Aliasing eyal → eyal_(disambiguation)
Link to alias
Various furries named Eyal. Short version: an artist, their deer character, Psykhe's char, & SpartaDog's char.
All below found via
Longer version:
- artist of various usernames (including eyal and di19826). Artist name on art is "eyal". ("general audience" example: ). Their art e621 tagged with eyal and/or di19826.
- that artist's Marsh deer character named Eyal ("mature content" char sheet )
- Psykhe's character named Eyal, "Species: merinog - deer/lion hybrid" with fur mostly green-blue. ("general audience" char sheet )
- SpartaDog's monster character: ("mature content" art at )
- plus some others, let's not get into those for now.
edit: I suggest the tags be
- eyal_(artist)
- eyal_(eyal) for artist's deer character
- eyal_(psykhe)
and eyal_(spartadog)
EDIT: The tag alias eyal -> eyal_(disambiguation) (forum #246321) has been approved by @gattonero2001.
Updated by auto moderator