Topic: e1547: a sophisticated e621 browser for android/ios

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications


e1547 is a crossplatform free and open source flutter app to browse e6!
It works on both Android and iOS (and maybe desktops in the future).

I develop it in my free time,
but I promise to try my very best to provide you with a quality browsing experience of your favorite image site.

For features, we got:

  • Crossplatform (Android, iOS)
  • Browse posts and pools
  • Edit posts
  • Comment on posts
  • Download Images
  • Favorite, Up and down vote posts
  • Follow tags with notifications
  • Local blacklist
  • DText parsing
  • Video support
  • Multiple logins
  • Multiple App Themes

And you can download the app

We got a small website:
with screenshots and more information.

We also got a e1547 discord
where you can tell me about bugs or what features youd like, and you can participate in the beta!

In this thread, I post updates and changelogs. But feel free to discuss the app. I will come by and check once in a while.
If you need faster support, message me on discord or open a Github issue.

If you really like e1547 and you would give me a tiny fraction of your money to show your love, visit my ko-fi

I hope you enjoy the app!

Down below is the original first post in this thread, when I started developing the app.

Original Post

After using the 1547 App for quite a while and starting to like it alot,
I saw that sadly, perlatus seems to have stopped development.

I decided to fork the project and update the app to improve and fix it up a bit.

Working so far

- fixed the API to accommodate for the update
- added hot and favorite access in the drawer
- changed posts to have more viewing space and less info
- added a better favorite button

What is planned

- Pool support
- Webm support

What the future might brings (Dont quote me on any of this.)

- Themes?
- A better drawer header
- Clickable tags
- Uploading posts from the app
- Pageless scrolling
- Tag history
- Blacklist
- Google play entry

What is broken

- Downloads (I am working on it.)


The app is still open source, just like before.

If you find any bugs or other issues with the app, I'd love to hear about it.
You can also open an issue on github directly.

A compiled version of the app can be downloaded on the release page of the Github .
You will have to uninstall the old version (New release key, new package name.)

Credits go to @perlatus ( His github ).


Screenshots of the app.

Thats it. I hope updating this might be useful to anybody out there.



Version 1.0.1

This version doesn't contain many features,
I was stuck at one particular issue for quite a while.

Also, git didn't track all the files I added.
So now, all project files should be on the github.


- Pages and header have been removed
- Some other small changes

Whats next?

- Probably pools. I am already implementing a support structure for this.

What is broken

- Turns out downloads arent broken. Sharing is, though.


A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself, since that should be possible now.


Version 1.1.0

After being a lazy ass for quite a while,
I have now finally implemented pools.


- New "Pools" tab
- You can search pools by title
- Clickable artist names
(this means, when you open a picture and click an artists name,
you can now launch a search with it. cool right?)
- internal restructuring.
- Other small changes

What is broken

- I think sharing is still broken.
- Switching hosts needs manual refresh
- Pool data like description cannot be accessed

What the future might bring (no promises)

- tag history and suggestions
- local blacklist
- upvote and downvote
- comments

What's next?

- Maybe finally Webm support
- Perhaps a collapsible appbar plus pull down to refresh
- New picture viewing page, with clickable tags


A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.

Any feedback on the app is welcome.


I like this, even though the current features are a bit basic.
There are a couple of bugs that I've noticed, though.
- If you are not logged in, clicking on the "Favorites" link in the menu will result in an infinite loop
- There is a logout link in the settings, even when you are not logged in
- Pretty sure the posts in pools are shown in a reverse order
- While the webm support is still being worked on, it might be better to just hide the webm files from view. Kinda frustrating clicking image after image, while nothing loads.

Other than that, landscape mode would be a nice feature to have.

bitwolfy said:
I like this, even though the current features are a bit basic.
There are a couple of bugs that I've noticed, though.
- If you are not logged in, clicking on the "Favorites" link in the menu will result in an infinite loop
- There is a logout link in the settings, even when you are not logged in
- Pretty sure the posts in pools are shown in a reverse order
- While the webm support is still being worked on, it might be better to just hide the webm files from view. Kinda frustrating clicking image after image, while nothing loads.

Other than that, landscape mode would be a nice feature to have.

Thank you for your feedback, it is highly appreciated.

I know the app sadly only has little features compared to other clients.
I will try to implement everything that I can think of when I find the time
and have made the necessary learning progress. This is my first project in flutter
and I am at the beginning of understanding how to build apps with this framework.

I maintain this app because I really like using it myself and I thought it deserved some more love.

Based on your feedback I present this update:

Version 1.1.1

I pushed a quick hotfix which fixes reported bugs
and adds a few small things I wanted to add anyways.


- pools now in the correct order
- tidied up login screen
- added logout button to drawer header
- add setting to hide webm posts
- opening favorites logged out now prompts login
- reworked about screen
- added support for landscape. somewhat.

What is broken

- Opening search will shuffle cards, because of landscape support.
- Changing settings will need manual refresh.


A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


I appreciate a quick update.
Unfortunately, no posts load at all for me in v.1.1.1, not sure why.
Additionally, it does not seem to accept my API key when I'm trying to login. Weird.

bitwolfy said:
I appreciate a quick update.
Unfortunately, no posts load at all for me in v.1.1.1, not sure why.
Additionally, it does not seem to accept my API key when I'm trying to login. Weird.

The issue seems to be with the way I've setup the variable for hiding Webm posts. if you flick the switch once or twice, loading posts should work again.

I haven't found any issue with logging in tho.

I will push another fix for the Webm problem when I wake up again.

nevermind, I cant sleep like this, I will fix it right fucking now.

Weirdly enough, the issue didn't occur when upgrading from an old version, only when installing it fresh.

And now we have:

Version 1.1.2

I changed this one line which ruined it all.
Now it should work.


- fixed webm hiding


A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



Version 1.1.3

I wasnt really sure wether this
was a minor or a patch version. Its a patch now.


