Topic: pop-tart(s) cleanup

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

There's a mess of pop-tart tags...

Let's start with the raw list (of the main tags):

5 pop-tart general
1 pop-tarts copyright
1 pop_tart_cat general
1 pop_tarts general {single-upload deleted}
82 poptart copyright
2 poptart_cat general

Firstly, we have two copyright tags
1 pop-tarts copyright
82 poptart copyright

Should we have a Pop-Tart(s) copyright tag?
If yes, then I suggest that since name on box of the products is Pop-Tarts, ( )
that the copyright tag be pop-tarts.

Or should all images of Pop-Tart(s) be tagged with general tag of pop-tart {for ONE or more tart(s)}.

And there are two pop-tart CAT tags:
1 pop_tart_cat general
2 poptart_cat general

All three cat images are also tagged with nyan_cat. Change all three so tag is pop-tart_cat, then alias pop-tart_cat to Nyan_cat ?

OTHER tags:
5 poppytart artist
1 poptart-stud-muffin artist
9 poptart117 artist
11 poptart36 artist

13 poptart_(character) character
2 poptart_(killinov) character
1 poptart_nurse character
5 poptart_the_tiger character

1 poptartart artist

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