quality variation, needing sources and artist tags, translations, etc.

There are so much stuff needing to be done and improved even without the paid content on top of it and even if you don't want to contribute on the site in any way, that still means there's absurd amounts of absolutely free and allowed content still being bumped constantly.

So instead of mourning over what's lost, focus on what's there. I'm still unsure about old and physical stuff even myself, but as I'm trying to think of examples of both cases I'm drawing blank, as dojins are actually pretty well documented and shared everywhere and art CDs I know about have been released later on digitally. So if someone is up to preservation task, listing these kind of things could provide to be useful, listing things isn't againts any rules and this could be valuable data in possible future guideline changes.

Golden-Dragon said:
Yes copying furry porn is the same as armed robbery. Sorry this took a while to write out I'm also downloading a car.

It's pretty useless to argue about piracy or unauthorized copying if some prefer that term, as it usually turns into these kind of arguments and just like arguing about frame rates with console only gamers it usually just keeps going nowhere.

Of course it isn't as severe case like armed robbery, but you are still obtaining content illegally. If you go to shop and steal e.g. gift card for itunes, that's only small code literally generated from thin air which offers you digital goods which are just bits on computer which you can copy. All of that still holds value and everything still has been lisenced and sold.

Regardless of your opinions or beliefs in the matter, the fact does remain that it's still illegal and the site does still hold all rights to what content it wants to host - just like we don't host real life pornography for example. So in this case it's also not biting the hand that's feeding and with it trying to preserve as much content in general as possible.

Updated by anonymous

Geez this sure sparked a debate, thought i'd throw in my 2 cents.

First off I agree with this change. A little dissapointed that it has happened, for entirely selfish reasons might I add, since as a poor university student, I can't afford to purchase much art.

I believe that it should be up to the artist whether or not they want paid content, or any content for that matter, on the site. While before the argument of "saving art before it's lost" was valid it certainly isn't anymore.

If an artist's wants to continue to sell art after 2 years that's their decision. Same if they want to make it public.

People saying "b-butt how will people see their art? They won't get exposure!" That's none of your concern, the artist has made a decision.

But yeah, I think it's for the better.

Updated by anonymous

Meh, whatever. It’s only 2500 posts, and e621 is full of plenty of quality porn and artwork. I’m a little bit sad that these posts have been removed, but it’s not that bad. Too many people here are overreacting to a simple rule change.

Updated by anonymous

Werner said:
There will always be that one guy in the crowd that sees what you are doing and donates a few bucks. Combine the size of the crowd with the quality of what you give to others and you might just be able to earn your bread by means of human sympathy alone.

Knowing how and where to use money to double its use and having contacts/friends who are handy helps making a lot of otherwise unaffordable things in life very possible.

Matter of fact i kinda do that sort of thing myself. If i were to become wealthy all of a sudden it would only spoil a thing in life that i actually really enjoy.

Soooo your counterpoint to Business 101 is either be rich or bum cash off of people? Sympathy doesn't pay bills. Nor put food on the table or clothes on your back. And before you try to cite some random charity case, remember that's just that, a charity. Charities don't match the consistency and reliability of owning a business.

Updated by anonymous

WhimsicalSquirrel said:
The entitlement of the untalented is always so amusing.

I hope I can bring up that quote to display what you think of us on your next patreon push. Remember, us "untalented" jerks fund your talent on our good will.

Updated by anonymous

Question: Now that all commercial art is DNP regardless of age, isn't there a lot of redundant text for the artists on the avoid_posting list?

Skimming the list while looking at another issue, I saw a lot of stuff specifying that the free stuff from some listed artists was okay to post, but not the commercial stuff.

Not a huge problem, since a few extra hundred text characters is hardly a strain on an art website, just something that came to mind.

Updated by anonymous

imagoober said:
Question: Now that all commercial art is DNP regardless of age, isn't there a lot of redundant text for the artists on the avoid_posting list?

Yeah, I ctrl-f'd, for "pay" and "free" and it seem there are at least about a dozen or so to remove but nothing too drastic though.

Another question: does this line:

"Free" Pay-What-You-Want content (meaning you can buy it for $0.00) is DNP for 2 months after having been made available for "free"

remain the same?

Updated by anonymous

gunplumber said:
I hope I can bring up that quote to display what you think of us on your next patreon push. Remember, us "untalented" jerks fund your talent on our good will.

As if they were referring to the site as a whole. Here's a refresher:

WhimsicalSquirrel said:
I love the people here complaining that it's now harder to pirate. The entitlement of the untalented is always so amusing.