- pool descriptions can now be seen
- clickable links in pool descriptions
- fixed multiple artists bug
- app colors are now darker
- empty post pages now tell you theyre empty

What is broken

- The links in the description of pools could be a bit finnickey to click. I dont know.


A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


bitwolfy said:
I appreciate a quick update.
Unfortunately, no posts load at all for me in v.1.1.1, not sure why.
Additionally, it does not seem to accept my API key when I'm trying to login. Weird.

I'm also experiencing login issues. It says it requires 32 characters but API key is only 24 characters long.

scrumpycrump said:
I'm also experiencing login issues. It says it requires 32 characters but API key is only 24 characters long.

Alright, I found the issue.
It seems that they updated the generation of API keys.

I had an old API key, which was 32 x a-f and 0-9 characters.
Which is why I couldn't reproduce this issue,
so thanks for mentioning the 24 char length.
Newer ones are 24 x A-z and 0-9 characters,
so now the app should support both.

Version 1.1.4

You should now be able to log in.


- added support for freshly generated API keys


A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



Version 1.1.5

Quality of life patch.
Some things look better now, I guess.


- App reloads now after change of settings
- You can now check for new versions on the about screen
- Settings have been redesigned
- Pool description now features more DText support
- Network interruption doesnt cause infinite loading anymore

What the future might bring (I am not responsible for your expectations)

- Following artists

What's next?

- The pool screen seems a bit laggy, I will look into that
- Clickable tags seems like something that would be neat
- If you have any suggestions on what you would want next, please just reply.


A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.

Any feedback on the app is welcome.


Thank you so much for the quick updates! I'm still having an issue logging in now it just says 'failed to login.'

scrumpycrump said:
Thank you so much for the quick updates! I'm still having an issue logging in now it just says 'failed to login.'

I am very sorry, I tried but I cant reproduce this. I can login just fine on my end.
I also checked the code and there shouldnt be any message that is simply 'failed to login.'
Have you made sure that your details are correct?

In the meantime I've worked on an update:

Version 1.2.0

After sitting at my desk for the whole night,
my back feels broken. But maybe it was worth it.


- New post page
- You can now see post descriptions
- You can now see most of the post info
- You can now click on tags in posts
- You can now open pools a post is in
- The app will now display updates in the drawer
- You can now read the update changelogs in the app
- Fixed an issue with repeating posts
- You can now view pool descriptions from inside the pool
- You can now login in the settings

What is broken

- Downloads are broken. For real this time. I am very sad. I tried to fix it, but I ran out of energy.
- On a few posts there is a random issue with the floating button causing the entire post to go black.
- I mightve used too many Columns and Rows and things might lag a bit now.

What's next?

- I think I will try to fix some of the things above.
- I saw a neat replacement for the current photo display. Maybe we get cool animations.
- Webm support? lol.


A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.
On the about page inside the app, you can also update.

Any feedback on the app is welcome.



Version 1.2.1

I've ironed out some issues and added some features.
Everything in small scale but complementary to the update from yesterday.

Sadly nothing too crazy,
I spent alot of time trying to optimize the post page,
but it didnt work out in the end.


- Pool page should stop making you vomit from lag now
- You can now see a posts parent and children
- You can now click linked posts in descriptions
- Posts dont blackscreen randomly anymore
- The favorite button now disappears if you are logged out
- Changing settings now refreshes (for real).


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Version 1.2.2

After the ironing I am now folding the-
uh what?

This patch contains a mixed bag of fixes and features.


- You can now download posts again
- You can now share posts (link)
- You can now long press tags to view the wiki entry
- You can now view deleted posts (without image, of course)
- Visiting NSFW posts in SFW mode now doesnt cause infinite load
- You can now see advanced pool info
- You can now share pools (link)
- Settings now remember which page to refresh
- Added more DText support
- Fixed some DText parsing issue with links
- "Fixed" duplicate pools (the website is sending duplicate pool data)


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Version 1.2.3

Hotpatch. I noticed the pool pages after the first arent loading.
Now they are.


- Pool pages are now actually loading
- Onsite links are now displayed correctly (you cant open them)
- You can now open deleted children


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Version 1.2.4

After spending hours and hours
trying to implement quote parsing,

I have done it. Quotes now look like quotes.

I also quickly introduced voting and comments.
However, the comments arent how I want them to be yet.


- You can now vote on posts
- You can now see post comments
- Quotes are now displayed correctly

What's next?

- Comments without opening a new page, MAYBE
- Voting on comments and more comment info
- Search suggestions (perhaps)
- Displaying sections, inline code, and spoilers correctly, I hope.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Version 1.2.5

At this point you probably have noticed that
I dont manage to implement the stuff I write in
"Whats next" but instead I implement something completely different!

As always I also spent half the time trying to implement something,
for it to ultimateively fail (namely: image animation, slide to dismiss and collapsible appbar)

In that spirit, heres the blacklist update.


- Blacklist is now available in the settings
- You can now see a comments age and wether it has been edited
- Refresh is now done over pull down on top of the screen

What is broken

- blacklisting users does not work. converting the user ID into a name and back costs precious API calls.


To say some other things than development, heres a Meta section.

First of all, thanks alot to the Site Admin Kira for helping with API questions.
They are doing an awesome job at supporting the site and answering my questions on how best to interact with the API.

Secondly, all feedback on the app is appreciated. It is hard for me to find every single bug
and feature that could be reworked, even thought I do test the app extensively, simply because
while I am a developer I am also a user and use the app my way.

You might use it differently and have different needs, notice different issues with it.
It was noted in the past that logins dont work for some users, however I could not resovle this issue
and till now I havent heard further of anyone having this problem.

If you have a problem with the app or you want to tell me what you like and not like about it, what could be better, etc, it is welcome.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



I'm unable to input my API key properly on 1.2.5. It's being coerced to lower case but the new keys are case-sensitive.

snowy said:
I'm unable to input my API key properly on 1.2.5. It's being coerced to lower case but the new keys are case-sensitive.

