Topic: [APPROVED] Tag alias: argo -> argo_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #51785 argo -> argo_(disambiguation) has been approved.

Reason: argo tag a mix of about four characters. Five argo_* tags. Started wiki at argo (disambiguation).

Plain argo tag consists of:
a) red-bodied anthro that seems to be hellhound argo_(furryratchet)
b) anthro male horse, probably character of : post #1642981
c) anthro aquatic lizard (example: post #1242684 )
d) feral horse (character from Xena TV series??)

(and maybe whatever Argo is in swf post #212080 )

Five argo_* tags:

1) 1 . . . argo_(character)
2) 8 . . . argo_(dragonwingeddestroyer)
3) 6 . . . argo_(furryratchet)
4) 43 . . . argo_(knights_college)
5) 1 . . . argo_slothcat2

EDIT: The tag alias argo -> argo_(disambiguation) (forum #310675) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator