Alt title: A sketchy question (but I didn't want it to be confusing)
So, what qualifies as a sketch? Typically when I think of a "sketch", it's something like this:
post #2878564
Rough overlapping lines, to build out the shapes of the character and various adornments, for later relining and cleanup.
However, looking through the tag, there are a number like this:
post #2878325
Where at a distance or scaled down, it looks like a completed lined piece with a well-formed "solid" character. It's just when looking at it larger size can you tell the lines are somewhat sketchy, but the coloring and some of the lines are finished-quality.
Or like this:
post #2879973
Where the line work is very clean and the character is well-formed, but if you look closely in some parts, you can see where some of the lining is a little rough.
I've already needed to remove the tag from some posts that are definitely not sketches, but I'm having a tough time figuring out where the line is (pun not totally intended), as there's some I wouldn't call a sketch, but I wouldn't remove the tag if others disagree.