Ah, thank you very much. This went unnoticed to me,
probably because I always use the paste from clipboard button.
Talking about different ways of using the app.

It should be fixed in this next version:

Version 1.2.6

I spent the entire night working on a custom DText parser.
It's not done, but maybe some day in the future,
all DText will finally be correctly parsed.


- fixed login (?)
- Added tag suggestions for post search
- Opening a blacklisted post now hides the image


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


binaryfloof said: I spent the entire night working on a custom DText parser.

Out of curiosity, is there a specific reason why you are parsing DText yourself instead of sending a request to e621?
I'm asking because I considered doing that myself for my userscript, but it seemed way too much work for not enough payoff.

bitwolfy said:
Out of curiosity, is there a specific reason why you are parsing DText yourself instead of sending a request to e621?

I'm not sure what you mean by sending a request to e621.

The app is not a webview, all data is pulled from the JSON API and then parsed into all things that are displayed.

Therefore I basically have to parse DText myself. I have to translate it into actual UI elements in the App.

It would be alot easier if e621 would use markdown. sigh.

I never thought about using a webview, that could be worth a consideration. On the other hand I already started doing it anyways.

binaryfloof said: I'm not sure what you mean by sending a request to e621.

I meant POSTing to the API to turn DText into HTML, the same way the site itself does it
I guess, parsing the DText might be faster than an API request. Not sure, though.
And yeah, I would much prefer it if the site used markdown as well. But what can you do.

bitwolfy said:
I meant POSTing to the API to turn DText into HTML, the same way the site itself does it
I guess, parsing the DText might be faster than an API request. Not sure, though.
And yeah, I would much prefer it if the site used markdown as well. But what can you do.

I too wish the site used bbcode. It's a long term goal to convert to it. Markdown is too sensitive to random punctuation.

kiranoot said:
Markdown is too sensitive to random punctuation.

Does escaping not solve this problem?
I think with markdown becoming more popular in everyday use
it's okay to expect a user to escape characters.
I might be missing an aspect here though.

Funnily enough I spent alot of time yesterday
making sure my DText parser can handle
arbitrary placed [ and ] that aren't part
of a tag without crashing and burning to the ground.

bitwolfy said:
I meant POSTing to the API to turn DText into HTML, the same way the site itself does it

So, I've just checked and this would make everything alot easier because
libraries support parsing HTML to Widgets and I could parse all DText easily (probably).

But this does also increase API calls. I would like to use as little API calls as possible.

Parsing all DText with the site would cost me an API call
for each Wiki entry I display,
for each Post description
and for each comment.

Maybe I could melt comments together and split them again, I'm not sure.
I don't know if I want to increase the API calls by this amount.


binaryfloof said: But this does also increase API calls.

binaryfloof said: Maybe I could melt comments together and split them again

Yeah, that's definitely an issue to consider. Batching comments would absolutely be required, since sending a couple dozen (properly rate-limited) API calls will take a while.

binaryfloof said:
Does escaping not solve this problem?
I think with markdown becoming more popular in everyday use
it's okay to expect a user to escape characters.
I might be missing an aspect here though.

It's actually that markdown typically has a limited set of options without extensions, and then you have to find meaningful ways to express those other options. E6 has a LOT of syntax possibilities, colors, tables, sections, quotes, in addition to lists and other basic formatting rules. Some markdown supports some of these, but not all of them. So regardless of what is picked it still becomes domain specific to us, and a mess. It essentially becomes DText again, but with different syntax.

Using bbcode, there is a uniform markup syntax that is easy to parse on the client and server side, and bbcode has never been standardized so it's expected to be domain specific. It's also easier to build a converter for existing items and export them back as bbcode because it follows a naturally nested structure. Markdown often has significant whitespace and transformations are harder to do backwards.

Version 1.2.7

Did anyone order DText parsing? No? Must've been me.


- DText is now displayed more beautifully
- You can now block and unblock tags on the fly! Long click -> block / checkmark icon.
- Tag pop up doesnt overflow anymore

What's next?

- I will try to clean up the parser, which sadly has no benefit for you at all.
- I would love to have following tags next. But you know me by this point.


It is 9 pm in the morning and
I feel confident enough so that my new DText parser
can replace the old temporary one that didn't have any nesting tags.

All hail DText parsing. I need sleep.

And I need to clean up that mess of a parser I just wrote.
But it works. (I hope?)

The several API weirdnesses didn't really help either.
At one point I was wondering why my post #<id>
was swallowed, but it actually was a thumb #<id>,
because for some reason the JSON I got had thumb,
but the website had post.

Quite peculiar.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


binaryfloof said:
The several API weirdnesses didn't really help either.
At one point I was wondering why my post #<id>
was swallowed, but it actually was a thumb #<id>,
because for some reason the JSON I got had thumb,
but the website had post.

There is an upper cap on the number of thumbnails that can appear in a single dtext parsing session, which I believe is 25. Beyond this point, thumbnails are converted into post #.

kiranoot said:
There is an upper cap on the number of thumbnails that can appear in a single dtext parsing session, which I believe is 25. Beyond this point, thumbnails are converted into post #.

I dont know if thats the case here. The post in question is post #2216230.
The description of the post displays another post with the "post #<id>" tag,
however, when calling the JSON API on this post, I get "thumb #<id>" in the exact same place.

I also have a new app version ready:

Version 1.2.8

You might have noticed that the new DText parser has some issues.
Well I've drawn a pentagram on the ground and spoken some weird gibberish
and maybe it works better now. Fingers crossed.


- DText is now parsed even better!


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



binaryfloof said:
I dont know if thats the case here. The post in question is post #2216230.
The description of the post displays another post with the "post #<id>" tag,
however, when calling the JSON API on this post, I get "thumb #<id>" in the exact same place.