Updated by anonymous

In general, pirates will buy more legitimate copies of merchandise after pirating.
However, this does not always happen considering the small scale of the artists put up on here.
The possibility of finding said "whales" may not occur to many artists if any of them. The possibility of this site not having anything but a link to their FA on the side bar with little else on a post made by some person who took the picture from their FA in the first place will be concerning to quite a few.
In the end, (Whether it may or may not be based on facts, but definitely their experience with reality)they wish to not have their DNP content hosted here as to them, the bad out weighs the benefits. As simple as that. The benefits are not enough.
NotmeNotyou did not only what he had too, but what one should, respect the wishes of the people who make the free content for us to enjoy in the first place. Or any of it for that matter.
The fact that he is willing to negotiate with artists and their terms is what still makes this site appealing to artists (Even if I find the "tagging only what you see" a bit preposterous sometimes and occasionally, flawed)

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:
Is free paid content free or paid?

My non-staffer understanding is that "paid" is for material that you need to pay to access, like f'rex requiring a Patreon subscription. If it's commissioned but posted to a free-access website (FurAffinity, say) it's not "paid content" for the purposes of site policy.

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
hello, FibS.

i'm sorry to say that your aggressive stance on the matter has caused me to go from having a neutral opinion of you into having an extremely negative opinion of you.

i will be sure to tell my friends that they don't deserve your artwork, and will put extra emphasis on the "aren't worth wiping my ass with" bit, because i'm sure you sound like a very pleasant human being to work with.

What the hell? FibS isn't even an artist.

He doesn't deserve this...

Updated by anonymous

imagoober said:
My non-staffer understanding is that "paid" is for material that you need to pay to access, like f'rex requiring a Patreon subscription. If it's commissioned but posted to a free-access website (FurAffinity, say) it's not "paid content" for the purposes of site policy.

What of the artist them self posts paid content or condones paid content on a certain site? I think I know the answer but if I'm wrong, boy are people gonna put their eye patches on.

Updated by anonymous

Muffinskill said:
As I said, not an artist.

Are you saying Fibs isn't someone who makes paintings, drawings, or other artwork?

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:
Is free paid content free or paid?

Muffinskill said:
What of the artist them self posts paid content or condones paid content on a certain site? I think I know the answer but if I'm wrong, boy are people gonna put their eye patches on.

If a artist that legally owns the work, makes pay content publicly available(EG: Previously posted on Patreon but later got posted to FA, or was made publicly accessable on Patreon), then it is no longer pay content.
Free samples do not count as pay content as you can access them without paying.
If a artist uploads pay content to e621 as a bonus for e621 users, then they are allowed to as they own the copyright.
If a artist says that pay content may be posted anywhere EXCEPT e621, then they may not post it.
If a artist says users may upload their pay content to e621, they may do so BUT be prepared to provide sufficient evidence they have gave such permissions.

Updated by anonymous

[To whom it applies to]

Do you guys think we artists can live free? That we get free accommodation, free food, electricity, Internet, gasoline?

Do you think that after spending thousands of hours learning how to draw and paint, and hundreds to thousands of dollars on equipment and courses or art school, money will just magically rain down on us from the sky?

Let me help: No.

So we get two options: Either we spend most of our time doing a another job so we can stay alive, and have very little if any time and energy left for actually making art, or... god forbid... we try to make a living while focusing on art. How selfish we are, that we expect that we get paid for our hard work like, you know, other people, instead of accepting that we just have to starve and beg for food on the streets between two paintings so that we can give you free art which is obviously your given human right, unlike my right for a decent life.

Or do you think making good art is easy? I mean sure anyone can doodle a stick figure but to make GOOD art. Do you think artists spend 5-10-15 years working their asses off before becoming famous, because it's so easy? Do you think we just have to buy Photoshop and then push a button for instant great art?

Let me shatter your imagination: We actually have to work very hard, learn, practice, try, fail, try again, practice more, and so on. We have to make hundreds or thousands of failed or mediocre artworks before we are capable of creating actually good art.

Nobody thinks a lawyer, engineer or doctor of medicine should be working for free, so why do you expect that from artists?

Do you go into a car dealership and complain that you should be given a car for free? Do you expect an architect to design your house for free? Do you expect a plumber to fix your pipes for free? No. But you expect artists to work for free. Why? Why is it that artists are not eligible for the same basic rights other professions are never questioned for?

Think about this for a moment.

BTW, as a bottom line, I do not paywall any of my art, I never did and never will, but I also lived most of my life in poverty and am stilling living in poverty right now because art is my only income, so I'm actively looking into how could I improve my quality of life. And I can absolutely not blame any artists who use paywalls, even if I personally disagree with that approach.

