Topic: [APPROVED] Araçari BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #1235 is active.

remove alias araçari_toucan (0) -> araçari (5)
remove alias aracari_toucan (0) -> araçari (5)
remove alias pteroglossus (0) -> araçari (5)
remove alias aracari (67) -> araçari (5)
remove implication araçari (5) -> toucan (1094)

Reason: It is common knowledge among people who frequent the forums (I hope) that Unicode tags are currently being replaced due to the potential to cause bugs.

The following BUR must be requested only after the above one is approved, otherwise it will be blocked by the active tag relationships.

alias araçari_toucan -> aracari_toucan
alias araçari -> aracari_toucan
alias pteroglossus -> aracari_toucan
alias aracari -> aracari_toucan

imply aracari_toucan -> toucan

EDIT: The bulk update request #1235 (forum #315482) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #9826 is active.

create alias araçari (5) -> aracari (67)
create alias pteroglossus (0) -> aracari (67)
create implication aracari (67) -> toucan (1094)
create alias tucan (8) -> toucan (1094)

Reason: This followup never got done lol

I disagree with aracari_toucan (the planned followup) as a tag name, nobody calls them that, they're just aracaris ( ).

(also throwing in an alias for the spanish word for toucan)

EDIT: The bulk update request #9826 (forum #425837) has been approved by @spe.

Updated by auto moderator

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