Oh, thumbnails are blacklisted in specific places to save space, such as in post descriptions. Internally this is just setting the maximum number of allowed thumbnails to 0 for a specific parse run. I believe that descriptions are the only place that happens right now.

binaryfloof said:
I dont know if thats the case here. The post in question is post #2216230.
The description of the post displays another post with the "post #<id>" tag,
however, when calling the JSON API on this post, I get "thumb #<id>" in the exact same place.

I also have a new app version ready:

Version 1.2.8

You might have noticed that the new DText parser has some issues.
Well I've drawn a pentagram on the ground and spoken some weird gibberish
and maybe it works better now. Fingers crossed.


- DText is now parsed even better!


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Thank you again for the updates, I managed to sign in (it was case sensitive, I feel dumb). However, I still can't download anything the error code is "OS Error: Permission denied, errno = 13" I already gave it storage permissions

scrumpycrump said:
Thank you again for the updates, I managed to sign in (it was case sensitive, I feel dumb). However, I still can't download anything the error code is "OS Error: Permission denied, errno = 13" I already gave it storage permissions

Uh oh. I thought that issue was caused by the emulator.
This works fine on my personal device. Looks like its still broken.
Thanks for your feedback, I will look into it!

Here is a new update for now:

Version 1.3.0


- Added new follow page
- Added following tags on the go
- Added editor for blacklist - this allows copy pasting your blacklist from the website


The follow page just is a mix of all tags you are following,
kind of like bookmarking, so you dont have to keep track of good artists by yourself.
You can add tags in the settings or by long clicking a tag.
If you start following more than 40 tags, the loading might slow down a bit.

I also wanted to add following pools,
but sadly the ~ operator does not work with 'pool:<id>'.
I cant see a work around for this without making everything alot more complicated,
but maybe I will look into it at some point.

Notifications may work for pools quite well, but without the ~ operator working for them,
I dont think I can implement them showing up in the Following Page.

I also want to expand the new following settings page with toggleable notifications.
Sounds like a challange to implement.

Oh and downloads really need to be fixed, this permission mess is annoying me.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Version 1.3.1

Small patch to improve to overall quality.


- You can now access who you follow on the Following Page
- You can now follow pools again (no posts on the Following Page tho, sadly.)
- You can now acccess the wiki entry and quick actions for the tag you are searching on the search page


I've restructed the posts page internally in a neat way,
which allows for more cool stuff.

I tried fixing downloads but I can't figure out for the life of me,
whats wrong with it. I will try again at some point.

I also would like to implement browsing the forum in the app,
but I havent found a way to request forum posts through the API yet.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



Version 1.3.2

Hotpatch to fix downloads plus some other small changes.


- You can now download images on Android 10
- Nested sections in DText are now displayed correctly
- You can now see a posts rating


My finals are coming up soon,
therefore development will slow down for about a month.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Version 1.3.3

In the last patch where I introduced the
updated_at date, I didnt realize this could be null.

So now I have to push this second hotpatch to fix that.


- Posts arent blank anymore


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


I just now found this project after my own attempts to fork and update (for iOS, though) since the old app died. I'll try and contribute what's needed to keep things running smoothly on iOS as well. If you'd like me to upload unsigned IPAs as well (and maybe a 'secret' loader) I wouldn't mind.

Trying to figure out right now what is going on with flutter and iOS, the most recent updates causes 500MB IPA files.

kritanta said:
I just now found this project after my own attempts to fork and update (for iOS, though) since the old app died. I'll try and contribute what's needed to keep things running smoothly on iOS as well. If you'd like me to upload unsigned IPAs as well (and maybe a 'secret' loader) I wouldn't mind.

Trying to figure out right now what is going on with flutter and iOS, the most recent updates causes 500MB IPA files.


Yeah I've seen your fork, sorry for my late reply.

I can neither test nor compile for iOS, so if you would be able to do that,
that'd be great! Your contributions are welcome.

and maybe a 'secret' loader

I'm not sure what you mean by that. I never owned an iOS device so those terms are new to me.

It would be pretty cool if the app could run on iOS again some day.


binaryfloof said:

I'm not sure what you mean by that. I never owned an iOS device so those terms are new to me.

On iOS, there are some extreme low level things done to make it very hard to load 3rd party apps for non devs.

I mentioned a “secret loader” because we recently found a sandbox escape that allows what I’m just gonna call “magic hacks” to allow loading 3rd party apps in a different than usual way

It would be pretty cool if the app could run on iOS again some day.

Tomorrow I’ll hop back on here with a link to an .ipa and explicit instructions on how to install it, no magic freaky hacks required, just a lil time and patience :)

kritanta said:
On iOS, there are some extreme low level things done to make it very hard to load 3rd party apps for non devs.

I mentioned a “secret loader” because we recently found a sandbox escape that allows what I’m just gonna call “magic hacks” to allow loading 3rd party apps in a different than usual way

Tomorrow I’ll hop back on here with a link to an .ipa and explicit instructions on how to install it, no magic freaky hacks required, just a lil time and patience :)

Alright, that sounds good to me.

If you'd like, you can also make a pull request,
and I'll pull your changes.

Perhaps we could even add the install instructions to the readme,
and the IPA to the releases.


kritanta said:
On iOS, there are some extreme low level things done to make it very hard to load 3rd party apps for non devs.

I mentioned a “secret loader” because we recently found a sandbox escape that allows what I’m just gonna call “magic hacks” to allow loading 3rd party apps in a different than usual way

I would be much more comfortable installing sandboxed apps instead of installing them with the "psychic paper" exploit you're referencing to, as there are obvious security implications in doing so. I have no experience with Flutter apps myself, and it might indeed need a sandbox escape to run, but please take a look into AltStore. It's a setup that can install fully sandboxed apps from .ipa files.

That said, I'm curious to learn more about the technical details of the sandboxless loader you're working on!

