Topic: Tag Implication: jack-o'-lantern -> pumpkin

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

-1. Jack-o-lanterns, while mostly pumpkins in our common day, actually originated with carving things like turnips, originating from Ireland I believe. And even now on occasion modern ones can be made with gourds rather than strictly pumpkins. (the pokémon Gourgeist, for example, is based upon gourd jack-o-lanterns). It isn't pumpkin exclusive.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

DiceLovesBeingBlown said:
-1. Jack-o-lanterns, while mostly pumpkins in our common day, actually originated with carving things like turnips, originating from Ireland I believe. And even now on occasion modern ones can be made with gourds rather than strictly pumpkins. (the pokémon Gourgeist, for example, is based upon gourd jack-o-lanterns). It isn't pumpkin exclusive.

I love getting ready to make an informative post only to realize someone's already done it :D YAY Jack-o-knowledge

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
I love getting ready to make an informative post only to realize someone's already done it :D YAY Jack-o-knowledge

Ehehe looks like I beat you to it this time ;P Jack-o-lantern history is indeed fascinating!

But yeah, OP, they're not pumpkin exclusive, even if they're most commonly pumpkins in modern day.

Updated by anonymous

Haha, I guess I shouldn't have deleted that smart-alec 'are we waiting for someone to upload a turnip or something?' remark, after all. ;p

Seriously though, the site wiki does define it as exclusive to pumpkins. If we're going to be technically accurate and leave things open to other jack'd vegetables, that should probably get edited to reflect that they're not the only option.

Is there any way to add a tag to more than one post at a time? When I searched with -pumpkin, I didn't see any jack-o-lanterns of other varieties, but tagging them individually by hand just feels like a tedious prospect.

Updated by anonymous

Cryptic_Cryptid said:

Haha, I guess I shouldn't have deleted that smart-alec 'are we waiting for someone to upload a turnip or something?' remark, after all. ;p

Seriously though, the site wiki does define it as exclusive to pumpkins. If we're going to be technically accurate and leave things open to other jack'd vegetables, that should probably get edited to reflect that they're not the only option.

Well I mean one example I can, and have seen happening at least on some occasion is a jack-o-lantern meant to resemble gourgeist's body, which would be gourd based aka not pumpkin. (I mean in itself gourgeist is based on the gourd lantern, but I've seen artistic interpretations of gourd lanterns based on gourgeist itself)

But yeah, the wiki should be edited to note that, while most commonly pumpkins, they aren't always pumpkins.

Cryptic_Cryptid said:

Is there any way to add a tag to more than one post at a time? When I searched with -pumpkin, I didn't see any jack-o-lanterns of other varieties, but tagging them individually by hand just feels like a tedious prospect.

If you have a privileged or higher account, you can utilize tag scripts to mass tag. If you want to, you could probably request someone privileged or higher to do this for you.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Cryptic_Cryptid said:
Seriously though, the site wiki does define it as exclusive to pumpkins. If we're going to be technically accurate and leave things open to other jack'd vegetables, that should probably get edited to reflect that they're not the only option.

The wiki can be edited by anyone. Believe me, I've fixed up some awful looking wiki...

Is there any way to add a tag to more than one post at a time? When I searched with -pumpkin, I didn't see any jack-o-lanterns of other varieties, but tagging them individually by hand just feels like a tedious prospect.

Fixed it.

I did add it to post of the pictures, but post #552456 just didn't seem pumpkiny to me.

On the other hand... if 99.9% of posts are pumpkins.... maybe that remaining .1% is worth the mistag? I dunno.

I feel rather pumpkin ike myself tooday

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
The wiki can be edited by anyone. Believe me, I've fixed up some awful looking wiki...

Fixed it.

I did add it to post of the pictures, but post #552456 just didn't seem pumpkiny to me.

On the other hand... if 99.9% of posts are pumpkins.... maybe that remaining .1% is worth the mistag? I dunno.

I feel rather pumpkin ike myself tooday

Gourgeist is supposed to look like a generic Gourd more than a pumpkin specifically.

Updated by anonymous

I just want to know if we can simplify the tag, why can't it just be jack_o_lantern? I can't tell you how many times I've miss spelled jack-o'-lantern or looked up a picture with a pumpkin just to copy the tag for transfer. I bet a lot of other people have ran into the same problem and just kiboshed the tag from their posts. Probably a whole trove of posts with the possibility for the tag that just don't have it because it is a pane to get the tag

Updated by anonymous

Versperus said:
I just want to know if we can simplify the tag, why can't it just be jack_o_lantern? I can't tell you how many times I've miss spelled jack-o'-lantern or looked up a picture with a pumpkin just to copy the tag for transfer. I bet a lot of other people have ran into the same problem and just kiboshed the tag from their posts. Probably a whole trove of posts with the possibility for the tag that just don't have it because it is a pane to get the tag

An alias would be best in this case, aliasing the various different spellings (such as lacking the apostrophe and/or hyphens) to the proper spelling, a la pokemon to pokémon and the like


, jack-o-lantern, jack_o'_lantern, etc would alias to the proper spelled, singular tag.

Updated by anonymous

DiceLovesBeingBlown said:
An alias would be best in this case, aliasing the various different spellings (such as lacking the apostrophe and/or hyphens) to the proper spelling, a la pokemon to pokémon and the like


, jack-o-lantern, jack_o'_lantern, etc would alias to the proper spelled, singular tag.

I'm honestly open to just about any alternative. It might be the most complicated tag to write out in its current form

Updated by anonymous

DiceLovesBeingBlown said:
An alias would be best in this case, aliasing the various different spellings (such as lacking the apostrophe and/or hyphens) to the proper spelling, a la pokemon to pokémon and the like


, jack-o-lantern, jack_o'_lantern, etc would alias to the proper spelled, singular tag.

Absolutely +1000 to this part. That tag is far more complicated to guess the spelling of then it really needs to be. It would save a lot of stress to have those spelling aliases in place.

Updated by anonymous