I've been conflicted on whether or not to re-rate these for a while, so before tagging these posts I wanted to get some advice on whether the rating should be changed for these posts:
The Posts:
Thanks for any advice y'all can give on this.
Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions
I've been conflicted on whether or not to re-rate these for a while, so before tagging these posts I wanted to get some advice on whether the rating should be changed for these posts:
Thanks for any advice y'all can give on this.
1st post: questionable for breasts
2nd post: questionable for foot_focus
3rd post: safe
EDIT: The second one is a borderline case though. I'd say either safe or questionable are acceptable.
Would fix the first, but rating locking is currently not working for Former Staff.
I'd say that 2nd and 3rd seem okay as safe. 2nd doesn't seem foot-fetishy enough to warrant questionable.
genjar said:
Would fix the first, but rating locking is currently not working for Former Staff.
I didn't notice before that the first post was rating-locked.