Topic: Tag implication: tail_jewelry -> tail_accessory

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag implication #40254 tail_jewelry -> tail_accessory has been approved.

Reason: Currently tail_bell and tail_garter both imply to tail_accessory.

(tail_bell : implication #35372
tail_garter : implication #30724 )

Similarly, i think tail_jewelry should also imply to tail_accessory

List at
includes "... Accessories that are worn may include ... bracelets, ... rings, ..."

(tags tail_bracelet and tail_ring both imply to tail jewelry)

EDIT: The tag implication tail_jewelry -> tail_accessory (forum #313116) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

I like the idea of implicating tail_jewelry -> tail_accessory (as well as implicating the *_jewelry tags to their *_accessory counterparts). Though if this implication is approved, I think that the implication jewelry -> accessory should also be used (though I don't know how folks would feel about these jewelry -> accessory implications, or whether these implications could cause problems when searching with these tags).

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