Topic: How do I edit a tag wiki?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Let me just say that you should always check to see if the tag you are trying to create exists or not, see topic #23085.
After that, you may need to create a suggestion thread to ask whether the tag is valid or prevalent enough to warrant its creation.

Back to editing tag wikis, select Tags on the navigation bar on top and type in the tag's name in the search bar.
You may need to put an asterisk on the front or back of the tag to find similarly-worded tags (e.g., searching for *_fur will give you all the fur tag combinations such as blue_fur, spotted_fur, wet_fur, etc).
After finding your tag, click on the "?" to the left of it and select "Edit" (not "Edit Tag") on the subsection of the navigation bar above.

To check your own history of wiki edits, look in your profile page and click the number next to "Wiki Page Changes".

And just a heads-up, none of the new tags you have created are valid. They already exist as cock_worship ejaculation male/female and bottomless respectively.


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