Topic: "Duplicate of post #815298"

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

gattonero2001 said:
I converted this video to WebM and tried to upload a few times but I keep getting the same error. I noticed that post #815298 is tagged with bad_metadata, which probably explains why this is happening, but what can be done about it?

try converting with a slightly different bitrate; maybe you were just unlucky enough to get an MD5 collision

if you still have no luck, upload your webm to another site so we can examine it

Anything that conflicts with post #815298 means that you submitted an empty file. Check that your file actually has contents. If not, it's likely that your browser is failing to upload the file properly, it might be larger than the maximum size of 95MB. Mobile devices may also cause this problem if they can't read the file into memory, or they can't get permission to access the file from the browser.

It's suggested that uploads all be made from desktop machines to avoid these issues.


kiranoot said:
Anything that conflicts with post #815298 means that you submitted an empty file. Check that your file actually has contents. If not, it's likely that your browser is failing to upload the file properly, it might be larger than the maximum size of 95MB.

I will try again later on another device, I think that might have been the problem.

bipface said:
yikes… is there any chance of fixing that post? or maybe hard-delete and re-upload it?

It's actually useful for the purpose of being a placeholder for that reason. Since I can stick a comment on it and people can see it and get info from it. Otherwise it's pretty opaque what happened.

bipface said:
i was afraid you'd say that, lol

Fixing every edge case of incorrect data in the system would take years. It's pretty systemic since the older copies of the site didn't always prefer to fail in sane ways. So on we live with a bit of bad metadata.

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