I just read through this entire thread, and it was equally fascinating and inspiring to see all the work, love, and effort you've put into this little app you have here! Muchly kudos to the flood! I tried my hand at coding, the finickiness of it all made me want to play keyboard-shuriken-toss! 😅 well done to you!

tenchi_fox said:
I just read through this entire thread, and it was equally fascinating and inspiring to see all the work, love, and effort you've put into this little app you have here! Muchly kudos to the flood! I tried my hand at coding, the finickiness of it all made me want to play keyboard-shuriken-toss! 😅 well done to you!

Thank you very much, this means alot!
I hope youre enjoying the app.

While I dont have much time right now,
here is still a small update to correct some issues.

Version 1.3.4

Small quality of life patch


- blacklist doesnt affect favorites anymore
- nested nested (nested...) sections now display correctly
- landscape mode should work better now


Between studying and studying, I can squeeze out this small update.
I noticed that nested sections are broken. They arent anymore, hooray!
I also reworked the calculation for how many posts are in one row.
This means, landscape mode and in running the app on tablets should look better now.
In fact, I tested this and it works alot better on tablets now, imo.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



Version 1.3.5

Medium quality of life patch


- tags now have colors
- small images are now centered in the upper screen half
- you can now swipe between images in fullscreen
- you can now open a search in the drawer


My written finals have passed (soon to be replaced by vocal ones)
and I have a small break to push out some changes.
You can now finally swipe in fullscreen, and tags got some colors attached now,
to make them more distinguishable.
Sadly, not the same colors as the website, those looked very horrible.
I was debating wether those colors are too distracting,
and wether I shouldnt just leave the tags grey.
I still don't know, but if you have on opinion on this, I'd love to hear it.
I try to keep the principles I've set out for this app.
The image is the center of everything,
and everything should lead to more images.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


iOS Support

Releases might contain traces of iOS compatible files.


- there is now an IPA included with the latest release


I've gotten my best friend who owns a Mac to compile the app.
That means we now have an IPA available for people with iOS,
so you can now install the app over the AltStore.
Of course, any other methods of installing an IPA will also work.
This also means we might get some more iOS compatible code in the future,
for example downloads (which currently should absolutely break).


You can install the IPA found in the Github releases with the AltStore.
A guide can be found here: AltStore FAQ
This requires you to have access to a Computer (Mac or Windows),
but it does not require you to jailbreak your iPhone.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


I dont know if this this a recent thing, But i cant seem to see any pics or any of them in the comment section either.

oyashiro1 said:
I dont know if this this a recent thing, But i cant seem to see any pics or any of them in the comment section either.

Could you give me some more info?

  • What device are you on?

Platform (Android, iOS), Device name (Example: Galaxy S8), OS version (Example: Android 10)?

  • What app version is installed? (seen in about)
  • Your blacklist in the app?

(There is currently an immense overmatching problem with the local blacklist,
which I will try to resolve in the next update)

  • Have you checked wether you can see images on the website itself?

Sometimes the site itself doesnt show pictures for me either,
seems to be some kind of server problem.

  • Are post cards visible, just without image,

or are you stuck on an infinite loading screen, saying "loading posts"?
Can you open posts, see tags, comments, parents/children and pools?

  • Are you logged in?

As to pictures in the comment section, those are not supported yet,
as I am still thinking of how to implement them.


binaryfloof said:
Could you give me some more info?

  • What device are you on?

Platform (Android, iOS), Device name (Example: Galaxy S8), OS version (Example: Android 10)?

  • What app version is installed? (seen in about)
  • Your blacklist in the app?

(There is currently an immense overmatching problem with the local blacklist,
which I will try to resolve in the next update)

  • Have you checked wether you can see images on the website itself?

Sometimes the site itself doesnt show pictures for me either,
seems to be some kind of server problem.

  • Are post cards visible, just without image,

or are you stuck on an infinite loading screen, saying "loading posts"?
Can you open posts, see tags, comments, parents/children and pools?

  • Are you logged in?

As to pictures in the comment section, those are not supported yet,
as I am still thinking of how to implement them.


Yes im currently logged in and still cant see anything tried typing mlp and sssonic2 pics and cant see anything but i can see everything else but just not the pics.

Version 1.4.0

The colorful update


- you can now select a theme in the app
- your blacklist should now work as intended
- you can now peek blacklisted and nsfw posts

What's next?

- look into translation support
- try to get fullscreen post loading to work again
- find a way to use forum API in an intended way


This update has alot of internal restructurings,
which you won't notice, but make it easier to expand the app.
I made another try at implementing loading new posts in fullscreen,
but to no avail. I got themes to work instead. You can now choose between the default dark,
a light theme to burn your eyes to crisp, an all black amoled theme, and a blue theme,
which is inspired by the website colors.
Translation was also planned but turned out to be extra complicated, so maybe later.
Some smaller things were added too. The app can now try to hide downloaded images
from your gallery app, by creating a .nomedia file (android only).
I also added a button that allows you to show a blacklisted image,
or an NSFW image in safe mode.
I am not sure wether this feature should be kept as it makes accidents easier to happen.
There also still is no confirmation dialog for age, but I do plan on making a one-time one.

What is broken

- you cannot download images on iOS.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Version 1.4.1

Hotfix for UI color


- navigation and status bar colors dont randomly change anymore


I thought I fixed this issue, but it seems it has gotten into the release anyways.
This should only affect android. It happened when you opened fullscreen and left it again,
on another post. Because of a framework issue, this would then reset the status bar color.
I tried reworking the image fullscreen, didn't work. I'll try again later,
at least I got some restructuring in there.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



Version 1.4.2

Hotfix for update notifications


- update notifications work again
- you can now see all newer releases


I messed up again and broke the update notifications.
They should work again and you now can see the changelog of all newer releases.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Hi, I've been using this app for a while now and I'm absolutely loving it! I do have a few suggestions for it:

-An option to turn off the favorite/upvote/downvote animations would be handy. I've accidentally double-tapped them when I'm not sure it's gone through more times than I can count.
-It would also be handy if the app shows if you've already up/downvoted a post before the current session (if that's possible). Since the app doesn't show if you've already up/downvoted a post before the current session, I think this would remove the redundancy in hitting the button when you don't need to.
-I think the option to show the post you've set as your avatar next to your username where the app's logo is could be a nice touch of personalization, as well as controls to set a post as your avatar on a post's page.