P.s.: I'm actually going to upload my art here myself soon, when I have a bit of time. Right now busy making sure I'll have something too eat next week.

Updated by anonymous

Storm-Engineer said:
[To whom it applies to]

Do you guys think we artists can live free? That we get free accommodation, free food, electricity, Internet, gasoline?

Do you think that after spending thousands of hours learning how to draw and paint, and hundreds to thousands of dollars on equipment and courses or art school, money will just magically rain down on us from the sky?

Let me help: No.

So we get two options: Either we spend most of our time doing a another job so we can stay alive, and have very little if any time and energy left for actually making art, or... god forbid... we try to make a living while focusing on art. How selfish we are, that we expect that we get paid for our hard work like, you know, other people, instead of accepting that we just have to starve and beg for food on the streets between two paintings so that we can give you free art which is obviously your given human right, unlike my right for a decent life.

Or do you think making good art is easy? I mean sure anyone can doodle a stick figure but to make GOOD art. Do you think artists spend 5-10-15 years working their asses off before becoming famous, because it's so easy? Do you think we just have to buy Photoshop and then push a button for instant great art?

Let me shatter your imagination: We actually have to work very hard, learn, practice, try, fail, try again, practice more, and so on. We have to make hundreds or thousands of failed or mediocre artworks before we are capable of creating actually good art.

Nobody thinks a lawyer, engineer or doctor of medicine should be working for free, so why do you expect that from artists?

Do you go into a car dealership and complain that you should be given a car for free? Do you expect an architect to design your house for free? Do you expect a plumber to fix your pipes for free? No. But you expect artists to work for free. Why? Why is it that artists are not eligible for the same basic rights other professions are never questioned for?

Think about this for a moment.

BTW, as a bottom line, I do not paywall any of my art, I never did and never will, but I also lived most of my life in poverty and am stilling living in poverty right now because art is my only income, so I'm actively looking into how could I improve my quality of life. And I can absolutely not blame any artists who use paywalls, even if I personally disagree with that approach.

P.s.: I'm actually going to upload my art here myself soon, when I have a bit of time. Right now busy making sure I'll have something too eat next week.

No one gets free rides, and granted it is harder to make a living as an artist, but art is all about feeling going into work, so I see your point there.

However, I must disagree with this action that DNP stays DNP. All copyrights expire anyway, so maybe after 3-4 years paid content would be free/reduced price. Man, if all art was actually relevant for that long, most artists would have villas and mansions. Now if the artist states that they want the art to stay DNP for longer, I am find with it. But inactive artists that no longer earn money from the sales, if they do not respond to requests on their opinions, then artwork should become available after 3-4 years.

Going off topic now: I find it ridiculous that someone has already been banned for this topic.

Updated by anonymous

Many draw it for free, and well, is the argument for people that want a living off it to not charge?

Just look at the free stuff then.

Updated by anonymous

Muffinskill said:
However, I must disagree with this action that DNP stays DNP. All copyrights expire anyway, so maybe after 3-4 years paid content would be free/reduced price. Man, if all art was actually relevant for that long, most artists would have villas and mansions. Now if the artist states that they want the art to stay DNP for longer, I am find with it. But inactive artists that no longer earn money from the sales, if they do not respond to requests on their opinions, then artwork should become available after 3-4 years.

Copyright expires 100 years after the death of the last holder. If it weren't relavant, nobody would be asking for it at all, free or not. Property is the same no matter what it is. When in doubt, you aren't invited.

Updated by anonymous


That's it. You've crossed the line. ALL of you admins and Entitlement and SJW ways. We've had ENOUGH! The Furry community has had enough with your bullshit the last 2 years. You've had been trying to implement these bullshit and SJW rules to try and DESTROY the furry community! You have been making UNCALLED FOR deletions of arts, bans of users, locks of threads, censorship and ORWELLIAN rules.

You have made these FEMINAZI like actions because you went to censor art YOU don't like or cub art because "Cubz artz TRIGGERS muh felingz!", and any art that has FACTS like THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS [YOU SCHIZOS] because "thisth nazis racist misogynist xenophobic anti-jew islamaphobic anti-atheist homophobic transphobic rich class fat shaming otherkin shaming microaggression slut shaming anti-EU anti-UN anti-lamestream media anti-communist anti-anarchist anti-BLM anti-steven universe anti-homestuck anti-democrappy party anti-cuckservative pro-gamergate anti-2016ghostbusters anti-FBI CIA LIARS pro-trump alt-right pepe milo breitbart anti-social media pro-WTFU anti-clickbait anti-shitty memes anti-shitty youtuber and celeberty anti-videogamedevs pro-MRA anti-FAKE genders anti-tumblr pro-4chan pro-8chan pro-reddit anti-libtard anti-Feminazi anti-ANY FUCKING SJW THING EVER CURRENT YEAR REEEEEEEEEEEEE *triglypuff*"

YOU'VE banned users and locked threads for the same fuck ton of antifa reasons i listed above, because of said ORWELLIAN rules. In case YOU people don't know what crimes i'm talking about because of your narcissist god-complex that dwarfs anything Jasonafex can pull out, heres a list of YOUR crimes.

