Topic: [Feature] Personalized Feed

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
A personalized feed to check in on. For example, say I want to follow a certain artist. Add that to the list, like how the blacklist works. And then say I want to see pics that have female dragons in them, add that to the list as well, just like the blacklist. All of the pics will show up in your feed, like a search, but without having to look at all those individual searches.

Why would it be useful?
Big quality of life improvement for people that visit e621 regularly, but don't want to have their favorite searches bookmarked. Would encourage daily check-ins as well.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
I suppose tags might be affected, though not really. This would be a new feature, and wouldn't have much affect on anything but the user experience. I imagine it'd be a new button up at the top near "Posts" and "Comments," maybe in between the two or something similar.

Updated by darryus

You can subscribe to an RSS feed of any search.

Also the ESixExtend script allows you to subscribe to pools.

Updated by anonymous

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