Topic: best tag for Art the parrot character?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

There are ten uploads tagged with character tag herr_wozzeck,
but those uploads show his parrot character named Art.

I’ve checked out FA account herr-wozzeck
and Herr Wozzeck seems to be his writer name (see FurryWritersGuild )
(and probably his furry personal name),
but not the name for one of his fursonas. (see list-of-characters section below)

Mainly writing this post to ask which tag would be better for his parrot character,
art_the_parrot OR art_(herr-wozzeck) ??

Initially i thought tag should be art_the_parrot because of folder
which is titled “The Wacky Adventures of Art the Parrot”,
but uploads in that folder made me think art_(herr-wozzeck) would be better.
(BTW, most of the uploads don’t include character’s name except for folder-name)

(uploads that include name, sorted by date)

“Seedy Nights" (story) (WARNING: ADULT rating)
is the latest to include name. Story gives his name as just “Art” (about 86 times).

The stories
“Shopping Trip” (WARNING: ADULT rating)
and “Nights in the Gardens of Tyrua” (WARNING: ADULT rating)
also gives his name as just “Art”.

With “You're Awful [Commission]” (“general rating”)
description includes name “my character Art.”
(the story itself has character name of just “Art”)

“Birds of a Feather”
story in description has name says “Art, the parrot” (once)
and name of “Art” 9 times.

“Cheek to Cheek”
story in description has name as “Art” 18 times.

(I’m going to stop going through the gallery descriptions here,
because text above and below seems like enough)

(section) list of characters (with their own folder)

(short version: no folder for a character named Herr and/or Wozzeck)

Agundio Atti-Morales (a black hawk)

Hank Sawyer (an opossum)
(“originally created by tazel and played by me.”)

Will Steinberg (a “feline”, probably domestic cat)
(only colour image seems to be a headshot portrait)

“Ruqayya Barakah” (a hedgehog)

“Josh Severt” (a “tarpon”: )

aforementioned Art (the parrot)

(Darren and Colton)
Darren is a crocodile.
Colton is a shark.


I can't dig into links right now but I'm just gonna point out herr is just the German equivalent of mister.

Don't know if that helps at all.

First, change herr_wozzeck from a character tag to a copyright tag since it is associated to the character owner instead of the characters themselves.

Second, art_(herr_wozzeck) would be the more appropriate choice for the new character tag.
If any of his other characters appear here, then tag them with the copyright tag herr_wozzeck and the respective character tag *_(herr_wozzeck).

I agree with the art_(herr_wozzeck) tag. It prevents confusion with any other character named Art who also happens to be a parrot.

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