1-YOU have changed the "cuntboy dickgirl" tags anti this retarded buzz words.
2-YOU have deleted art posts because of YOUR Bullshit TWYS rules that just keep posts YOU like.
3-YOU Have Also deleted art because of YOUR bullshit "quality standards" rule.
4-YOU have deleted art because it was """""politically incorract"""""" but kept other PRO-SJW art like that dumb pokesona anti-trump trigger fest.
5-YOU have banned or given neg records to users who were simple stating FACTS (like Treos) and gave positave recs and elevated states to PRO-SJWs for YOUR pro-sjw agenda.
6-YOU have locked threads for stating FACTS (like the "what makes you angry" thread) but kept drama filled SJW fest threads.
7-YOUR rules for this site encourages censorship and anti-male, anti-white, anti-christian, anti-twogender, anti alt right sentiment, and encourages VIOLENCE against said groups. It makes this site an orwellian safespace.
8-The admins have abuse their power to do everthing i just listed to gain tyrant poweres to cause drama and to DESTROY the furry community.
9-"""Husky""" has been pushing a black supremacy agenda and is leading the art posts and comments drama i've listed above.
10-"""Ratte""" has been pushing a Female supremacy agenda and is leading the thread and user records and bans drama i've also listed. She even admitted to not being a furry and says she hates the community! Absolutely disgusting she's even an admin here.
11-"""NotMeNotYou""" along with the other """admins""" have been pushing an SJW agenda and leading the rules and financial drama iv'e listed as well. He actually thinks he's some kind of "superior god" and has thin skin.

And know with this knew DNP policy, it's all so they can ban that "oh so evil" cub porn! At this point this sites should have a motto that says:


I think all the things i listed is MORE than enough reason to say what i'm about to say: Dear admins, if you don't remove this new policy, as well as the other policies i've mentioned, i will call upon everyone on this site to BOYCOTT it. Leave it. Go to any other furry site. Hell, at this point, FA seems infinitely better than this! Your move NMNY. DON'T TREAD ON US!

"Thus always to tyrants."

Updated by anonymous

SerpyLover~8841 said:

I wish I could care about something as much as this guy cares about a few stolen pictures of furry porn.

Updated by anonymous

no mention of my actual bird supremacy agenda. shame

Updated by anonymous

I feel like my IQ dropped a few points after reading that.
Were they a ban evader or something? They just joined in September and have that much shit to spray around?

Updated by anonymous

SerpyLover~8841 said:

That's it. You've crossed the line. ALL of you admins and Entitlement and SJW ways. We've had ENOUGH! The Furry community has had enough with your bullshit the last 2 years. You've had been trying to implement these bullshit and SJW rules to try and DESTROY the furry community! You have been making UNCALLED FOR deletions of arts, bans of users, locks of threads, censorship and ORWELLIAN rules.

You have made these FEMINAZI like actions because you went to censor art YOU don't like or cub art because "Cubz artz TRIGGERS muh felingz!", and any art that has FACTS like THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS [YOU SCHIZOS] because "thisth nazis racist misogynist xenophobic anti-jew islamaphobic anti-atheist homophobic transphobic rich class fat shaming otherkin shaming microaggression slut shaming anti-EU anti-UN anti-lamestream media anti-communist anti-anarchist anti-BLM anti-steven universe anti-homestuck anti-democrappy party anti-cuckservative pro-gamergate anti-2016ghostbusters anti-FBI CIA LIARS pro-trump alt-right pepe milo breitbart anti-social media pro-WTFU anti-clickbait anti-shitty memes anti-shitty youtuber and celeberty anti-videogamedevs pro-MRA anti-FAKE genders anti-tumblr pro-4chan pro-8chan pro-reddit anti-libtard anti-Feminazi anti-ANY FUCKING SJW THING EVER CURRENT YEAR REEEEEEEEEEEEE *triglypuff*"

YOU'VE banned users and locked threads for the same fuck ton of antifa reasons i listed above, because of said ORWELLIAN rules. In case YOU people don't know what crimes i'm talking about because of your narcissist god-complex that dwarfs anything Jasonafex can pull out, heres a list of YOUR crimes.

