Topic: Tag Alias: style_emulation -> style_parody

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing style_emulation → style_parody
Link to alias


Originally supposed to be a suggestion for aliasing on_model -> style_parody, but was unable to create the thread due to another pending on_model suggestion I couldn't find.

Initially brought up on the ”Do we have a tag for that" thread.

Both tags seem to have significant overlap with the other, with the main distinguishing characteristic between them being on_model exclusive to 'depictions of copyrighted characters'. However, the wikis for both of them seem awfully congruent.

Wiki for 'on_model'

Depictions of copyrighted characters which are, regardless of subject matter, stylistically nigh indistinguishable from the original source material.

Not to be confused with

  • style_parody, in which a style from an outside source is being mimicked.

See also

Wiki for 'style_parody'

A style of parody in which the art style of another series or artist is applied to another work of art. It doesn't require any reference to the show the art is from.

Not to be confused with official_art.

Additionally, style_emulation could be aliased to style_parody as well (though currently only tagged on 1 deleted post), and scene_interpretation could be aliased to scene_parody for being synonymous as far as I can determine.

Tag Alias:

EDIT: The tag alias style_emulation -> style_parody (forum #277250) has been rejected by @NotMeNotYou.

Updated by auto moderator

I disagree about aliasing on model to style parody. While similar, on model is specifically about styles that emulate the source material incredibly well, often to the point of looking exactly like the source material would. Style parody, on the other hand, is an outside style applied to something.

When searching and blacklisting, there's going to be a difference between, say, on model family guy content and family guy drawn in a Disney style.

So, -1 on that specifically.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, that sounds like they're different enough to keep separate. Though both tags do still have considerable overlap. Should style_parody and on_model be implicated to an overarching metatag? Perhaps even to the unused style_emulation tag? Something for 'the emulation of another's artistic style'.

Also, should any of these tags be implicated to parody? I mean, I know style_parody and scene_parody have it in their name, but I'm still uncertain if the subjects of those tags would count as 'parodies' themselves.

As a side note, the name of the tag on_model throws me off to its precise/proper usage because of it's wording. Having it changed to official_like_style would be a bit helpful, if not more cumbersome to type out. However, that's just a small gripe I have over a tag that I don't even use, so it isn't a big issue at all for me.

Updated by anonymous

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