Topic: Suggestion for the DNP list

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

This topic has been locked.

Hello my fellow furry porn enthusiasts. Today i am creating this thread in the hope for change. We all love porn here. But some of the best artists out there have started to ask rather silly demands, such as having their work taken off e621.

Along the line of this website's history, there was a thing created, called the DNP List. Some artists have started putting a ransom on their work and it makes it harder for us, fellow furry porn enthusiasts, to find some of the best pieces of art out there. It's silly, right? Who wants to start looking at questionably trustable websites with full of pop ups in order to find the lost images? No one!

What i propose is simply to completely abolish the DNP list,and to counter the loss of ad revenue, simply choosing advertisers who also think furry porn, and all porn,should be free.

The internet is made to get for free what you have to pay for IRL. Music, movies, and pictures of all kind.

I call for a democratic vote for all the users of this site, to completely abolish the DNP List once and for all!

Make E621 great again!

Updated by user 22273

Please tell me that this is meant to be a joke.

Edit: considering your record history, you are apparently 100% serious about this. Please be ashamed of yourself.

Updated by anonymous

I think the best way to make e621 great is to permaban fools like you. I’d really like to think you’re a bored troll, but you’re obviously serious, which is even sadder.

Updated by anonymous

Make a browser extension that would add Status:deleted and hassource:true and ischild:false (as to clear all posts that were deleted as inferior versions) to your every search, pull thumbnail off FA or other site and <pretend> the post is on E621.

Now that would be democracy internet way. Hippity hoppity ignore authority
(You did not hear this idea from me if anyone asks though)

...tbh searching for posts that you know you seen on E621 but cant find anymore is a pain sometimes. Unsure if I did not find it yet or it was deleted because character owner did not want to spread his lynx all over the net for some reason?
Wish looking though deleted stuff could be more convenient though. <_< Tags listed above give me a list of deleted posts, but after those I only have two more tags I can search for, and thats not a lot to narrow down 10 pages of deleted items.

Updated by anonymous

>takes anticapitalist stance
>appropriates ultracapitalist political slogan
>seems legit

Updated by anonymous

This thread is to be taken lightly.

While it does tackle what i think is a serious issue, it is done in a comical and absurd way on purpose to make light of the situation and to encourage a bold discussion on this particular issue.

Ps: please don't 🅱️an me uwu

Updated by anonymous

SocialJusticeDragon said:
what i think is a serious issue

So you think that it's "a serious issue" that artists are allowed to get money from their work and take any control over with what is done with their art? Seriously dude grow up. People are allowed to ask to get paid in exchange for the work and content they produce. Also people are allowed to have control over where the content they have put their time and effort in gets posted.

Updated by anonymous

SocialJusticeDragon said:
This thread is to be taken lightly.

While it does tackle what i think is a serious issue, it is done in a comical and absurd way on purpose to make light of the situation and to encourage a bold discussion on this particular issue.

If the problem is that you can't afford the good stuff I bring good news: You can just invest into your future by simply getting a better paying job.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
If the problem is that you can't afford the good stuff I bring good news: You can just invest into your future by simply getting a better paying job.

And you can live forever by just not dying. It's so simple, why didn't I think of it?


On topic, if you don't like copyright in general I can sympathize, but pretending it doesn't exist, ignoring artist's wishes, and pirating content is not the way to address the issues with the legal system.

Even if, say, copyright were abolished and we lived in some sort of egalitarian anarchist society without any sort of money system... I would still want e621 to respect artist's wishes regarding their content.

LoneWolf343 said:
>takes anticapitalist stance
>appropriates ultracapitalist political slogan
>seems legit

Also this.

Updated by anonymous

This sounds a lot like communism in disguise of "democracy"...
(Please read in a Mr.Gutsy voice) You are not one of those red communist bastards are you?

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
And you can live forever by just not dying. It's so simple, why didn't I think of it?

You're probably one of those people that doesn't know you can just buy more money if you run out of it. Clear rookie mistake.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
You're probably one of those people that doesn't know you can just buy more money if you run out of it. Clear rookie mistake.

Dangit, no I didn't know that. This is reminding me of when I first learned that I could cure my depression by just cheering up.

If only there were a way to cure my ignorance by just knowing more things.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Dangit, no I didn't know that. This is reminding me of when I first learned that I could cure my depression by just cheering up.

If only there were a way to cure my ignorance by just knowing more things.

Forget everything you think you know.
What if I told you... that you can stop being gay by just being straight?
Watch my TED talk!

Updated by anonymous

I agree. We should ban all content from the site so we can get rid of the DNP List.

Clawdragons said:
I didn't know that.

It's called a credit card. Loans work too, especially 0% APR credit card balance transfer 'loans'. Don't confuse credit cards with a debit cards. They look the same but are very different.

Clawdragons said:
And you can live forever by just not dying.

Unless you get stick in say a 10 minute time loop. Then you're only living for 10 minutes. So not dying isn't fool proof for living forever.

Updated by anonymous

SocialJusticeDragon said:
This is not a joke or a troll. It's a legitimate post.


Well, let me give what you've said some serious consideration then.


Updated by anonymous

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