Again, this app is a wonder to use. Thank you for making it!

tigerboxers said:
Hi, I've been using this app for a while now and I'm absolutely loving it! I do have a few suggestions for it:

-An option to turn off the favorite/upvote/downvote animations would be handy. I've accidentally double-tapped them when I'm not sure it's gone through more times than I can count.
-It would also be handy if the app shows if you've already up/downvoted a post before the current session (if that's possible). Since the app doesn't show if you've already up/downvoted a post before the current session, I think this would remove the redundancy in hitting the button when you don't need to.
-I think the option to show the post you've set as your avatar next to your username where the app's logo is could be a nice touch of personalization, as well as controls to set a post as your avatar on a post's page.

Again, this app is a wonder to use. Thank you for making it!

Hi! I'm glad you like the app, I'm putting alot of effort into making it.

Funny you mention those things, I have thought of them myself but most of them are sadly not possible:
1. I can look into turning off the animations, but I'm using a library that provides the button
and animation so I can't promise anything, since I might not have access to it.
2. I cannot display wether you have upvoted or downvoted a post already without going to great lengths of API call wastage.
I have contacted Kira about this and we have come to the conclusion that I should not go that way,
but rather wait until the site is updated and can provide such a feature.
3. I would love to show the users avatar picture instead of the logo in the drawer,
but the API does not provide me with a link to that picture when calling a users profile.
I have also talked to Kira about this as well, it might become a thing in the future.
For now, this could be possible by me scraping the HTML, but I'd rather not.

Thank you for your feedback I really appreciate it. I will look into the animations when I got time.


Hey hi. Is this an Android app or an iOS app? I’m assuming Android, since I’m fairly certain that iOS apps are only available through the app store unless you jailbreak your phone (which I haven’t done). I have an iPhone 6s and have been praying for an E621 app for a loooong time.

carnaxus said:
Hey hi. Is this an Android app or an iOS app? I’m assuming Android, since I’m fairly certain that iOS apps are only available through the app store unless you jailbreak your phone (which I haven’t done). I have an iPhone 6s and have been praying for an E621 app for a loooong time.


This is a crossplatform app. It works on Android and iOS, thanks to the Flutter framework.

You do not need to jailbreak your iPhone to use it,
instead you can sideload the IPA with a computer and AltStore.

The IPA is found on the GitHub Releases
and are compiled by a friend of mine. You can also compile it yourself, if you fancy that.

Let me know if it all works out for you.


I've recently noticed a bug when tapping on an artist tag on posts with multiple artists. All artist tags that precede the last one open a search with ", " added to the end of the tag when tapped. Because of the comma, no results are found. The last artist tag doesn't exhibit this behavior and the search works if the comma is manually removed.

tigerboxers said:
I've recently noticed a bug when tapping on an artist tag on posts with multiple artists. All artist tags that precede the last one open a search with ", " added to the end of the tag when tapped. Because of the comma, no results are found. The last artist tag doesn't exhibit this behavior and the search works if the comma is manually removed.

Got it, should be fixed now.

Version 1.4.3

Preparations for the PlayStore


- GIFs should now look better in the overview
- added explicit content warning pop up
- added replacing _ with space in tags
- fixed multiple artist bug
- fixed misalignment of large images


I have uploaded the app to the google playstore,
waiting for google to release it.
I have added a pop up to warn underage users from explicit content,
which I hope will suffice to get the app into the playstore.
The pop up is one-time, so it shouldnt be too annoying.

What is broken

- statusbar color on light theme will reset after fullscreen
- ominous grey bar at the top of the screen in landscape mode on iOS
(please report if you have this issue, need more info!)


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Wow I really appreciate having an app to browse e621 and 926. I dont mean to be a nag but I was wondering if you would also consider publishing this app on the f-droid app store if it isn't too much trouble.


surus said:
Wow I really apprentice having an app to browse e621 and 926. I dont mean to be a nag but I was wondering if you would also consider publishing this app on the f-droid app store if it isn't too much trouble.

I'll note it down for when I get to putting the app into stores.

In the meantime, I have an update ready:

Version 1.5.0

Post editing support.


- The package name has been changed
- You can now edit posts
- You can now swipe through posts indefinitely
- Tag suggestions should work better now
- DText spoilers are now parsed
- The blacklist page got a new look
- You can now copy a post ID by long-clicking it
- You can now launch a user search by tapping the uploader ID


I changed the app package name.
This means you will have to reinstall the app.
Make sure to copy paste your blacklist and take screenshots
of your follow page. Sadly I did not get to implement an editor
for the following page like with the blacklist,
so its gonna be a bit tidious to bring your follows over.
I am very sorry for that inconvinience.

I worked the days since the last update tirelessly to implement
the features you never wanted: editing posts!

The feature might still be instable, I cannot test it too much,
without risking angering the site admin gods.
If you find anything thats weird with post editing or that
does not work, please let me know and I will look into it.

I have also finally implemented a structure to load posts from everywhere.
Alot of other small things have been changed or fixed.
The app should feel better to use, overall.

I wanted to get the app into the playstore, but they cockblocked
and striked me after I tried every age rating and accepting me first.
I am very angry and irritated and will have an angry and irritated converstion
with their chat support if they ever open it up again.
Until then we do not get any playstore entry, I guess.

