Topic: [Lazy Tag Project + Discussion] Sex Positions

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I'm not a super active user, but I'd like to see more posts tagged with sex positions (especially the rarer kinds) and I'm always open to more procrastination outlets so I might as well give this a shot. I couldn't find discussion on most of this.

There's a lot of grey area between some positions, so I'll be posting my thoughts and questions on a number of these intersections that I feel could be clarified or improved.
I'm going to be wrong sometimes.

*_position inconsistency

Wiki list of *_position tags

This purports to be a comprehensive list of positions, unified under the *_position suffix. However a number of the tags relegated to "Related tags" (due to not having the _position suffix?) are used similarly to the *_position tags yet don't share the categorisation.
I'd like to raise the question of whether either of the following should be amalgamated into the *_position suffixed category, for search consistency.


Doggystyle wiki:
Any sex position in which a person crouches on all fours and is stimulated sexually. This usually involves vaginal or anal penetration, but it can also include non-penetrative sex.

This is laid out as a specific kind of position, and true to this it's rare to find doggystyle-tagged posts outside of this description which aren't instead better suited to existing recognised tags such as mounting, bodyguard_position, or the occasional speed_bump_position instead.


Mounting wiki:
Mounting is similar to doggystyle in that one character is down on all fours and being taken from behind. However, the character performing the penetration lays their body trunk on their partners back-or, if there is a significant size difference, parallel to the ground-rather than holding their body erect. The penetrator may also be on all fours; or holding onto the receiver.

Even more clear-cut than doggystyle. Of most note is the staff-written affirmation that this should be considered a distinct position.

Misc. Anomalies

Kneeling Carry

post #1535615
This would be stand_and_carry_position, if it were standing.
It shouldn't go in stand_and_carry_position because that implies standing.
post #1849769
This was already in stand_and_carry_position. Note you cannot search stand_and_carry_position -standing to isolate these, as it implies standing. (I ended up putting it in lotus_position for now due to some similar kneeling positions.)
I'd like to propose either kneel_and_carry or kneeling_carry, but both would continue to exclude squatting poses. Another potential solution would be an umbrella carry_position tag similar to from_behind_position, and then clean the kneeling/squatting poses into their own *_and_carry branches.

Lotus and Mastery

lotus_position wiki:
Position where one partner (commonly male) in a seated position crosses his legs in front of them. Their partner then sits in their lap facing them, with either or both of their arms and legs around the other person.

This position can done where the first partner doesn't need to cross their legs, but that technically breaks the lotus position.

mastery_position wiki:
A face-to-face sexual position where the penetrated partner is seated on top of the penetrating partner, who is in turn seated or lightly reclining, such as on the edge of a bed, in a chair, or atop a stool. The penetrated partner usually has their legs wrapped around the person beneath. Unlike the cowgirl position, the penetrating partner is not lying down.

Often sitting_on_lap, but not always

As far as I can tell, there's a lot of cross-contamination between these two. I've done a small amount of retagging, mostly based on body/leg positions and whether it looks like the penetrated partner's legs are what is supporting the act.
It would be worth having someone proof my edits there, though.

Table_Lotus and Leg_Glider

Aside from table_lotus starting its life as a placeholder tag, there's more cross-contamination between these two.
These are currently tagged as table_lotus_position
post #1738500 post #1747627 post #1769591

and these are tagged as leg_glider_position
post #312681 post #1836419 post #1507357

Though both tags feature a variety of actual positions for their own reasons.


hinges on the penetrated partner's leg being held in a raised position.


however seems to have come about due to a lack of tags otherwise for when the penetrator is upright, with the penetrated partner is lying face-up horizontally, so it ended up being every one of these positions.

The Other Missing Position Tag

I'm just gonna say it. There's no specific tag for a sex position where both characters are standing, but the penetrated partner is bent over.
doggystyle excludes standing (for the penetrated partner).
bodyguard_position excludes bent_over.
prison_guard_position requires arm restraint.

Yes, you can find these posts with standing bent_over, but that's a lazy workaround that's going to get you a lot of white noise, and this is something that should have a position tag.


suspension looks like the Pandora's Box of untaggable positions.