1-YOU have changed the "cuntboy dickgirl" tags anti this retarded buzz words.
2-YOU have deleted art posts because of YOUR Bullshit TWYS rules that just keep posts YOU like.
3-YOU Have Also deleted art because of YOUR bullshit "quality standards" rule.
4-YOU have deleted art because it was """""politically incorract"""""" but kept other PRO-SJW art like that dumb pokesona anti-trump trigger fest.
5-YOU have banned or given neg records to users who were simple stating FACTS (like Treos) and gave positave recs and elevated states to PRO-SJWs for YOUR pro-sjw agenda.
6-YOU have locked threads for stating FACTS (like the "what makes you angry" thread) but kept drama filled SJW fest threads.
7-YOUR rules for this site encourages censorship and anti-male, anti-white, anti-christian, anti-twogender, anti alt right sentiment, and encourages VIOLENCE against said groups. It makes this site an orwellian safespace.
8-The admins have abuse their power to do everthing i just listed to gain tyrant poweres to cause drama and to DESTROY the furry community.
9-"""Husky""" has been pushing a black supremacy agenda and is leading the art posts and comments drama i've listed above.
10-"""Ratte""" has been pushing a Female supremacy agenda and is leading the thread and user records and bans drama i've also listed. She even admitted to not being a furry and says she hates the community! Absolutely disgusting she's even an admin here.
11-"""NotMeNotYou""" along with the other """admins""" have been pushing an SJW agenda and leading the rules and financial drama iv'e listed as well. He actually thinks he's some kind of "superior god" and has thin skin.

And know with this knew DNP policy, it's all so they can ban that "oh so evil" cub porn! At this point this sites should have a motto that says:


I think all the things i listed is MORE than enough reason to say what i'm about to say: Dear admins, if you don't remove this new policy, as well as the other policies i've mentioned, i will call upon everyone on this site to BOYCOTT it. Leave it. Go to any other furry site. Hell, at this point, FA seems infinitely better than this! Your move NMNY. DON'T TREAD ON US!

"Thus always to tyrants."

Can this become a copypasta meme? This needs to be shared.

Updated by anonymous

SerpyLover~8841 said:

That's it. You've crossed the line. ALL of you admins and Entitlement and SJW ways. We've had ENOUGH! The Furry community has had enough with your bullshit the last 2 years. You've had been trying to implement these bullshit and SJW rules to try and DESTROY the furry community! You have been making UNCALLED FOR deletions of arts, bans of users, locks of threads, censorship and ORWELLIAN rules.

You have made these FEMINAZI like actions because you went to censor art YOU don't like or cub art because "Cubz artz TRIGGERS muh felingz!", and any art that has FACTS like THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS [YOU SCHIZOS] because "thisth nazis racist misogynist xenophobic anti-jew islamaphobic anti-atheist homophobic transphobic rich class fat shaming otherkin shaming microaggression slut shaming anti-EU anti-UN anti-lamestream media anti-communist anti-anarchist anti-BLM anti-steven universe anti-homestuck anti-democrappy party anti-cuckservative pro-gamergate anti-2016ghostbusters anti-FBI CIA LIARS pro-trump alt-right pepe milo breitbart anti-social media pro-WTFU anti-clickbait anti-shitty memes anti-shitty youtuber and celeberty anti-videogamedevs pro-MRA anti-FAKE genders anti-tumblr pro-4chan pro-8chan pro-reddit anti-libtard anti-Feminazi anti-ANY FUCKING SJW THING EVER CURRENT YEAR REEEEEEEEEEEEE *triglypuff*"

YOU'VE banned users and locked threads for the same fuck ton of antifa reasons i listed above, because of said ORWELLIAN rules. In case YOU people don't know what crimes i'm talking about because of your narcissist god-complex that dwarfs anything Jasonafex can pull out, heres a list of YOUR crimes.

1-YOU have changed the "cuntboy dickgirl" tags anti this retarded buzz words.
2-YOU have deleted art posts because of YOUR Bullshit TWYS rules that just keep posts YOU like.
3-YOU Have Also deleted art because of YOUR bullshit "quality standards" rule.
4-YOU have deleted art because it was """""politically incorract"""""" but kept other PRO-SJW art like that dumb pokesona anti-trump trigger fest.
5-YOU have banned or given neg records to users who were simple stating FACTS (like Treos) and gave positave recs and elevated states to PRO-SJWs for YOUR pro-sjw agenda.
6-YOU have locked threads for stating FACTS (like the "what makes you angry" thread) but kept drama filled SJW fest threads.
7-YOUR rules for this site encourages censorship and anti-male, anti-white, anti-christian, anti-twogender, anti alt right sentiment, and encourages VIOLENCE against said groups. It makes this site an orwellian safespace.
8-The admins have abuse their power to do everthing i just listed to gain tyrant poweres to cause drama and to DESTROY the furry community.
9-"""Husky""" has been pushing a black supremacy agenda and is leading the art posts and comments drama i've listed above.
10-"""Ratte""" has been pushing a Female supremacy agenda and is leading the thread and user records and bans drama i've also listed. She even admitted to not being a furry and says she hates the community! Absolutely disgusting she's even an admin here.
11-"""NotMeNotYou""" along with the other """admins""" have been pushing an SJW agenda and leading the rules and financial drama iv'e listed as well. He actually thinks he's some kind of "superior god" and has thin skin.

