Topic: [REJECTED] Fixing Some 'partial_nudity' and 'partially_clothed' Aliases

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #796 has been rejected.

create alias partial_nudity (880) -> clothed (1204726)
remove alias partially_nude (0) -> partially_clothed (138930)
remove alias partially_naked (0) -> partially_clothed (138930)
remove alias semi_naked (0) -> partially_clothed (138930)
remove alias open_clothes (0) -> partially_clothed (138930)
create alias semi_nude (45) -> clothed (1204726)
create alias semi-nude (0) -> clothed (1204726)
create alias semi-naked (0) -> clothed (1204726)

Reason: Aliasing partial_nudity (and similar variants that are currently aliased to partially_clothed) to clothed, due to being an ambiguous tag. The partial_nudity tag is often utilized instead of multiple different tags (partially_clothed, mostly_nude, topless, bottomless). Aliasing partial_nudity to clothed would be the best option, since aliasing partial_nudity to one of the other tags could lead to mistagged posts.

Derived from topic #29060. This also includes un-aliasing open_clothes from partially_clothed so that it can instead be aliased to open_clothing later.

Tags For Another BUR

alias partially_nude -> clothed
alias partially_naked -> clothed
alias semi_naked -> clothed
alias open_clothes -> open_clothing

EDIT: The bulk update request #796 (forum #307609) has been rejected by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

cloudpie said:
...Partial_nudity does need to be dealt with though. 700+ posts

The most obvious idea that comes to mind is aliasing it to partially clothed, but I suspect not all posts under the tag would qualify. Would aliasing to clothed would catch all the posts though?

Quite a number of posts under partial nudity seem to be characters wearing clothing that just doesn't cover much, if anything at all

snpthecat said:
The most obvious idea that comes to mind is aliasing it to partially clothed, but I suspect not all posts under the tag would qualify. Would aliasing to clothed would catch all the posts though?

Quite a number of posts under partial nudity seem to be characters wearing clothing that just doesn't cover much, if anything at all

Aliasing to clothed is the safest bet to avoid mistags. Given how the tag's been abused with no clear direction, I'd say that alias is the best just to wipe the whole slate clean.

strikerman said:
Aliasing to clothed is the safest bet to avoid mistags. Given how the tag's been abused with no clear direction, I'd say that alias is the best just to wipe the whole slate clean.

Seems it might not catch everything, since a couple under partial_nudity would count as mostly_nude which has resisted at least 3 attempts at implying it to clothed