Aliasing mounting -> from_behind.
Reason: Seems same to me. There are a couple of exceptions, but those could be easily retagged under other existing tags.
Updated by Conker
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Aliasing mounting -> from_behind.
Reason: Seems same to me. There are a couple of exceptions, but those could be easily retagged under other existing tags.
Updated by Conker
There's also mounted
Updated by anonymous
Genjar said:
Aliasing mounting -> from_behind.Reason: Seems same to me. There are a couple of exceptions, but those could be easily retagged under other existing tags.
I disagree. From_behind is a sex position, mounting doesn't have to be for sex and even if you retag all the exceptions people may still add the tag to uploads only to have it alias to the sex position.
Updated by anonymous
Enkidu6 said:
I disagree. From_behind is a sex position, mounting doesn't have to be for sex and even if you retag all the exceptions people may still add the tag to uploads only to have it alias to the sex position.
Fair enough.
But under the current rules, any sexual activity (including penetration) is considered sex.
Unless I've overlooked something, vast majority of the images tagged as mounting are completely indistinguishable from from_behind. So they should be under that tag, either by alias or by retagging.
That doesn't leave much under mounting. These are the only ones that I spotted: #271685 #269805 (tagged as foreplay) #79392 (ambiguous)
Updated by anonymous
Lets see....for images mounting a gun on a wall, or showing a mounted rifle on the wall.....that doesnt sound sexual to me
Updated by anonymous