And know with this knew DNP policy, it's all so they can ban that "oh so evil" cub porn! At this point this sites should have a motto that says:


I think all the things i listed is MORE than enough reason to say what i'm about to say: Dear admins, if you don't remove this new policy, as well as the other policies i've mentioned, i will call upon everyone on this site to BOYCOTT it. Leave it. Go to any other furry site. Hell, at this point, FA seems infinitely better than this! Your move NMNY. DON'T TREAD ON US!

"Thus always to tyrants."

Aren't you being the tyrant in this case, wanting people to follow your agenda?
I, for one, present a counter argument.
1: The words in question were merely changed to variants of those words.
2: Rules are rules. DEAL WITH IT.
3: Quality over quantity. Look at Homer4Lyfe1988's art, and then tell me you don't like our post quality.
8: WRONG. We don't control the community, we merely archive stuff.
Rest of post: That's just your opinion. While some cases aren't opinionated, those are over users who were unruly in general.
Also, cub porn isn't banned. Look under the "young" tag.

Updated by anonymous

KingpinNY said:
Aren't you being the tyrant in this case, wanting people to follow your agenda?
I, for one, present a counter argument.
1: The words in question were merely changed to variants of those words.
2: Rules are rules. DEAL WITH IT.
3: Quality over quantity. Look at Homer4Lyfe1988's art, and then tell me you don't like our post quality.
8: WRONG. We don't control the community, we merely archive stuff.
Rest of post: That's just your opinion. While some cases aren't opinionated, those are over users who were unruly in general.
Also, cub porn isn't banned. Look under the "young" tag.

It was a troll post. You don't gotta take those seriously

Updated by anonymous

SerpyLover~8841 said:
"""""politically incorract""""""

Ye got enough quotation marks there, pal? I can spot ye a few more if ye need 'em.

Updated by anonymous

SerpyLover~8841 said:
8-The admins have abuse their power to do everthing i just listed to gain tyrant poweres to cause drama and to DESTROY the furry community.
9-"""Husky""" has been pushing a black supremacy agenda and is leading the art posts and comments drama i've listed above.
10-"""Ratte""" has been pushing a Female supremacy agenda and is leading the thread and user records and bans drama i've also listed. She even admitted to not being a furry and says she hates the community! Absolutely disgusting she's even an admin here.
11-"""NotMeNotYou""" along with the other """admins""" have been pushing an SJW agenda and leading the rules and financial drama iv'e listed as well. He actually thinks he's some kind of "superior god" and has thin skin.

Petition to replace the 'admin' title with 'superior god'

Updated by anonymous

/me peeks her nose in hesitantly "17 pages of flames, hopefully I don't have to wade through that to find out the answer to a simple question. What about paid commissions if your the payer and own the original artwork? It's technically paid artwork and I don't see an exception for it in the new rule. "

Updated by anonymous

Roseroar said:
/me peeks her nose in hesitantly "17 pages of flames, hopefully I don't have to wade through that to find out the answer to a simple question. What about paid commissions if your the payer and own the original artwork? It's technically paid artwork and I don't see an exception for it in the new rule. "

The exception is clearly listed in the OP. Only content that you need to pay in order to view is affected.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
It was a troll post. You don't gotta take those seriously

Huh, so you're the Clickable Poof on the ads.

Updated by anonymous

Muffinskill said:
All copyrights expire anyway

Yeah, in 70 to 100 years after the creator's death, depending on media and country - and in some cases the rights can be upheld by descendants or companies.

maybe after 3-4 years paid content would be free/reduced price

It's much more complicated than that. For some products, such as books, there are statistics that indicate that the large majority of sales happen in the first X years, but visual art stay relevant more consistently.

Man, if all art was actually relevant for that long, most artists would have villas and mansions.

Except digital access is usually not sold for thousands of dollars. It's a very small income, which is exactly why you need a lot of stuff so that in the long term it makes a difference. It can lead to a slow but steady income that comes handy when you doN't get commissions or have to take a break (e.g. you get sick).

