Topic: "Kingdom Chums" (xtian furry cartoon) R-34???

Posted under Art Talk

Anybody remember that churchie furry cartoon that was like, the xtian version of Care Bears with the bully that was the voice of Red Herring on A Pup Named Scooby Doo / Robin in Teen Titans and those stupid songs and that annoying kid who keeps saying "UNNNNN-BE-LEEV-UH-BULL!"

I think it would be awesome and deliciously blasphemous if these guys got a little more R-34 coverage, nah mean? I know there's maybe like, one or two pics floating around already, but I'd like to see something more in the abominable gay pairing department.

Like Mose (the tiger) X Christopher (the lion), or either one of the aforementioned chars X Little David (hell, why not a threesome?). C'mon all you furry pr0nz artisans out there, I know you love a good blasphemous, sacrilegious childhood ruining image.

Even better if one of the really slick art guiz out there make it, like Seth-Iova, Lando, Wolfblade, Wagnermutt, 0r0ch1, Aogami, Sashabelle, Onta etc...



Is it really such a hardship for you to spell out Christian, or are you just lazy?
Also, this song is catchy as fuck.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Is it really such a hardship for you to spell out Christian, or are you just lazy?

Is that what he was doing? I thought it was just some weird European thing.

Updated by anonymous

Y'know what would work? A commisson. Das da bes idea (unless you don't have money ofc)

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Y'know what would work? A commisson. Das da bes idea (unless you don't have money ofc)

Sometimes artists draw things of random characters from obscure series (like that Russian cartoon with the rabbit and the wolf?) of their own volition... all I did was suggest something which I thought would be humorous yet at the same time, arousing. (the raccoon dude is kinda cute).

Moon_Moon said:
Is it really such a hardship for you to spell out Christian, or are you just lazy?
Also, this song is catchy as fuck.

Is it that much harder to spell out "Laugh Out Loud?"
^ Much catchier...

Rocket_Corgi said:
Is that what he was doing? I thought it was just some weird European thing.

Nope... neither is "churchie."

Although any Aussies out there might mistake its use
to mean the Anglican Church Grammar School.

Updated by anonymous

Xmas is one thing, because its a commonly used shortening, xtians just seems like the kind of drug you'd see some major recall for...

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
'Xtian' just sounds like the kind of drug you'd see some major recall for...

Attention! If you or someone you know has been using the drug called "Xtian" you should know that the FDA has recalled the drug under a new study that has revealed potentially life threatening risks of paranoid delusions, hearing voices, a desire to listen to really boring and preachy music and the sudden urge to reenact the Binding of Isaac (no, not the video game on Steam, the *other* Binding of Isaac). Other side effects may include depression, feelings of worthlessness, or a desire to attend a Love In Action seminar or a desire to send your children there instead. If you or someone you know has been exposed to this drug, please contact the law firm of Dawkins & Hitchens. You *may* be entitled to a settlement!

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Also, "this song" is catchy as fuck.

-This- song is catchy as fuck. And ohhh gawd. I can't believe I actually -liked- this back when it was on radio, and this whole time it was Amy Grant singing it. Yuck. I always thought it was like, Mariah Carey or Janet Jackson or something... >.<

♪Baby, baby... duh nunna nunna nah nah.
Now stop for a minute...♪

And zomfg, that persistent instrumental motif...
its catchiness is over 9000. Worse than Rick Roll even.

♪and nunna nunna - sweetest of de-voe-shun♪

You guys hear that? I turned it off, but it just. keeps. going.

Updated by anonymous

Silly_Lil_Foxcub: Translation
I want to see furry porn of an obscure TV show but don't want to pay for it.

Updated by anonymous

I stopped reading at the same place ippiki did.

Then I started again, because I couldn't help it, I had to figure out what the hell this guy was trying to talk about.

Updated by anonymous

Because reading / clicking links or dealing with
abbreviations or internetz slang is very difficult.

You folks really ought to increase your humor intake,
preferably in the form of Brass Eye or Wonder Showzen.

Also these two awesome comedians, Phil Phillips
and Josue Yrion. Their standup routines about
"He-Man" and "Los Nintendos" are high-lurr-e-us.

Updated by anonymous

GreyMaria said:
I had to figure out what the hell this guy was trying to talk about.

What I was talking about, which is the title of the thread itself, is a 'christian' furry (see I spelled it out this time) cartoon with music in the form of a Top 10 video countdown sung by the religious equivalent of The Shirt Tales / Get Along Gang plus a bully with murderer's remorse.

What with the furry community's love of sacrilege...
I would have thought that folks would be totally up for this.

And seriously though, not deliberately trying to troll.
Just making a casual request / suggestion for ideas...

Besides, I know one of the aforementioned could easily top -these-

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
This thread makes me a sad panda.

Uh Panduh Burr? I don't take kindly tuh yer kind...
I wanna know sumthin' from yew, Mister Panduh Burr.
If yew Panduhs are from mountainous areas of China
and Tibet, how kerm yew eat Bamboo which is prone
to grow only in drier more arid regions?

(I'm kidding, me likey pandas... also koalas.)

Updated by anonymous