This would be table_lotus_position... if it weren't suspended
post #1659493
I decided to slap missionary_position on this one for now, as even with the kneeling it's still a missionary-esque relative position. (though it would also fit with the usage of table lotus)
post #1820454
We can go home now, lads. It's an inverted doggystyle two-person reverse spitroast
post #1802371
Is it stand-and-carry if you're not carrying them?
post #1637375

I think I need to go sleep.
I'll probably bump this another day with some more garbage, like piledriver_position vs reverse_wheelbarrow_position

Updated by Volteer133

Deck_Chair_Position and Footjob

post #1781142
This posing applies for deck_chair_position, but there's distance between the bodies.

Granted, deck_chair_position is horrendously undertagged to begin with. I've been retagging it from select cowgirl_position, mastery_position, and lotus_position posts already, based on a combination of body angles and where the on_top partner is distributing their weight.

My main question here is whether the footjob variant should be amalgamated or given its own non-*_position tag. (deck_chair_footjob?)
Of course if it were amalgamated you could likely isolate most posts with deck_chair_position footjob

Ambiguous/Cropped Sex

post #1817336
This post is currently positionless and rated Questionable.
I want to slap a position tag on it as there's some pretty heavily implied contact going on. In fact it's a crop of the high-res version of
post #1843016 , which I gave mounting.

Giving the former post mounting would imply from_behind_position which implies sex, removing eligibility for the Questionable rating. Is that the way to go here?

post #1861195
I bumped this one up to Questionable. The only thing stopping it from being cowgirl_position is you can't prove what's going on down there.

Side-By-Side On-Back Three+somes

While not the absolute most common threesome tag, (It's actually pretty hard to isolate.) it is distinct in appearance while not having a currently obvious tag.
post #429336 post #1746771 post #1486842 post #1864063

Ambiguous_Position tag?

Sometimes it's just hard to tell what the other partner's pose is when a character is getting faceless_maled in a void.
post #1862791
The hint of what could be legs out to the side make me want to go with deck_chair_position, but it could easily just be shadow.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Too much to reply to in one go, but here's some comments.

MagnusEffect said:

Kneeling Carry

post #1535615
This would be stand_and_carry_position, if it were standing.
It shouldn't go in stand_and_carry_position because that implies standing.
post #1849769
This was already in stand_and_carry_position. Note you cannot search stand_and_carry_position -standing to isolate these, as it implies standing.

Yep, kneeling positions need tags and cleaning.
Not quite sure about the first example, because bodies don't generally bend that much in real life and it might not have a common name. The second one is not common either (it's a real knee-killer, from what I've read), but I remember it being called the Saint position. A lot of those are currently in mastery_position kneeling, which doesn't seem like the right place for them.

Many kneeling positions have common names. Such as Teaspoons Position (or Teaspoon Position) for when both partners are kneeling and facing the same direction. Example: post #1771168.

Could start tagging some of those, I suppose.

Here's an another one that lacks tags:
post #1845114 post #1833667
That's known as the stand and blow position. One partner standing, the other kneeling while giving oral. (The cunnilingus variant is drive thru position, but I'm not sure if we need to differentiate those here.)

Table_Lotus and Leg_Glider

Aside from table_lotus starting its life as a placeholder tag, there's more cross-contamination between these two.

Yep. Leg glider is overused compared to the real life position. It's called leg glider because the penetrating partner is straddling a leg while holding an another, as in post #1665955. Whereas sideways positions like these are entirely different, and should probably be moved elsewhere:
post #1812635 post #1755894

The Other Missing Position Tag

I'm just gonna say it. There's no specific tag for a sex position where both characters are standing, but the penetrated partner is bent over.
doggystyle excludes standing (for the penetrated partner).
bodyguard_position excludes bent_over.
prison_guard_position requires arm restraint.

Yes, you can find these posts with standing bent_over, but that's a lazy workaround that's going to get you a lot of white noise, and this is something that should have a position tag.

That position is sometimes called the Standing Doggy in real life, could just start tagging it as standing_doggy_position...?

I'm not familiar with suspension, so no comment about those.