Now if the artist states that they want the art to stay DNP for longer, I am find with it.

Why should the artist state that they still want the rights that are automatically given to them? That makes no sense.

Copyright is automatically gained upon creating a unique work, and it doesn't expire until several decades after your death. Technically speaking uploading anything here without asking written permission from the artist is a violation of law unless the artist states that you can use their art (e.g. via releasing it with a permissive license such as Creative Commons, like I do). Even if you upload not pay-to-access content, it violates the law unless permission is given or permissive license is used.

90%+ of the art on this site technically speaking violates copyright law. And now you say the site should violate it even more unless the artist specifically comes here saying "Hey, could you still not steal my stuff after 2 years? Thanks."

But inactive artists that no longer earn money from the sales

I'm sorry but this is an extremely entitled approach. Artists' rights are given, and it's not the artist's job to come here and beg for their rights not to be violated. It's also not anyone's job to decide if the artist is "inactive" or if they "don't earn money".

if they do not respond to requests on their opinions

Then you should respect their rights instead of saying "If I can't reach you then your rights are void."

then artwork should become available after 3-4 years.

No. Visual art copyrights are already violated enough, any artist that tries to earn money with it constantly has to battle art theft, and you are trying to justify a case of it.

Updated by anonymous

KingpinNY said:
Huh, so you're the Clickable Poof on the ads.

The best clickable poof to ever poof

Updated by anonymous

Well well, this turned into quite the discussion...

I wonder if other sites started archiving things from e621 because of the sudden new DNP rule change. Surely that must've happened by now.

Updated by anonymous

Roseroar said:
/me peeks her nose in hesitantly "17 pages of flames, hopefully I don't have to wade through that to find out the answer to a simple question. What about paid commissions if your the payer and own the original artwork? It's technically paid artwork and I don't see an exception for it in the new rule. "

This seems to be what majority still don't fully understand. The rule itself hasn't technically changed, only the time with it is extended from two years to infinity.

When I'm approving I can usually pretty easily distinguish character owners and commissioners, so even if given source is of lower resolution, it's still easy to see that it's not from e.g. patreon. Just tag your characters, artists and give as many sources as possible and things are more than fine. Smaller version at source is also tag you can use if you want to.

If you do get into situation where your commissioned work has been deleted as paid content, just please don't hesitate to be in contact with staff. There have been couple cases where there didn't seem to be any connection with uploading account and artwork while artist did have patreon. If you are artist, please don't hesitate to ask connecting your account with artist wiki, this means that we have verified that your account belongs to you and we know that you are uploading your own artwork.

Because it's not like we have full denial of artwork that's not available elsewhere. As long as it's acceptable artwork and you do have permission, we are more than happy to host it. There actually is at least one case where artist simply made blog post that they are fine with their paid pack being posted places like this, this is already enough for us to accept the content.

Updated by anonymous

Drflash55 said:
Well well, this turned into quite the discussion...

I wonder if other sites started archiving things from e621 because of the sudden new DNP rule change. Surely that must've happened by now.

Isn't there already at least one site that was outright automatically mirroring e621 posts (with their tags) into their own booru, before this rule change?

If that's still happening, it probably reduces the incentive for others to do the same.

Updated by anonymous

You could have given us a week to download some of the pics before the rule change, but otherwise I'm okay with the change and butthurt comments make up for the inconvenience.

Updated by anonymous

5 days later & all I saw out of all 17 pages was cancer. As someone WHO IS poor and forced to use a old Ps3 to be here, this is no skin off my teeth. Most stuff I like isn't in that range of illegal posts. And bitchin about it sure didn't change a damn thing. This is their site & their decisions to make, you don't like it? You can always just leave and make sure the door don't hit you on the way out. This is just my opinion on the matter & I'll likely get alot of hate for it & stating what I think.

Updated by anonymous

FoxFourOhFour said:
As a purple person, This triggers me. :B

It must be so hard living your whole life in fear of being eaten by a one-eyed, one-horned, flying monster.

Updated by anonymous

Those posts on page 17 though... someone's getting banned, I can tell.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
It must be so hard living your whole life in fear of being eaten by a one-eyed, one-horned, flying monster.

But you're blue da ba dee da ba di.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
When I get one, I'll let ye know.

Bad dragon has some very nice blue tones in their sortiment.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Bad dragon has some very nice blue tones in their sortiment.

Yeah, but it's the shape that matters.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Yeah, but it's the shape that matters.

They have quite a selection there, too. And their website recently got a facelift.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Bad dragon has some very nice blue tones in their sortiment.

