What is the best format for disambiguation pages, particularly those with multiple characters? I think having a name and brief description of their physical traits (gender, species) as well as possible owner is a good start for characters.
An example from my Tess disambiguation page:
- tess_(jak_and_daxter): From the Jak and Daxter games. May either be a humanoid or an ottsel. Love interest of Daxter in Jak 2 and later.
- tess_vesely: Female dragon created by draekos for his Hotsprings comic.
- tess_(bcb): Tess from Bittersweet Candy Bowl.
- tess_churchmouse: a female mouse from Redwall.
- tess_(frisky_ferals): a blue jay female griffon in the Frisky Ferals universe.
Would this be a good start?
Updated by ListerTheSquirrel