I'll probably bump this another day with some more garbage, like piledriver_position vs reverse_wheelbarrow_position

Piledriver position tends to be overtagged. These are proper piledriver:
post #1581215 post #1853946
...whereas these aren't:
post #1864382 post #1862518 post #1425398

I blame the wiki thumbnails for the confusion. The first ones in particular were completely inaccurate, and the current thumbs don't really make it clear either.

Updated by anonymous

A response!

Standing Doggy Response

Genjar said:
That position is sometimes called the Standing Doggy in real life, could just start tagging it as standing_doggy_position...?

That's a potential tag, though it brings into question what happens when the receiving character is not standing, but still in that position.
post #1386227 post #1750331
I was thinking something like plateau_position, as a reference to both the elevation and horizontal layout, though there are a lot of instances where there's some upward angling (but not enough to count as bodyguard_position)
post #1768445 (this character's weight is being directed downward instead of forward, and his lower body is perpendicular to the penetrating partner)
I'd personally draw the line there on a combination of weight distribution (downward vs forward/unsupported), relative lower-body positions (perpendicular vs parallel), and overall body angle (horizontal vs vertical).
For example:
This would be bodyguard_position post #1364304 (penetrated partner is primarily upright)
This would be new tag placeholder post #1735507 post #1292243 post #1855537 (penetrating partner is primarily upright)
this is just mounting post #1292379 post #1373080 post #1717033 (penetrating partner is primarily horizontal)
bodyguard_position post #1290468 post #1361600 (more-horizontal lower body but vertical upper body with weight distributed forward)
mounting post #1599595 post #1666785 (penetrating partner's upper body at ~45° angle)

All or nothing for wheelbarrow_position? post #1286272
All or nothing for traditional kneeling/crouching doggystyle? post #1364696 post #1598399
slightly crouching digitigrade legs? post #1633075
What would we call this then? post #1858874

Leg Glider Response

Genjar said:
sideways positions like these are entirely different, and should probably be moved elsewhere:
post #1812635 post #1755894

Could those two have some sort of compromise with spoon_position?
Or would something like sideways_mounting work for the less-spoony one?

Kneeling Response

I'd support teaspoon_position and stand_and_blow_position, though for the latter it feels like there should be a name for when the recieving partner is instead seated.

a lot of mastery_position kneeling needs some discussion on whether kneeling is allowed for lotus_position
post #1791860 post #1768973 post #1590195 post #1510136
These all fall outside my understanding of what mastery_position is.

The primary split between mastery_position and lotus_position seems to be post age. I recall thinking there were few lotus tags from after mastery took off (2014-2015 from what I can tell.) while a number of earlier posts featured lotus where it probably should be mastery. Past tenses because I got a little sidetracked tweaking some of them the other day, and granted there were few lotus_position posts in general.

Updated by anonymous

Piledriver Response

(I hit the thumbnail limit oops)
post #1862518
Hmm. I actually tagged this as piledriver_position myself due to the general angles, as I didn't feel anvil_position was a fit. Worth discussing?

post #1425398
reverse_wheelbarrow_position, or anvil_position? ankle-holds and angle suit reverse wheelbarrow, but the general leg position suits anvil.

post #1581215
I hadn't gotten to it but this position is what's creeping into reverse_wheelbarrow_position due to the ankle-holds.
Of the 22 21 I looked closer and one is actually a rare wheelbarrowed amazon_position variant unique posts which aren't blatantly positions other than these two, 16 have the penetrated partner resting on their shoulders, and of those, 5 look like they might feature more downward angle or momentum than forward. (4 out of 6 if you're looking at the recent posts section of the wiki)
Might be able to get by with just cleaning it up and monitoring the tag, but I was going to ask others' input.
There's also a few Argon_Vile posts where whether the penetrated partner is even elevated is questionable.
I assume post #1825939 made it in due to this older post post #1044691

Chair Position and Bent Spoon Position

How far does a technically-seated character have to slouch to turn chair_position into bent_spoon_position?

post #1692004 post #1853069 post #1583172 post #1550382
Penetrating partner appears to be sitting at the front edge of the seat, and both partners are noticeably reclined.

post #1537441
Does it turn back to reverse_cowgirl_position when the penetrating partner is in that position but the penetrated partner is still upright?

post #1691132
Do sloped backrests factor into the classification?

