The tag alias #51264 n0nrealist -> n0ncanon has been approved.
Reason: Same person.
EDIT: The tag alias n0nrealist -> n0ncanon (forum #306853) has been approved by @Millcore.
Updated by auto moderator
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag alias #51264 n0nrealist -> n0ncanon has been approved.
Reason: Same person.
EDIT: The tag alias n0nrealist -> n0ncanon (forum #306853) has been approved by @Millcore.
Updated by auto moderator
Here's their Linktree where they have links to their profiles under both names as proof for the admins.
I'd argue that both names should alias to n0nsense (or just n0n).
The tag alias n0nrealist -> n0ncanon (forum #306853) has been approved by @Millcore.