Bug overview description.
When I search for status:deleted adiago I get a page that does not show any results. No thumbnails are visible but the "Nobody here but us chickens!" text is not visible either. (This also happens when the blacklist filters all posts on a page, but that's known behavior.) The pagination shows 4 pages. Only the first page shows this bug. Any of the other pages correctly show the "Deleted" thumbnails.
More extensive testing:
status:deleted adiago -> 4 pages total; page 1 empty
status:any adiago -> 4 pages total; page 1 empty
status:deleted -> 750 pages total; pages 2 and 9 empty
status:deleted anthro -> 750 pages total; none empty
status:deleted width:<300 -> 55 pages total; none empty
status:deleted superbunnygt -> 2 pages total; none empty
status:deleted sexyfur -> 6 pages total; none empty
status:any tailheat -> 1 page total; page 1 empty
tailheat -> 1 page total; none empty
Under the following test-conditions:
Not logged in.
For each search, pages 1 through 12 (or the maximum number returned) were tested.
adiago and sexyfur only have deleted posts.
anthro, width:<300, superbunnygt and tailheat have both deleted and active posts.
What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Post search results page.
What is the expected behavior?
The post search results page should show a lot of "Deleted" thumbnails.
What actual behavior is given instead?
Sometimes, the post search results page does not show any thumbnails and no "Nobody here but us chickens!" text.
Can you reproduce the bug every time?
Yes: The same search string plus page number always results in the same empty or not-empty page.
No: Different search strings result in different behavior.
Maybe: If the behavior only happens when specific posts are on a page, the behavior could change over time.
What steps did you take to replicate this bug?
Type status:deleted adiago into the search bar, then hit enter.
Other notes
https://e621.net/forum_topics/25717 "Some posts cannot be viewed without logging in based on which tags are applied to them."
(It would also be helpful to know what exactly decides which posts are hidden to not-logged-in users.)
This could be relevant in conjunction with the known behavior that when the blacklist filters all posts on a page, the result looks the same.