Topic: Tag Alias: painting -> painting_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


Former Staff

Aliasing painting → painting_(disambiguation)
Link to alias


so i was thinking that "painting" can mean different things, so one should be more precised when tagging;


1) "painting" added when the post is literally a painting, but there are more precise tags to be used like:

Watercolor painting should be tagged with watercolor_(artwork)
Oil/Acrylic paintings should be tagged with painting_(artwork)
Digital paintings are digital_painting_(artwork)

Given the fact that it is hard to tell if an image within an image is a painting or a photograph, it's better to assume that all things are paintings. However, if reasonable suspicion is given to the contrary, the photo tag may be used, though it is primarily used, but not exclusively, images containing, or framed to look like photographs.

2) "painting" added when there's a picture hanging on a wall (for example), and someone could also use "picture_frame" when present

3) "painting" added when a character is painting themselves or another character with a paintbrush, some should use "bodypaint" or more specific tags like (painted_balls, painted_belly etc.)

EDIT: The tag alias painting -> painting_(disambiguation) (forum #272026) has been rejected by @NotMeNotYou.

Updated by auto moderator

So what should be done for instances such as the below where a character is in the process of painting an image with a paintbrush or their hands?
post #765046 post #1088000 post #59997 post #203900
Just tagging paintbrush would be insufficient as painting doesn't always involve a paintbrush and it doesn't distinguish between the act and an unused object.
creating_art by itself is rather unspecific, maybe something like painting_(act) would work better. I'm not sure if there's a standard for distinguishing the action from the non-action versions of a tag.

Updated by anonymous

Bump, this is still an open alias that needs to be resolved, and makes a good point, there are countless posts that do not contain "a painting" or a character performing the act of painting but are tagged as "painting" to describe the style of rendering.

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