What is broken

When opening some posts, opening them will slow down and you will see an animation on two posts.
This is a bug with opening posts and I am working on fixing it. It is just a visual issue however.

What's next?

- Support for writing and editing comments
- User avatar in drawer


You will have to reinstall the app, as the package name has changed.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



Version 1.5.1

Hotpatch for post editing


- You can now edit all post fields


Here is your compulsory hotpatch for the latest big update.
Let's hope this one smoothes things out.

You will still have to reinstall the app if you are skipping 1.5.0,
which is very likely, due to the package name change.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



Version 1.5.2

Quality of Life, the second.


- You can now edit and copy the tags you follow in an editor
- Several small issues have been fixed


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


User Survey

Improving the app with feedback


To improve e1547, it would be handy for me to have some user data.
As I will never force you to give me any data,
and am greatly opposed to in-app data collection,
I have prepared a google forms survey.
If you would like to help me make e1547 better,
then it would be awesome if you could spare 5 minutes
to fill out the survey.
The survey does not require your e-mail or a log-in.
Please do not fill out the survey more than once, regardless.
All the data collected in the survey will only be viewed by me,
and only be used to improve e1547.


The survey is short but includes text fields for you to write as much as you want.
e1547 User Experience Survey

Version 1.6.0

Comments, mostly.


- You can now create and edit comments
- You can now reply to other comments
- You can now switch host without reseting the apps pages
- Fixed pool duplicate pages bug
- Fixed blacklist ignoring rating


I have started working, and it is taking up alot of my time.
App updates might slow down, but development is far from over.

I have another big restructuring in mind,
which I will work on when I have time. Sadly, that restructure
is not gonna yield you many new features, but it's gonna make things easier for me.

If you haven't yet, make sure to complete the User survey
to steer the direction of upcoming updates and give me valuable feedback!
(Or even if you have completed it before, you can edit your answers).


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Version 1.6.1

Preload everything!


- you can now swipe through posts with less lag
- you now dont have to wait for the next post to load, because its preloaded while swiping
- the keyboard wont close on you when you select a suggestion anymore
- the appbar now floats above the image inside posts
- the internal post loading structure has undergone a large rework


First of all, thanks to everyone who completed the survey.
The feedback I received was very helpful, and made me understand you alot better.

I will reply to the feedback I have gotten here because thats easier
and some of you havent left an email for me to reply.

I will update the survey over time, so if you would like to revisit it,
you can edit your answers anytime.

pagination rather than infinite scroll, save "progress" through a tag/search, follow searches instead of just tags

Pagination might be implemented at some point, however, I havent gotten the functionality to load pages that are above the current one,
and I dont know how I would implement it. saving progress might come with pagination if it ever is implemented,
but I do plan on adding a history of all posts you have visited so you can see where you where.
Following searches is straight up impossible because of the way following works. Following issues a single search with all the tags you have added.
with a ~ in front, mixing them. I originally wanted to just issue a search for all follows, but this would be an insane amount of API calls. therefore, this will sadly not be added.
There is a vague plan of a customizable drawer where you could add your own searches though, if this would solve that problem.

Voting on comments, avatar in drawer

Both features I am planning to add. voting on comments might come in the great comment expansion I am planning,
which will include such things as reporting and hiding comments as well.
the structure for your avatar in the drawer is already implemented, however, fails on a single issue that I am currently trying to resolve.

Maybe a bottom navigation bar with the most important pages (maybe even all, if spacing allows it) for quick(er) access.

This will sadly not be implemented ever, because a drawer is vastly superior to a bottom bar, and the app might receive
alot more entries, making a bottom bar infeasible. An example of this is the planned forum support.
I would love to add the ability to swipe open the drawer from anywhere on the screen, not only the edge, however, I cant get it to work yet.

Also to me it feels like that the search button in the side panel could be omitted

The search button in the drawer actually has a different functionality than the search button in the floating action button.
clicking the search in the drawer will open a new search on top of your current one, clicking the search floating action button will edit the current search.
This makes it possible to kind of open multiple searches on top of each other.

Updates (at least for Android) could be done by the app itself

This is planned to be implemented at some point.

When typing, the tag suggestions cover the search button.

I am aware of this, however, didnt find a solution to it yet. I will ask upstream and maybe this will be fixed at some point.
For now as a workaround, you can add a space after the tag you typed to close the suggestions.

Latest IPA crashes on boot (installed with Filza, AppSync Unified with OdysseyRa1n) on iPhone X 13.5

This is a severe issue that I was not aware of until this report. However, the person who left the feedback sadly didnt leave an email,
so I wasnt able to ask questions about the circumstances. I cannot resovle this as I do not own an iPhone or Mac to test with,
however, @kritanta said they would be looking into it. I am very sorry, but for now we can only wait and hope they find out why.
If you are using an iPhone, please revert to 1.5.x for now.

Webm default player support - while a built-in webm player in the app itself would be most convenient, I wouldn't mind if webms auto-opened in my default video player on my device (currently VLC) .

Alot of people would like Webm support. I am looking into it, but its hard to implement because I am using a library for the image gallery, so inserting a webm player into that will probably be hard.
Opening Webm in fullscreen might make you unable to swipe, and it will be skipped while swiping etc. For now I havent managed to get any webm to run yet.
I can look into downloading the webm and opening it with any app you have on your phone however, that shouldnt be too had.

Login without the use of API key (probably not possible, but listing it anyways)

This is in fact totally impossible, however, you can go nag Kira about it, maybe they'll add it at some point.
A good way would be the app opening your browser, you login in and then the site returning an API key for the app to use -
however, that all needs to be done by the site and not by me.

zooming in on images causes images to become pixelated, gestures while loading images in full screen goes a bit haywire and doesn’t work very well (happens on both iOS and Android)

I'm not sure about zooming in and images becoming pixelated, however I have read something about this in the issues of the library I am using for images - this is probably an upstream issue I cannot fix.
Gestures while loading images going haywire is actually intended - or not. because there arent actually any gestures while loading the image. This is sadly not possible,
however, I have opened another upstream issue requesting for this to be added. We might see this functionality in the future.
This has been partially resovled by the fact that images are now preloaded, so you have alot less loading images, hopefully!

editing tags from within the app itself

This is somewhere in the stars, up there with editing pools and wiki entries, definitely not impossible tho. I will look into it.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



Version 1.6.2

Quality of Life, the third.


