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MemberIf your post is being detected as a duplicate of this post, it means that you submitted an empty file, or your browser failed to upload the file correctly. This post incorrectly has the md5 of an empty file.
If you are trying to upload from a mobile device, this is usually that the file is too large, or that the browser doesn't have permission to read the file. Try again on a desktop device.
MemberThis looks like Freckles' work, also fixed rating.
Former StaffWeird i tried to direct upload
But it posted this one instead.
MemberHuh... that is weird.
PrivilegedMan, this file had me scratching my head for a while. MD5 calculation of this image clearly failed somehow as this file has an (incorrect) MD5 entry of nothing (empty string "") aka d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e. An interesting side note is that this is probably the only md5 that is going to give you tons of matches on Google (if you get more than one you're generally lucky).
But at least it's tagged with bad_metadata so I guess it will be fixed in time.
MemberImage file size 0 bytes? seems legit...
MemberIt's still saying this image is the duplicate to the on I'm trying to upload.
Which is this post
David Ingara
Membersame problem
MemberWhy is my upload being identified as this submission??
BlockedThis site has a weird way of working.
Bobby KingOfTheHill
Member0 byte file size?? very confused.
MemberAh yes, the 'e6 doing weird things when you try to upload an image' image
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