Topic: Should genderbent characters get separate tags?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I'm pretty sure that I saw a topic that said no, but I can't find it. Still futashy was aliased to fluttershy.
I'm asking because people are tagging crossgendered version of discord from mlp to eris, and because of male_renamon tag.

Updated by RedOctober

null0010 said:

Eris is the name of a Greek goddess and should not be used for some cartoon character.

Thor is the name of a Norse god, yet...
This argument doesn't hold, plenty of cartoon characters reference ancient myths and folklore.

I agree that it should remain Discord for other reasons. For example, we don't give any other character a different name just because they're a different gender. Look at Renamon, for one. Or some of the Ninja Turtles.

This definitely needs some thought. After all, is not the gender of a character (that was created outside of e621) part of what defines that character? After all, Superman is distinct from Supergirl, though pretty much only in that one respect. How can we be so sure what we're looking at is a male Krystal? Krystal's a girl, that blue thing has a dick, why can we say for certain it's not, in fact, Lattice, my Starfox OC? I'm not arguing for or against anything right now other than against a simple dismissal of the issue, and for more in-depth discussion.

Updated by anonymous

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