Topic: Feature Request: Favouriting an image should upvote it by default

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Similar to how Imgur works, I propose that whenever a user adds an image to their 'favourites', it also automatically upvotes the image. This is not a fixed upvote, and images do not need to be upvoted to remain in the favourites folder. The upvote can be retracted or even replaced with a downvote and it would still remain in the user's favourites.

Why would this be useful?
I have noticed on a LOT of images, the number of favourites VASTLY outnumbers the actual user-voted score of an image. I'd go as far as to argue that the user-voted score doesn't accurately portray how well-liked an image really is.

Some proof, pulled from my recent favourites:
-post #2110369 favourites 89, score 25
-post #2340276 favourites 79, score 24
-post #2340335 favourites 209, score 80
-post #234029 favourites 364, score 139
-post #738797 favourites 157, score 46
these were pulled at random, I might add. These were the first five I checked.
(scores accurate as of writing, but for some reason apparently my account was old enough to write forum posts but not submit them. I'm not gonna recheck them, but I very much doubt the problem fixed itself.)

This change would be a simple quality-of-life improvement to the score system, with only one downside that I am currently aware of: This may not be possible to apply retroactively. If not, this gives newer images an unfair advantage score-wise, which is unfortunate but not the end of the world.

Which part/s of the page/s would be affected?
Primarily just the score system, though minor tweaks to the 'favourite' function would be needed to make this work. However this will have a knock-on effect to sorting through posts by userscore. This shouldn't effect sorting posts by number of favourites but truth be told I don't remember if that's something you can do.

I sometimes favorite things for reasons other than liking that image. Also even if I like an image enough to favorite it for that reason, I might not think that, outside of my personal feelings, that it is worth an upvote.

You know that you can sort an image by the number of favorites it has, right? If you feel like popularity is better measured by favorites than by upvotes, why not just look at that metric rather than trying to combine it with upvoting?

I understand that you say that this wouldn't be fixed and could be overwritten, but what is the advantage you're proposing here? I can't see any actual benefit to this. At that point you might as well remove the score system altogether because it would be practically redundant.

clawdragons said:
I understand that you say that this wouldn't be fixed and could be overwritten, but what is the advantage you're proposing here? I can't see any actual benefit to this. At that point you might as well remove the score system altogether because it would be practically redundant.

Aside from the ability to downvote, it already is redundant. Score is what's shown to users but almost no one upvotes, just look at this post (post #1621446) with five times as many favourites as upvotes. I don't think that should be happening to be honest, I personally feel like a favourite should be equivalent to a super-like of sorts and therefore factored into the score (with the default upvote I'm proposing) unless the user dislikes it, but is favouriting to see it again later for whatever reason, which is why in my proposal I also said that the upvote can be redacted.

I feel like more people favourite an image because they like it than for any other reason, at least enough people to make it less effort to automatically upvote with a favourite and remove that upvote if needed, than to manually upvote every favourite.

ereptile_art said:
Aside from the ability to downvote, it already is redundant. Score is what's shown to users but almost no one upvotes, just look at this post (post #1621446) with five times as many favourites as upvotes. I don't think that should be happening to be honest, I personally feel like a favourite should be equivalent to a super-like of sorts and therefore factored into the score (with the default upvote I'm proposing) unless the user dislikes it, but is favouriting to see it again later for whatever reason, which is why in my proposal I also said that the upvote can be redacted.

I feel like more people favourite an image because they like it than for any other reason, at least enough people to make it less effort to automatically upvote with a favourite and remove that upvote if needed, than to manually upvote every favourite.

Everyone favourites, since it's more of a bookmark then a favourite to some people. Hell there are plenty of users on her with thousands of favourites, so it's useless as a measurement of popularity. Upvoting people actually go out of thier way to do. You have how people use it backwords

-1 on the suggestion

You can use order:favcount if you feel that order:score is inaccurate for your sorting purposes.

I made a user script for this because I want to upvote everything I favorite but not favorite everything I upvote. The script broke, so I need to redo it. A user script is probably the best solution here, because not everyone uses favorites and votes the same way. Or add the auto-upvote setting but have it disabled by default.

I am kinda on the fence about this idea.

On one hand, the thought that if you add a post to your favorites, you would most likely also want to upvote it, just makes a lot of sense.
On the other hand, this encourages people to favorite a lot of posts, and that's just not what favorites are for.

In my opinion, it goes like this:
Upvote all good posts, downvote bad ones
Favorite posts that you keep coming back to
Add to set posts that are unified by a theme that you like

Meanwhile, some people would favorite literally everything. Back when the limit on the number of favorites was introduced, I distinctly recall someone whining about going over the limit. Apparently, they used favorites to mark posts that they have already seen โ€“ literally like two hundred thousand favorites, if I remember correctly. And if everything is a favorite, then nothing is.

Nevertheless, I added this feature into re621 a while back, because people kept requesting it. So if you really want it now, there you go.

bitwolfy said:

On one hand, the thought that if you add a post to your favorites, you would most likely also want to upvote it, just makes a lot of sense.

This has come up in the past, favouriting for a lot of people definitely does not mean they like it. Many use it to tag better later, or other reasons. It's more for bookmarking for some people then anything. And yes, there is a crap ton of users that just favourite everything and have thousands of favourites :P

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