Topic: how feasible would an "Appeal" button be on deleted images? possible feature? not sure how else to ask for undeletion

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

This is an interesting feature I noticed on ATF where if you disagree with the decision to delete an image you can enter text explaining your objection, and the appeal would then be displayed on the image's page separately from the general comments and I believe also the appeal would be on a list for mods to look at.

I'm not sure how we're meant to appeal here presently so a button like that would be cool.

Not sure if we're meant to use "Report" because the "Reasons" dropdown menu doesn't seem to include a "disagree with deletion" option.

For example of something I would like to appeal: my upload was deleted with the reason "human only" recently, however the reason I uploaded it was that actually a scalie does appear: it's guro where Zeta is using Nazboo's severed tail as a dildo.

This may not have been immediately obvious to the deleting admin. I'll admit I overlooked it the first half-dozen times I had seen the image, and only noticed it when I read the artist's description on Pixiv.

I think this oversight is my fault because I didn't tag it as thoroughly as I ought to: I neglected to input "dragon" for example so only human showed up in the species tag.

I've corrected that and added enough tags to justify inclusion IMO but not sure how to submit it for re-assessment.

Given that it does list the name of the one who deletes the images (a great feature TBH wish more boorus were accountable like this) would it be appropriate to PM contact the deleting admin (Shadowstones) via 'send message' or is that frowned upon as inappropriate (harassment?) and there's some more formalized process I ought to try instead?

Danbooru has this, but I pulled the feature because it wasn't complete and there was no way to resolve appeals. If I find time to get to it, I'll bring it back, because it was useful.

kiranoot said:
Danbooru has this, but I pulled the feature because it wasn't complete and there was no way to resolve appeals. If I find time to get to it, I'll bring it back, because it was useful.

any luck on this?

I would like something like this. I once had a picture taken down because someone who had an OC that resembled one of the characters (but was not actually that OC) used in the picture filed a takedown. I wouldn't put the picture back up these days, but I would have liked the ability to appeal that action on principle.

Though I would also understand if staff thought that it would just add a bunch of busywork for them and not bothered.

lonelylupine said:
I would like something like this. I once had a picture taken down because someone who had an OC that resembled one of the characters (but was not actually that OC) used in the picture filed a takedown. I wouldn't put the picture back up these days, but I would have liked the ability to appeal that action on principle.

You can always appeal a deletion by sending a DMail to the moderator that deleted the image (or NotMeNotYou if it was the auto-moderator). An Appeal button would just streamline that and I guess leave a more readily available record of it happening.

While it's something I'd like, I do have to doubt its feasibility, because a lot of people would use it to appeal things deleted because of the quality standards.


I mean, if it somehow timed out of the 30 days, then maybe.
But otoh, if an artist or commissioner would say no, it's a no.

glyme said:
I mean, if it somehow timed out of the 30 days, then maybe.
But otoh, if an artist or commissioner would say no, it's a no.


lonelylupine said:
I once had a picture taken down because someone who had an OC that resembled one of the characters (but was not actually that OC) used in the picture filed a takedown.

There are times even when a picture is actively deleted or taken down that it was for an invalid reason. Sometimes a somebody might assume that a character in an image is theirs, or knowingly lie and say it is, and submit a takedown, which should be able to be appealed. I've had images deleted because there was a bulk deletion across low quality images to a copyright that mine happened to be in the middle of.
Even if an artist requests a takedown, the image in question might be a collab where the other artist(s) permitted the image, which could have a case-by-case allowance.

While I understand the appeal (no pun intended) of such a feature, I struggle to think of any real-world scenarios in which it might lead to an image getting undeleted. The only example I can think of where the button might have made a difference is the strange case of topic #29025, and even then raising a public stink might have been the better course of action.

wat8548 said:
While I understand the appeal (no pun intended) of such a feature, I struggle to think of any real-world scenarios in which it might lead to an image getting undeleted. The only example I can think of where the button might have made a difference is the strange case of topic #29025, and even then raising a public stink might have been the better course of action.

yesterday, I had a post deleted for DNP list, even though permission to post was linked in the description. It was easy to sort out using Dmail, but an appeal button would be the "proper" way to resolve that sort of issue

I agree. Using Dmails works, kind of, but I think having a dedicated way would be more organized.

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