Topic: Will Upvote/Un-Upvote ever be added to MODE?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I just thought that when looking at my favorites, I would want the ability to upvote or un-upvote
an image without going to the image when I'm doing things in bulk.

bitwolfy said:
It's already a thing, but it might be locked behind Privileged, or something like that.

really? locked behind privilege?
idk, that seems kinda unfair.
why allow members favorite/unfav mode and not Upvote
it's a hassle for no reason that could be remedy.
Feels a bit half-assed.
post #1925688

I don't even know how to access my Upvotes without going to the forums to find out
That's such a roundabout frustrating way to handle things. Having to type in the search just to
access it.

It's a serious



Comparing the differences between this privileged account and my regular member alt account it looks like privileged gain the options of Vote up, Vote down, Rate safe, Rate questionable, Rate explicit and Tag script.

faucet said:
Comparing the differences between this privileged account and my regular member alt account it looks like privileged gain the options of Vote up, Vote down, Rate safe, Rate questionable, Rate explicit and Tag script.

I honestly don't care for any of that stuff. I just want a convenient and fair way to
manage my Upvotes just as I do with my favorites. With little typing as possible and literally 1-click of a button.
The fact that it's only part of the Privilege seems vexing to me since it sounds like a feature that everyone should already have.
Like I said, feels half-assed. Members don't need Ratings, Locks, and the ability to Approve

But it'd sure be nice to see what the hell I'm Upvoting and having
the ability to Un-upvote them in a MODE. Just as easy as the already established FAV MODE.
This is so OCD Triggering.

Blacklist and Voting should definitely be under the normal user's Mode dropdown. Maybe download too.


Former Staff

furrin_gok said:
Blacklist and Voting should definitely be under the normal user's Mode dropdown. Maybe download too.

Blacklist, Fullscreen, and Download aren't native modes. That's just something I added through my userscript
Sorry about the confusion.

I definitely agree with Blacklist being an option for everyone, though. It's not too difficult to implement.
As for voting... I would wager that there is a good reason why it's not available for normal users.



closetpossum said:
I just thought that when looking at my favorites, I would want the ability to upvote or un-upvote
an image without going to the image when I'm doing things in bulk.

I imagine it's because it'd allow people to mass downvote tags they don't like. People often downvote rather than use their blacklist, so I can see that happening.

Having an upvote option for regular members then add the downvote one for priv+ could be a good compromise. I think if you upvote an already upvoted post it removes the vote, so that'd work as well, I haven't tested that though, so maybe a reset vote option might be needed.

pup said:
I imagine it's because it'd allow people to mass downvote tags they don't like. People often downvote rather than use their blacklist, so I can see that happening.

Having an upvote option for regular members then add the downvote one for priv+ could be a good compromise. I think if you upvote an already upvoted post it removes the vote, so that'd work as well, I haven't tested that though, so maybe a reset vote option might be needed.

Mode has "Remove from Favorites" so "Remove vote" would be a third mode (well, the second if Downvote is locked to Priv+) that removes any vote from the image.

bitwolfy said:
I would wager that there is a good reason why it's not available for normal users.

What good reason would that be to deny normal users from having an Upvote MODE?

pup said:
I imagine it's because it'd allow people to mass downvote tags they don't like. People often downvote rather than use their blacklist, so I can see that happening.

Having an upvote option for regular members then add the downvote one for priv+ could be a good compromise. I think if you upvote an already upvoted post it removes the vote, so that'd work as well, I haven't tested that though, so maybe a reset vote option might be needed.

I'm not talking about the ability to mass Upvote or Downvote tags.
I 'm talking about selecting a Mode (Upvote) and see my darn Upvotes just as I do with my Favorites.

When you press Upvote again it Un-Upvotes an image, returning it to a neutral state, there's probably no need for an Upvote/Downvote Mode cause why would you want to look at Downvoted images.
I just want to see my upvotes with a click of a button without having to pole vault the search engine to access something that should be simple. I'm not a coder, maybe it's harder than I'm making it easier than it seems.
But would it kill to just have Upvotes MODE be as simple to access as the Favorites/Unfavorites MODE?
post #2748838

closetpossum said:
I just want to see my upvotes with a click of a button without having to pole vault the search engine to access something that should be simple.

According to the Cheatsheet, you should be able to see the posts that you upvoted by searching votedup:anything, which sounds quite simple to me.



closetpossum said:
I'm not talking about the ability to mass Upvote or Downvote tags.
I 'm talking about selecting a Mode (Upvote) and see my darn Upvotes just as I do with my Favorites.

