Topic: There’s something wrong with Blacklisting

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

For some reason my Blacklisting is not blocking off images that have them, hell one image had all the blacklisted tags and it wasn’t hidden.

lafcadio said:
Put all your tags on separate lines unless you want to blacklist some combination like male -female -intersex (to, say, block all images with males that do not also have females or intersexes.)

Ohhh it has to be line broken? Gotcha.

Under the blacklist box it says:

"Put any tag combinations you never want to see here. Each combination should go on a separate line. View help."

I think the font size for this text should be increased. It's pretty smol.

lance_armstrong said:
Under the blacklist box it says:

"Put any tag combinations you never want to see here. Each combination should go on a separate line. View help."

I think the font size for this text should be increased. It's pretty smol.

in my line of work, i've had people ignore text that was bolded, quadruple the size of other text, and marked in bright red

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