Topic: Should e926 be a "full" SFW version of e621 (in regards to Age Restrictions)

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

If the main purpose of e926 is for SFW image viewing, then should it have a different login system? I constantly look at bans to see how people fucked up and a favorable amount is due to Age Restrictions. If we could stop minors from signing up to e621 (or at least reduce the amount), then should e926 have a different login system that would be safe for -18's to use? Of course, e6 admins will (or at least should), have full view as to what platform users register for.
I know that some users here will be confused or disagree with my statement, and I'm perfectly fine with hearing someone else's opinion on the matter.
Let me hear your thoughts.

Minors aren't allowed on e926. I assume this is a safeguard in case a bug allows porn to be viewed on e926, or a bad tagger or troll starts tagging explicit content as "safe".

Since this got bumped. No, this isn't how it should work. It's the same dataset, and forums/tag names/aliases/implications are all still present, same users, etc. It's never going to be fully safe.

As for splitting it out, no, it also doesn't make sense and just increases workload.

Both sites are, and will remain to be 18+.


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