Topic: pokémon_champion tag?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Not 100% sure where to post this, but noticed when I posted a few images of pokémon trainers it would display a message at the top about "pokémon_champion" not being valid for having non ASCII characters or something to that effect. Did this happen to anyone else?

Weird. Multiple characters implicate pokémon_champion but no posts exist under it. Was there some tag mechanics update that stopped it from working? ImpidiDinkaDoo passed the implications without any thread on the fifteenth last month, so this new thread will have to do for reporting the issue.

That happens due to a fascinating bug.

The various pokemon trainer character tags imply pokémon_champion, a non-existent tag. However, the thing with tags on e621 is that while they don't technically exist until they are added to a post, implications can still be made to them. And that's what happened here.

So, when you add the character tag to a post, the site also tries to add pokémon_champion, and since it does not exist, it attempts to create it. Unfortunately, that tag cannot be created because it contains non-ASCII characters - é, resulting in an error message.

Realistically speaking, all pokémon tags should be changed to avoid using those characters. But that's a rather large undertaking that nobody has taken on yet.

bitwolfy said:
Realistically speaking, all pokémon tags should be changed to avoid using those characters. But that's a rather large undertaking that nobody has taken on yet.

Yeah, overall there's a ton, even just in aliases. There are implications beyond that. Over time I might be able to compile a BUR list, but somebody else might get to it before I do.

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