Topic: Who remembers when they first learned about furries? Details?

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Pretty sure the first furry image I ever saw was on a Newgrounds quiz called "Yiff Furry Hentai" or something along those lines. I answered simple questions and was rewarded with pictures. I think the first question was "What color is the sky?" and I clicked "Usually grey."

Bam. Right then and there, I learned what a furry was. Regrettably, it was a picture by Bernal. Regardless, I finished the quiz and searched for more. Another pic hosted on one of these games was this one:

post #618203

Very memorable. Thanks Adam Wan.

After several other quizzes and games, I stumbled across a Newgrounds blog that posted Jay Naylor's Jesus Camp comic. Instant favorite. I kept browsing and browsing. Read the entirety of Better Days within a week, and, honestly, I didn't think too much of it, good or bad. Story's a story.

Some way or another, I fell into this deep, dark hole that is e621. I lurked for a good while then finally created an account. I've yet to find my way out of here. Please send help.

What's your story?

Updated by Tfguy

yeah I got turned into a furry from newgrounds porn games as well

Updated by anonymous

Ah newgrounds. The last time I was there even close to regularly was back when High Tail Hall 1.x was still being developed and yiffstar was still around. Good times.

Updated by anonymous

Newgrounds. High Tail Hall. The first one. Luca. Hnnnnnnngg

Updated by anonymous

Although I was aware of anthropomorphic characters since toddlerhood, I didn't realize there was a fandom for them nor did I realize they could be used in mature or adult manners until I ran across Vicky Wyman's Xanadu comics.

Updated by anonymous

I don't know where I learned of furries, but I first looked at furry porn when I was 14.
It was Krystal from Star Fox. Don't remember why I specifically searched for porn of her, but I did. Shortly after, I found this place. And it's been the main furry site I visit for about 4 years now.

Updated by anonymous

I first learned when searching it on Google. The first pic i saw was one of myrl.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

From the usenet. Back when they made the newsgroup and came up with the term "furries".

Before that, we just called them anthropomorphic animals.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
From the usenet. Back when they made the newsgroup and came up with the term "furries".

Before that, we just called them anthropomorphic animals.

dayum, you OG, dawg

Updated by anonymous

My friend, when we worked at a call center, turned to me and said "if I told you I was a furry, would you know what that meant?"

Updated by anonymous

First there were Dragons, then my at the time girlfriend introduced me to chacats den, then FA.

Updated by anonymous

Adding to forum #80033, I remember seeing some artwork of Chalo back then (there's where post #545758 came from :3 )...

I didn't know what was a furry until recently actually. After some time of having created my account, I used to read in the comments mentions of "furry" here and there and came up with my own definition relating the word with what was on pictures and, so far, I've stuck up with it with no problems c:

Updated by anonymous

I think my most appropriate answer would be looking through Bad Dragon's dildo pictures and reading their attached stories. I wasn't even looking for sex toys or anything, just looking for "stuff" because I was horny. From there, I looked for more on the Bad Dragon website, found the forums, and sort of developed an image of what furries as people were. That might have been 4-5 years ago, judging from my join date on e621? I probably would have jumped on board a lot sooner had I actively searched for "animal people" porn before then.

Updated by anonymous

Well I guess I could say it was playing a text-based game called Materia Magica that I played when I was pretty little, maybe around 13 or so.

Anyway, there was this race called a Dracon? I think it was, and I was discussing with someone in game if they were a "Real dragon" Which I thought of one on all 4's, or a humanoid one since they could apparently wear clothes. But we just got to talking and I just mentioned that I wanted to get dressed because I had just taken a shower, and he asks me if I wanted to see something wierd so I was like "Okay?"

So he starts "roleplaying" with me really gayly and Im standing there like "What is this I am 13". If he had any common sense he probably ran away screaming but I don't quite recall what happened after that. I then looked at some pictures on google images and thought they looked really stupid because it was in an art style that was too cutesy for me. But it was later on when I found the comic Vg Cats when I first really learned about furries. :P

Updated by anonymous

I used the interwebs.
The rest is just a sad, and somewhat ugly tale of animal genitalia entering foxes.

Updated by anonymous

I used to play a game called Zombie Survival, a mod of HL2 that uses source engine.

Funny that the first server that i landed was a furry one, everyone there was a furry at first i was mildly confused with the sprays and other stuff that ended up flying around the server but after awhile i started identifying myself with them, and here i am now.

At that time i used to come here to get my sprays, that was around 4 years ago.

Updated by anonymous

I played Star Fox... I got Adventures, and, well...

Updated by anonymous

Just_Another_Dragon said:

At that time i used to come here to get my sprays, that was around 4 years ago.

on the rare occasion I play Gmod, I enjoy harassing people with sprays. My favorite SFW sprays are this

post #225914

and this comic's second panel

post #305760

Updated by anonymous

Probably Looney Toons. But anthropomorphic art is common in fantasy art, cartoons, illustrations, etc and I've always found it fascinating and cool. So when I found out there was adult versions of this kind of thing, I thought that was awesome and kept coming back to see more. I just like the art and all the imaginative possibilities.

