Topic: Tag Alias: English_Dialogue -> English_Text (and others)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I noticed that there's an english_dialogue tag, but instead of just editing it myself I figured it may be better to simply have it aliased to English_Text since it's a perfectly acceptable way of saying the same thing but against the standards already set at e621.

I checked the Aliases and Implications and there don't seem to be any relevant ones in place.*english*&type=&order=date&commit=Search

Other variations currently in use are


Dunno if it's used as such, but technically a flash with spoken english could have an english_dialog tag without the text tag.

Also, you can easily have text without dialog.

Updated by anonymous

Azazial said:
While I'm at it, should broken_english and bad_english be removed and/or aliased away into nothingness? Judgements on quality and all that.

There's a difference between 'judgements on quality' and something that is completely unreadable. "Please do not grow a hand in the fence" = broken English. It isn't subjective whatsoever.

Updated by anonymous

Indeed, bad english is a breaking of a certain set of rules that make up the english language.
Therefor, it's not a judgement, it's a fact.

Updated by anonymous

At the very least, english_dialogue should imply dialogue before it gets aliased away.

Azazial said:
While I'm at it, should broken_english and bad_english be removed and/or aliased away into nothingness? Judgements on quality and all that.

I think the first describes Engrish (English as written by non-native speakers who are not sufficiently familiar with the language) and the second typo-ridden or grammar-mangled English (English as written by anyone who badly needed a proofreader first). Neither are subjective as they have certain objective characteristics that define them.

Updated by anonymous

It would be fairly reasonable to merge them into bad_english since broken english is bad english, or at least imply bad english from broken english if it isn't already.

Updated by anonymous

I went ahead and merged Broken_English into Bad_English

Aliasing Broken_English -> Bad_English seems like the next step.

Clawstripe said:
At the very least, english_dialogue should imply dialogue before it gets aliased away.

They are all currently tagged with dialogue as well.

None of the images tagged as English_Dialogue contain audio so there's no dialogue in that sense. Sound + dialogue seems to be the preferred way of tagging audio content at the moment with no language-specific tags for audio.

Updated by anonymous

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