Topic: [Feature] Idea for a possible site feature

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

So, had a bit of an idea while cleaning up my favorites a while back, and now I ended up thinking on it again because of some serious issues with trying to purge tags from my favorites. The idea is for some kind of purge button for favorites, something that could purge either certain tags, or just a button to purge the list fully to allow people to clean up their lists. Mostly came to me because of the limit of 80k favorites people have now, and the fact that, while I am currently purging my list using the "unfavorite" option, so one click removal, that will take at my best estimate a rough 20 hours to do. I plan to do this anyway a bit at a time over the next few weeks, but you can understand my issue if you look at the amount of time. A system to purge favorites would allow users to also get rid of any posts they blacklisted without needing to worry about their favorites being clogged by say, a dozen posts with that tag, that they may have had slip by before they blacklisted it.

Another idea could be that any tag that you blacklist ends up purged from your favorites, which would still allow the same function, but would simply automatically clean up the second issue. So, that's basically the idea, mostly just looking for what other users, or staff might think of something like this.

If you favorited it before you blacklisted it, your mind was trying to tell you that you actually like the fetish you blocked.

lance_armstrong said:
If you favorited it before you blacklisted it, your mind was trying to tell you that you actually like the fetish you blocked.

Not necessarily. Some of my favorites are posts that I like despite the fetish involved, not because of it.

lance_armstrong said:
If you favorited it before you blacklisted it, your mind was trying to tell you that you actually like the fetish you blocked.

For me it's mostly the case that some images have tags that I've blacklisted after I saw them and failed to see the fetish or other tag on them, which ends up being a bit of a pain when around... 500? I think around 500 are likely blacklisted images but still in my list. My main thought on this however was just how hard it can be after the change to how favs work for some people, and even an option to purge every single fav you have could be a way to solve it. I'm lucky to have been near, but not at 80k images, meaning I could just begin working from the back of my faves to the front basically, while still faving some images.

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