Updated by anonymous

I like anthropomorphic animals from cartoons, but I'm going to discount that. I think I found furry sites after randomly encountering furry porn in some hentai gallery. I wanted more. I didn't know where to find it. My hunts eventually bore fruit. Once I knew what furries were, it was a lot easier to find more, and I'm a fan of far more than just the porn.

The picture that started me out as a furry is this one:
post #89992

Updated by anonymous

Pokemon hentai took me to lucario porn, lucario porn took me to krystal porn, krystal porn took me reamon porn, renamon porn took me to e621, e621 took me to furries.

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:

I laughed and cringed, joined the Sonic message board that was mocking Sonic Passion, learned one of the many negative definitions of what a furry was, and ended up being a closet self-loathing furry in denial for years despite there being a few openly furry members on that board who weren't stereotypical.

Still in the closet, but not in denial nor self-loathing anymore. I still hate the worst of the furries of yesteryear just as much as I hate the worst of today's bronies.

The best thing you can do for yourself is recognize that you are an individual, and you're only defined by others who share similar tastes if you allow yourself to be.

I remember the turning point in my, uh, "love and tolerance" for bronies being when one approached me in the library while I was studying. He knew me as somebody who watched MLP at the time, and he wasn't wrong - but his mistake was in interrupting my work by placing a Twilight Sparkle figurine on the desk and awkwardly proclaiming "I have a pony - your argument is invalid."

It was at that point that I thought "Wow. People associate me with this guy." I then took a big step back to see the show for what it really was - a kid's show. Well written, entertaining, but ultimately meant for kids.

I know it completely goes against what I first said, and maybe I'm being too judgmental, but holy shit there's only so much you can love and tolerate, you know? Those people who struggle so much to sound like they have an identity, to the point that it's as if I'm talking to a TV show or book rather than a person, I can't stand.

Anyways, like whatever you like. Ignore whatever I say

Updated by anonymous

Somehow through Google, some years ago, can't remember how exactly. But I know there was this one image I had saved which I later found out here to be one of Dr. Comets creations. I stuck with this image for quite a while, until I got more curious (around October 2013) and googled a bit more, only to find doujins of Mikazuki Karasu on this website, who created the best furry doujins until today imo (the first one I knew was The Traveller) After stumbling here, I actually started to like the concept of the site very fast, some months after I made an account. :P

Updated by anonymous

Somehow stumbling upon Kaa's then-gallery (currently defunct), back when he was still a fairly big and relevant name I believe, and went under Kaa Starhunter instead of Bakensobek. Yeah, it's been a while.

So I actually started out with scalies, and I guess it kinda grew into a thing that's stuck with me ever since. =/

...Come to think of it, that site's content was probably also the first gay porn I saw, perhaps outside of some very rare accidental moments I've completely forgotten about, but it could very well have been. Lol.

Updated by anonymous

A friend of mine and I were mutually trying to squick each other out around freshman year of high school. His trump card was saying that he read furry erotica online. I had no idea what the hell that was, so I went looking. I'm pretty sure the first thing that I found was a review of Tanj's Tales, which I checked out,, that was so much better than the crap I had been reading on literotica. Pretty sure I found the chakat's den soon after that, along with...Light On Shattered Water and some other work by the same author, I think. Those things set the hook. I never went back to normal.

I spent lunch and recess in elementary and middle school reading books, and I spent a year or so of middle school carrying Clancy doorstoppers in my pants pockets (I have no idea how they fit) so I was never without reading material. "back to normal", ha.

Updated by anonymous

I fell into a void from which I never returned

actually I think I found a ytmnd of anthropomorhphic yoshis making out

same thing

Updated by anonymous

I'm not really sure... I wanna say I probably found it on newgrounds like a lot of people, but I remeber going to e-hentai (still do now and then) and that was greaaaaaat.

Updated by anonymous

I don't really remember as it was quite a while ago.

I think I just heard about and googled it. I remember mostly being on those shitty furry sites that any time you clicked on a picture you got sent to a different website.

This might be the picture that turned me furry: post #14188

Updated by anonymous

Oh wow, I never thought to go this far back XD. I started by seeing things in the newgrounds mature site. I remember seeing some furry stuff and it looked nice. And now that's the only stuff I like. I eventually found e621 while browsing pictures on the internet search and it's been my one stop website ever since

Updated by anonymous

This is very sad but true...

A friend dared me to go to rule 34 and search "lloyd" when I was 15. Being the dumbass I was back then, I did. The first furry image that I saw was a lugia.

I'm just going to leave it at that.

