Topic: Robot or Machine

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Given the new project of the x_penetrating and Y_penetrated being implemented slowly, I'd like to put out a call for which tag would be more appropriate as the x/y, machine or robot.

There's no consensus when I look at existing tags, and both have problems.


Pros: robot is implicated to machine, so any tags with it would already have to implicate the other.
Cons: There might be confusion for fucking machines, which typically aren't a sentient or sentient-resembling creature like a robot or android.


Pros: Much more specific, since a robot/android is typically the mechanical thing that one might most-commonly associate with technophilic penetration/penetrated
Cons: Could imply an exclusion of other fringe things like... A dildo strapped to a roomba or something.

Updated by TheHuskyK9

Perhaps those should be species tags, e.g. species:robot, implying species:cybernetic.
I wonder if cyborg might be there too. This would segregate them from machine tag. Also, pixiv already had much better disambiguate tag for f*cking machines: intercourse_with_machine.

Updated by anonymous

Swiftkill said:
Perhaps those should be species tags, e.g. species:robot, implying species:cybernetic.
I wonder if cyborg might be there too. This would segregate them from machine tag. Also, pixiv already had much better disambiguate tag for f*cking machines: intercourse_with_machine.

they already are species tags and that's a different thread for discussion.
I'm specifically trying to pick the best course of tags to go in the same category as

feral_penetrating - feral_penetrated
anthro_penetrating - anthro_penetrated
taur_penetrating - taur_penetrated
humanoid_penetrating - humanoid_penetrated

and so on, but I'm wondering which should be the primary tag to start working on.

Updated by anonymous