Topic: Tag Implication: dirty_talk -> dialogue

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

well, characters can talk dirty over we text_messages and snapchat captions the like, and I think that might fall under the definition of dirty_talk, but currently we don't count those things as dialogue.

darryus said:
well, characters can talk dirty over we text_messages and snapchat captions the like, and I think that might fall under the definition of dirty_talk, but currently we don't count those things as dialogue.

My bigger issue with this is that by the current wiki definition, spoken words do not count as dialogue.
And there are some videos tagged dirty talk where said dirty talk is entirely spoken.

Although, that may be a failure of the dialogue definition, I'm not sure.
But you are absolutely right too.

bitwolfy said:
My bigger issue with this is that by the current wiki definition, spoken words do not count as dialogue.
And there are some videos tagged dirty talk where said dirty talk is entirely spoken.

Although, that may be a failure of the dialogue definition, I'm not sure.
But you are absolutely right too.

By spoken words you mean voice_acted?

I would vote towards voice acting counting towards dialogue.

darryus said:
well, characters can talk dirty over we text_messages and snapchat captions the like, and I think that might fall under the definition of dirty_talk, but currently we don't count those things as dialogue.

What about creating another tag called dirty_dialogue to rule these kind of scenarios out?

bitwolfy said:
My bigger issue with this is that by the current wiki definition, spoken words do not count as dialogue.

yeah, I feel like the wiki for dialogue having voice_acted as a "not to be confused with" rather than a "see also" is a mistake.
wait, pictographics, shouldn't be there either! both of these can be considered forms of dialogue. if they aren't able to be considered for dialogue than that would would imply text, which it dosn't.


thinking about it again, talking dirty over text might just be sexting... maybe? I'm not sure if it covers _all_ the scenarios, though.

like-- there could be dirty_talk from someone in a character's stream_chat, I'm not sure I'd call that sexting; sexting is more intimate... but actually, I think I'd say the same thing about dirty talk as well. would the chatter's message be considered dirty_talk or just being a creep? can we even really make these judgents for tagging?