I thought I was getting a blue one.

What ended up arriving was a GLOWING blue one.

Even better.

Updated by anonymous

Eh, their loss.

Just going to lessen their viewership and as such potentially less people to pay for their content.

I know I won't anyways.

Updated by anonymous

Daedius said:
Eh, their loss.

Just going to lessen their viewership and as such potentially less people to pay for their content.

I know I won't anyways.

u wot m8.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
It was a troll post. You don't gotta take those seriously

Are you sure? For me it looks more like an opinion and anger. Even if you do not want to read it, it is unfortunately partly correct, even if I have only a part of it understood. The part of which is also nonsense, I do not dispute. You should not just look at what he writes but also pay attention to what he says.

Unfortunately, Admin is really a part of the problem and I myself have felt at 2. You make something wrong and get a warning, you want to enlighten it = No interest. The worst is yet to link the rules to your offense. But the rule against which you have disowned does not exist. This is so, do not interest the Admin, the Neutral Record with the warning remains. I'm sorry but if admins act as if arbitrariness would be for them nothing bad, then e621 must not be surprised about trolls and störer. With us in Germany there is a suitable saying for it: "It sounds from the forest as you call in", or something like that. If one is offended or attacked by an admin, he does not have to wonder if the user is fighting, and must suffer the other user under it. Trolls are often self-made.

The tags are another topic where he is right. The latest change, Renamon etc. is the best example. You make changes due to the fact that the user disrupts it when they find fantasy characters in the search, in usern which figures in a search do not want to have only appear as a figure or picture is exactly this reason incidentally. Why is it important at one thing and the other side thing?

Point 6 is at least in two cases, I also noticed. Admittedly, not 100% in the context. Cuntboy thread, Cub porn ban on other pages thread. Instead of moderating, you just closed it.

I like to make my contribution to the community. Since I can only be punished for it and I am still ashamed because of my language, this has changed. I have for some understanding, but also mine and the tolerance of other users has bordered and there is no one I can complain here on e621 officially.

German - Deutsch

Bist du dir da sicher? Für mich sieht das eher nach einer Meinung aus und verärgerung. Auch wenn du es vielleicht nicht lesen möchtest, es ist leider zum teil Richtig, auch wenn ich nur ein teil davon verstanden habe. Das ein Teil dessen auch unsinn ist streite ich nicht ab. Du solltest nicht nur darauf sehen was er schreibt sondern auch darauf achten was er sagt.

Leider sind Admin wirklich ein Teil des problemes und ich selbst habe das bei 2 zu spüren bekommen. Du machst was falsch und bekommst eine verwarnung, willst du es aufklären = Kein Interesse. Das schlimmste noch man verlinkt dir die Regeln zu deinem Vergehen. Doch die Regel gegen die du verstoßen hast gibt es nicht. Das dies so ist, interessiert jenem Admin nicht, der Neutrale Record mit der Verwarnung bleibt. Tut mir leid aber wenn Admins agieren als wäre willkür für sie nichts schlimmes, dann muss e621 sich über Trolle und störer nicht wundern. Bei uns in Deutschland gibt es ein passendes Sprichwort dafür: "Es schallt aus dem Wald wie du hinein rufst.", oder so ähnlich. Wenn man von einem Admin beleidigt oder angegriffen wird, muss er sich nicht wundern wenn der User sich wehrt, und leiden müssen die anderen user darunter. Trolle sind nicht selten selbst gemacht.

Die Tags sind ein Weiteres Thema wo er recht hat. Die neuste Änderung, Renamon etc. betreffend ist das beste Beispiel. Man macht Änderungen aufgrund der Tatsache das Usern es stören tut wenn sie Fantasie Figuren bei der Suche finden, bei usern welche Figuren bei einer Suche nicht haben wollen welche nur als Figur oder Bild erscheinen ist genau dieser Grund nebensächlich. Wieso ist es bei einem bedeutend und bei dem anderen Nebensache?

Punkt 6 ist zumindest in 2 Fällen, auch mir aufgefallen. Zugegeben, nicht 100% in dem Zusammenhang. Cuntboy thread, Cub porn ban auf anderen Seiten thread. Statt zu moderieren habt ihr sie einfach geschlossen.

Ich habe mal gern meinen Beitrag, zur Community, geleistet. Da ich mich dafür nur bestrafen lassen kann und ich mich wegen meiner Sprache noch schämen muss, hat sich das geändert. Ich habe für einiges Verständnis, aber auch meine und die Toleranz anderer User hat grenzen und es gibt keinen bei dem ich mich hier auf e621 offiziell beschweren kann.

Updated by anonymous