Topic: What to do about these animal_humanoid tag implications?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

This is largely derived from the forum topic #26520.

While the implication linked above for bee_humanoid -> bee was rejected, there are still some other tags that have similar implications to this currently in place (such as mantis_humanoid -> mantis, cockroach_humanoid -> cockroach, shrimp_humanoid -> shrimp, hermit_crab_humanoid -> paguroid). Additionally, these types of implications seem to be consistently in place for fictional species as well (such as western_dragon_humanoid -> western_dragon, gryphon_humanoid -> gryphon, harpy_humanoid -> harpy).

I'm currently wondering what the implication convention should be for animal_humanoid tags, and whether the implications for [real_animal]_humanoid tags should be treated differently from the implications for [fictional_animal]_humanoid tags.

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