Updated by anonymous

Further Thought on Standing Doggystyle

Did some more thinking, I think we've got two tags worth of position here.


: When the penetrated partner is standing+bent_over, either unsupported or using their upper body to remain elevated.

post #1215081 post #1853864 post #1850966 post #1846852 post #1768445 post #1565721 post #1712156 post #1830793 post #1683601
post #1770114 post #1659689 post #1554422 post #1439726

And platform_doggystyle_position: When the penetrated partner is lying face-down on an elevated surface.
post #1853578 post #1833675 post #1799342 post #1764436 post #1726455 post #1665022

Possible room for suspended_doggystyle_position for doggy-esque suspended positions
post #1764024 post #1780643

To be considered: suspended_* for relevant positions and platform_* for cleaning up table_lotus_position

post #1799250
speed_bump_position for when this is on a platform
post #1380613 post #1295084 post #1292379
mounting for when there's significant body separation or the penetrated partner fulfills the requirements for standing_doggystyle_position.

Updated by anonymous

While we're on the subject, does anyone have any thoughts on this particular position ?

post #1836210 post #1744890 post #964396

As far as I can tell, it's aliased to doggystyle and doesn't have a name of its own, but I wish there was a way to distinguish it from it because I find there's quite a significant difference.

Regular doggystyle typically has both partners on their knees, while this variation has the penetrating partner on their feet, with their legs around or in front of those of the receiving partner, who is on all fours. (BTW, I think this position is only relevant for humanoid-ish characters)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Sharpfuzz said:
While we're on the subject, does anyone have any thoughts on this particular position ?

post #1836210 post #1744890 post #964396

That's commonly known as the Bulldog position, though if the penetrating partner is upright instead of bent forward (while still squatting), it becomes Cowboy instead. Looks like some sites call the latter 'Squatting Doggy', which seems more descriptive to me.

Neither have a tag yet.

Updated by anonymous

Bulldog/Squatting Doggystyle Position? Non-Prone Jockey Position?

Sharpfuzz said:
While we're on the subject, does anyone have any thoughts on this particular position ?

post #1744890
I'd borderline this as jockey_position due to the penetrated partner lying prone.

post #964396
Falls under current definitions of mounting

post #1836210
In a vacuum without an existing tag I'd have to decide between doggystyle or mounting for this one.
The biggest thing this question is missing are more upright-body examples.
post #1864929 post #1825492 post #1826912 post #1820216 post #1764981

My next questions are where do we classify the transition between this and doggystyle? The one thing I can see all of these poses having in common is that the penetrating partner is in some way straddling the penetrated partner's body.
The simplest solution I see from there is removing the prone requirement from jockey_position, opening it up for all of these posts.

Using that as a new launching point:
Does it turn into speed_bump_position when the penetrated partner is prone and the penetrating partner is either lying on them or parallel?
post #1854610 post #1802474

Does it supercede mounting? speed_bump_position vs jockey_position and doggystyle vs mounting hold their distinction in the penetrating partner's body angle, but this is more about the leg posing.
post #1829588 post #1756346

Are feral characters exempt?
post #1825832

How far over the penetrated partner does the penetrating partner have to be?
post #1749809 post #1751903 post #1816060 Tails is in the same pose as a lot of these, but his entire lower body is behind both Rouge's knees and hips.
If any of those count, then does this? Is it more about the leg spread than position and is the knee far enough forward?
post #1743851 post #1734431
Is this really pushing it?
post #1737574

If we define this position as

  • Penetrated partner horizontal
  • Penetrating partner's legs either
    • In front of Penetrated partner's legs
    • Braced significantly outside penetrated partner's legs

that should pull all of the above into the tag, but will also pull posts out of speed_bump_position, doggystyle, and mounting.

What happens when only one leg is straddling? (Do we all-or-nothing this new tag, or implement a half_* tag?)
post #1814313 post #1802151
When that leg is more in-line with perching_position than this?
post #1778528
When that leg is otherwise supported?
post #1779083 post #1768445
post #1757046

Edits have been made to this post

Updated by anonymous

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