- You can now see your avatar in the drawer
- The image gallery is now ... a bit different
- You can now open Webm with your favorite video player


This update actually shouldve been the forum support update.
However, the forum API doesnt expose enough meaningful information
for me to feel good about releasing it.
For example does the forum API not yield the name of the poster of a forum post.
Therefore I have postponed forum support indefinetly.
Enjoy the new gallery.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.



crackpotminemarket said:
How are you handling Cloudflare captcha?

Hi, the app does not handle captchas at all,
but afaik opening your browser and navigating to the site
should prompt you a captcha which will unlock your IP again.
However, I have not tried this myself.
You can try contacting one of the admins.

In the meantime, here is an app update:

Version 1.7.0

After 8 months of developing this app, here we finally are.
I have promised it many times. Webm support.


- Webm support
- Animations everywhere
- lots of small fixes


Wanna hear some secrets? of course you do.
You can now tap the file type of a post to search for it.
You can now also finally press enter to submit searches.
Oh, and the keyboard wont close on you anymore on those tag inputs
that arent the main screen searches.

Now to something more important. There is finally Webm support!
I have spent alot of the time between this and the last update on working on this,
and I feel like it is okay to release. The slider is a bit janky and stuff,
but I have spent alot, alot of time trying to make it feel right,
so I hope the experience is good.

There are also a bunch of animations for everything,
everywhere, now. Try editing a post for example.

On a side note, the app has now a discord server!
If you feel like testing out new beta versions,
or just haning around for feedback and development news,
why dont you join.


What is broken

I feel like running or building for iOS is broken.
I dont know what to do about it,
but if you know anything, please write me.

What's next?

- blacklist synchronisation, maybe?
- Wiki pages... editing?


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Does that means e1547 will never get fix and services on ios? I just discovered this app and think it’s way better than Tails. Unfortunately, im running on ios and today this app looks like the only one left on ios (as i could see even if there isn’t more updates for now). I saw that it seems to be bery difficult for you to work on the ios version but do you think you could get as far as the android version ?

Also, as im new, what is the difference between the « Kritana » and « CamperGuy » versions ?

thatshowmafiaworks said:
Does that means e1547 will never get fix and services on ios? I just discovered this app and think it’s way better than Tails. Unfortunately, im running on ios and today this app looks like the only one left on ios (as i could see even if there isn’t more updates for now). I saw that it seems to be bery difficult for you to work on the ios version but do you think you could get as far as the android version ?

thatshowmafiaworks said:
Also, as im new, what is the difference between the « Kritanta » and « CamperGuy » versions ?


I cannot really fix the iOS version as I do not have any iOS devices to test the app on.
There is currently an issue with running newer versions,
that I cannot fix either because of the reason above.
That is why the iOS versions are behind the android versions.

Basically, someone else has to come along and fix it.

The difference between the Kritanta and CamperGuy versions is only the person who compiled it.
I am unable to compile the app myself because of the lack of a Mac,
so these two lovely people sometimes help me out.

Theoretically its a trust thing.
If you are on android, then you have to trust me, the code author,
that I compiled whats in the repo.
If you are on iOS, you will have to trust one of them.
If you dont trust either of us then you can compile the code yourself.

Otherwise there should be absolutely no difference in these two versions.



Version 1.7.1

your ordinary patch after big updates.


- new post tile options
- you can now long click tiles
- comments are now oldest first
- tag inputs are now more fancy
- internal restructuring


This update includes some options that thatshowmafiaworks brought to my attention.
You can now change how much space a post tile is using,
and you can also enable it to have more than 1 tile, depending on the image size.

If you ever wanted to have a reader mode for pools,
heres a secret for you:
enable staggered tiles and set the tile size to something as large as your screen (400 should probably do it).
This is a special case and will allow posts to lay out their full size on the screen.

Another change is the data structure of logins.
You will have to login again after the update.

Tag inputs are now more fancy, showing you the color of the tag category
and also how many posts have that tag.
autocompletion now also works with - and ~ in all tag inputs.

You can now multiselect post tiles by longclicking.
This allows to download or (un)favorite multiple posts at once.
Selecting too many posts to favorite will result in large wait times because of API limits,
so dont do that. Also if youre on iOS, no downloads for you, as always.

The host selection in the settings now works differently.
When wanting to visit e621, you will have to enter "" one time
to gain access. The reason for this is app store policies.
You can change it later on by long clicking the host setting,
but who would want that?
secret: entering anything else than "" will not work,
even though the UI might make you believe that you can enter any host
with a compatible API.

What is broken

- video player will sometimes crash
this issue comes from the last release of webm support,
and I have not had the time to fix it yet.
Thanks to Ragged-Hellion for the report.


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


Version 1.7.2

your ordinary patch after the patch after the patch...


- tag searches should be better
- performance should be better
- favorites dont apply blacklist anymore
- webms shouldnt stop working anymore
- internal refactoring


I think I fixed the issue with webms not playing after a certain amount;
This also should increase the app performance, especially when using the
app for extended amounts of time.

If you reset the tabs, this should clear all memory that is taken up by the app
instead of some of it lingering.

You might notice that if youre on iOS, webms will show as unsupported.
The reason for that is Apple, more or less as
they do not support the (google) webm encoding.

What's next?

- blacklist synchronisation, maybe?
- blacklist control for each search
- or maybe something completely different


You can update over the app about screen.
A compiled version is provided on the Github release page .
Feel free to compile it for yourself.


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