Topic: Tag Implication: unzipped -> unzipping

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating unzipped → unzipping
Link to implication


If a character is is the process of unzipping something, than by definition a portion of it has been unzipped. This alias would streamline searching for images in which characters have unzipped or partially unzipped clothing, as many images are tagged with “unzipping” but not “unzipped”.

EDIT: The tag implication unzipped -> unzipping (forum #269013) has been rejected by @NotMeNotYou.

Updated by auto moderator

this implication would just complicate things because unzipped means that the clothing is fully (or at least partially) unzipped. if unzipped implied unzipping then images with unzipped clothing would be tagged with unzipping, even if no one in the image is touching a zipper.

Updated by anonymous

BlackLicorice said:
this implication would just complicate things because unzipped means that the clothing is fully (or at least partially) unzipped. if unzipped implied unzipping then images with unzipped clothing would be tagged with unzipping, even if no one in the image is touching a zipper.

Meant it to go the other way, the layout/wording for implications is confusing.

Updated by anonymous

AnythingButFoxes said:
Meant it to go the other way, the layout/wording for implications is confusing.

it still wouldnt be good implication. for example if the character has just begun unzipping, its not unzipped yet. also its possible to signify that character is for example unzipping their pants through hand position and sound effect, but have the zipper covered with their hand. that wouldnt count as unzipped either.

Updated by anonymous