I'm saying that people would search a tag then use a downvote mode to downvote every image, which is why I was saying upvotes could be for regular users but limit the downvote mode to priv+.

pup said:
I'm saying that people would search a tag then use a downvote mode to downvote every image, which is why I was saying upvotes could be for regular users but limit the downvote mode to priv+.

I can agree to that, I think I said that twice on two occassions.

gattonero2001 said:
According to the Cheatsheet, you should be able to see the posts that you upvoted by searching votedup:anything, which sounds quite simple to me.

THIS, is exactly the "Pole Vaulting" I wish to avoid. Why do I have to type that in the search engine
when it should just be available in a MODE? Simple to you maybe but to me it's just unnecessary when you already have a way in handling such a situation.
Why access a Cheatsheet, scroll to look for the accessibility, and then type it in the search?
Why go through all that? Just make the MODE and spare the individuals, as well as myself, all that convoluted-tab-opening-time-consuming-head-scratching nonsense.

closetpossum said:
THIS, is exactly the "Pole Vaulting" I wish to avoid. Why do I have to type that in the search engine
when it should just be available in a MODE?

A mode has nothing to do with visible posts. A mode is simply to change the behavior of clicking on thumbnails, but does nothing to see or hide certain posts. If you want to see posts you've upvoted (or favorited), you need to search for them using a simple search query. It's not "pole vaulting" when I want to search for pokemon to look at pokemon art, that's just how the site works.

watsit said:
A mode has nothing to do with visible posts. A mode is simply to change the behavior of clicking on thumbnails, but does nothing to see or hide certain posts. If you want to see posts you've upvoted (or favorited), you need to search for them using a simple search query. It's not "pole vaulting" when I want to search for pokemon to look at pokemon art, that's just how the site works.

It goes deeper than that. Like if you want to go through your favorites or just browsing. It'd be nice to Upvote or Un-upvote an image without having to go to the image.
I have so many tabs opened, rn, just to do this ONE THING, that I wish to avoid because I don't have the accessibility to do so otherwise.
I don't understand why it's "unnecessary" to have an Upvote Mode. I'm literally suffering the result of not having an Upvote Mode
I got 348 tabs open (and growing)!
If an Upvote Mode was accessible to Members, I could just have one tab and leisurely upvote images I like without going to the original post.
It's a Win/Win for everyone and all it takes is coding it in (or whatever the Janitors/programmers do)

y'all already HAVE this ability. So why can't a ant-of-the-colony Possum like me or any other Member have an easier time with Upvotes?

What's the CON?

closetpossum said:
It goes deeper than that. Like if you want to go through your favorites or just browsing. It'd be nice to Upvote or Un-upvote an image without having to go to the image.

Sure, most people seem to be on board with allowing normal users to have an upvote mode to simplify upvoting (just not downvoting, since it's easily abused to mass downvote what should be blacklisted). I was just responding to the statement that you "just want to see my upvotes with a click of a button without having to pole vault the search engine to access something that should be simple" and that having to search for your upvotes to see them "is exactly the "Pole Vaulting" I wish to avoid. Why do I have to type that in the search engine when it should just be available in a MODE?" The two have nothing to do with each other. The mode has no bearing on you seeing your upvotes, it just lets you upvote by clicking the post thumbnail after you've already made a search. And running a votedup:me search is as simple as can be.

watsit said:
Sure, most people seem to be on board with allowing normal users to have an upvote mode to simplify upvoting (just not downvoting, since it's easily abused to mass downvote what should be blacklisted). I was just responding to the statement that you "just want to see my upvotes with a click of a button without having to pole vault the search engine to access something that should be simple" and that having to search for your upvotes to see them "is exactly the "Pole Vaulting" I wish to avoid. Why do I have to type that in the search engine when it should just be available in a MODE?" The two have nothing to do with each other. The mode has no bearing on you seeing your upvotes, it just lets you upvote by clicking the post thumbnail after you've already made a search. And running a votedup:me search is as simple as can be.

So if some of the Priv and Members are on the same page that Upvotes should be a Mode, why isn't it yet?
Is this a time issue?
(or did I misunderstood your reply as an agreement?)

bitwolfy said:

aren't you the one (that I know of) that actually has the knowledge to pull this off?

closetpossum said:
So if some of the Priv and Members are on the same page that Upvotes should be a Mode, why isn't it yet?
Is this a time issue?

Yes, there's only so many people working on the site, and they do so in their free time, and only a few of those who know how to make the necessary change. Patience.


Former Staff

closetpossum said:
aren't you the one (that I know of) that actually has the knowledge to pull this off?

This kind of stuff goes through Kira, e621's developer.
I'm not involved with that. I make a 3rd party userscript that extends the site's functionality.

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