Updated by anonymous

this back when it was on newgrounds. those fucking pokemon yo! god dayyyuuum

who is the founder of furry erotica anyhow? Like who(s) really got things going? :3

Updated by anonymous

I was a clopper at first than i found e621 after that i started to like feral pokemon art, than dragons, than anything feral, i don't really like anthro stuff im here just because of the ferals. So yeah i can say i've developed over the years. Now i like dragons the most. Actually i don't like beastality i just like ferals on ferals. " I hate when somenone puts humans in my porn." :D

Updated by anonymous

So one day when I first started to surf through DeviantArt I looked at the categories list and clicked on this term called Anthro.

Updated by anonymous

Well as I recall, it was sssonic2 that drew me into this mess

(of course, i'd been watching Disney stuff beforehand, which made up the groundwork i suppose)

Updated by anonymous

The first pic I came across was accidental, on a google image search for vulpix, i found something by this random and long gone angph artist. As I dove deeper I came across FA I think, and found myself getting really annoyed with the over abundance of heavily humanized/large breasted anthros, and the artists/communities that surrounded them. Then I found Wildcritters and kemono art~

Updated by anonymous

Funnily enough I learned about furries due to everyone bitching about them on the intrenetses. I decided to look it up (which I slightly regret, sorry-not-sorry) and I was intrigued to say the least.

Updated by anonymous


I learnt about Furries when I was searching for Pokèmon porn. Then somehow, since I liked going back to it know, Google's algorithm kicked in and started giving other close related results. rule34 was first and then after being there for a week, e621 popped up.

Then after searching in this site a bit. I started to take more interest in Furries, so I looked it up.

Well...there's...-That's the short version.

Updated by anonymous

Bj007pro said:
rule32 was first and then after being there for a week, e621 popped up.

Do you mean Rule34? 32 is "Pics or it didn't happen."

Updated by anonymous

Ponies originally, in 2012. I knew about furries from Wikipedia and other sites and a friend, but wasn't interested in it. Then someone linked this pic on FIMfiction: post #229868

I had avoided visual porn before, but I followed the link to this site, and I have never found a way out :P Over time, I shifted from plain brony to full-on furry.

Updated by anonymous

See, I'm different than all of yall. You guys discovered furry. You merely adopted the furry.

I was born in it, MOLDED by it. I didn't see a human until I was already a man and by then it was nothing but BLINDING.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
See, I'm different than all of yall. You guys discovered furry. You merely adopted the furry.

I was born in it, MOLDED by it. I didn't see a human until I was already a man and by then it was nothing but BLINDING.

You must find humans very hot, huh? After all, that which is not you is hotter than that which is. (Or at least that's the case for me; how do people follow that Fruedian clonecest stuff?)

Updated by anonymous

could've sworn i've answered such a question here before.

uh...well, theres the obvious bit about video game and cartoon characters but that would be before i had my own computer and internet access on it iirc. um...i'm pretty sure it was porn related though...i wanna say i think i found FA after that and well, kinda hard not to learn of the fandom from there.

well, that's as far back as i remember.

Rustyy said:
See, I'm different than all of yall. You guys discovered furry. You merely adopted the furry.

I was born in it, MOLDED by it. I didn't see a human until I was already a man and by then it was nothing but BLINDING.

SAVAGE! what, were you raised in the woods? (kidding of course)

Updated by anonymous

played darkstalkers, saw felicia, laughed at lamest moves and combos ever, played as her as a joke, decided mostly nude catgirls = attractive, saw a fanart of felicia with pink hair, was confused, typed in google search terms that were similar enough to tags here, found another pink hair felicia on this site, realized that i have been sucked in.

Updated by anonymous

The first epiphany was when I learned of the existence of porn. I went straight to Digimon porn for whatever reason and thought Renamon was especially hot.

I had a second epiphany a bit later when I went beyond Digimon and Pokemon and discovered that there was furry porn beyond syndicated characters. Haven't looked back since.

e: I think it was actually the image from this post that made me realize there was an entire fandom beyond the 'mons. I know now that it's Krystal from Star Fox, but back then I had no idea and thought it was an OC, which led me down this road.

Updated by anonymous

i was terrible at drawing human faces and i was terrible at drawing animal bodies but i was p good at drawing animal heads and human bodies so i combined them and started drawing anthros.

a furry guy on some shitty humor site noticed what i was doing and introduced me to term "furry". he also introduced me to e621 around 2010 and it has been downfall ever since.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
i was terrible at drawing human faces and i was terrible at drawing animal bodies but i was p good at drawing animal heads and human bodies so i combined them and started drawing anthros.

You would have been a famous artist in ancient Egypt.

Updated by anonymous

I've liked anthro stuff since I was like, five, long before I found out about porn at all. Though I never found the actual fandom until I was fifteen or so. That's when I found anthro porn, and I suddenly felt like I wasn't the only one.

Updated by anonymous

About 2 years ago i was searching youtube and i found a goo dragon tf and i was hooked and eventualy found this magical place

Updated by anonymous

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