Topic: (EDIT: Wayback getting DDOSed & had data-breach so avoid until DDOS has ended.) help archive artist URL(s) (using Wayback Machine, or other) to help find new URLs for those artists

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

short version: when you have time, please archive (using Wayback Machine or similar) to archive artist userpage(s) in case they change username or shutdown the galleries we know about. (but the URLs e621 knows about linked to new gallery/galleries)


So i wandered across artist spicymelow on e621,
but their e621 artist page ( ) only has only ONE link (Twitter link) in URLs field
and that Twitter account link now results in "This account doesn’t exist".

I hoped i could see an archived version of artist's Twitter userpage to see if they had another galleries,
but it seemed neither Wayback Machine nor had archived artist's Twitter.

Turns out Wayback archived some tweets, but it wasn't obvious they had done so because no one archived Spicymelow's Twitter userpage ( ).

archived tweets:*/*

Archive tweet URLs handy if artist has simply changed Twitter username (because can forward to ).

(nothing archived at:* )


example of Wayback Machine in action:*/


(wasn't sure which forum category was appropriate. Since archived finds could be used for artist wiki pages, putting in Tag/Wiki Projects category)

EDIT: currently i just use
1) Wayback Machine ( )
2) and ( ),
but more info at


I second this heavily. The Wayback Machine helped me immensely in finding old tumblr posts. Archives are definitely helpful when artists go scorched earth and delete everything.

(Replying here since this is related)

Another thing for people to do:
Use Wayback Machine (and maybe other archive site) to archive furry art.

The reasons being
1) for art already uploaded to e621, useful to confirm who did art
2) for art NOT yet at e621, a thumbnail potentially useful for finding full-size version (in another FA gallery or elsewhere).
3) potentially other reasons.


Example: now results in "This user cannot be found."

Luckily Wayback Machine has archived userpage*/
archive of their userpage reveal they have a Twitter:

(another TO DO: compare waybacked art by FA/yourtreeflower07 to art in that Twitter account to see if both have some of same art ... ie. to confirm Twitter YourTreeflower is still owned by FA/yourtreeflower07)

An archive of page1 of their FA gallery
had various thumbails NOT archived
but luckily some of the thumbails still at FA (couldn't find any FULL-size uploads that were uploaded to yourtreeflower07 account)

So today I managed to archive (for that yourtreeflower07 gallery page):
1)[email protected]
2)[email protected]
3)[email protected]
4)[email protected]
5)[email protected]

I archived the thumbails by
1) looking at the archived gallery page,
2) right-clicking on blank thumbnail
3) click on "Copy Image Location"
4) paste the image URL (suggest paste to text-file)
5) remove the Wayback part of the URL (resulting in image URL such as[email protected]
6) check if that image-URL still results in an image
7) IF yes (to step6) then
7a) go to
7b) and copy image-URL into the Wayback field near top (the one that currently says "Enter a URL or words related to a site's home page") and press ENTER key
7c) if Wayback hasn't archive that image-URL yet, you should see Wayback page that says "Hrm." "Wayback Machine has not archived that URL."
7d) Click on the button (on that webpage) that says "Save this URL in the Wayback Machine""
7e) clicking that button should send you to "Save Page Now" page,
7e1) you UNclick the "Save error pages ..." BOX (NO POINT in saving an error)
7e2) you then click on "SAVE PAGE" button

I suggest you archive only ONE URL at a time.
(ie. after clicking on "SAVE PAGE" button, the Wayback Machine next webpage should soon say
"... A snapshot was captured. Visit page: ...",

at which point it should be ok for you to archive the next URL (if you have made too many archives too close together it (edit: typo fixed) will refuse to archive the next URL and will tell you to wait a few minutes before archiving again)

I usually wait at least a minute before I click on the link after that "Visit page". (three minute is a good wait time)


Istg if I have to add archived_source to over 10 pages of posts again... oh also some sites have dedicated archival sites, like furaffinity has that one fur archive (I forgot the name of) or that onion url

SHORT version of below: if you copy the URL for a blank 'thumbnail' from Wayback Machine and it results in a default image that just says "Image Not Found",
the Wayback Machine currently won't archive that default image (whether or NOT Wayback's "Save error pages" box is checked/selected).


It seems that if an art upload has been deleted from FA,
the thumbnail URL that used to work results in 120x120pixels default image that just says "Image Not Found".

example:[email protected]

For archiving purposes it seems that Wayback Machine cannot archive those "Image Not Found" default images.
(which is annoying because nice to make it obvious in the Wayback Archives if someone has already tried to archived a specific thumbail)

Tried today with a few default images and got error in the format of:
"Unknown error for{NUMBER}@{NUMBER}-{NUMBER}.jpg (HTTP status=513)."
(get error whether or NOT Wayback's "Save error pages" box is checked/selected).

"Unknown error for[email protected] (HTTP status=513)."

Was poking around Wayback Machine
and was annoyed by some wrong URLs that people are trying to archive.

Posting here on the small chance it might help someone avoid the mistake that is resulting in some errors at Wayback Machine.*/*
includes attempted archives of "URL"s

I assume it is because
1) FA shortens the display version of URLs (put into FA blogs and FA descriptions) with ellipsis replacing part of the middle of the URL
2) someone is sleepy (or equivalent) and copy-pastes the "URL" into Wayback Machine without noticing it isn't a complete URL.

Some bits that I don't think have been covered in earlier posts in this thread.

It seems like some people ask Wayback Machine to archive a page,
get to the Wayback page that says "Saving page [EXAMPLE-URL-here] Done! First Archive
A snapshot was captured. Visit page:" and then an EXAMPLE-link...

and ASSUME that the job is complete,
when all images at that webpage may NOT have been archived. (example#1 at bottom of this post)

(I assume not all images archived because each IP is restricted to have many images each IP can archive in a certain time-frame)...
I have not idea what the limit is ... but when I archive individual images, the limit seems to be ONE IMAGE PER MINUTE.

Sometimes I've asked Wayback to archive too many times in a short amount of time at get Wayback error:
You have already reached the limit of active Save Page Now sessions. Please wait for a minute and then try again."

(heading out with roomies, so ran of out time to do full-detail examples)

example #1:
see earlier post for details.

EDIT: additional thoughts
1) suggest waiting until one archive-attempt RESULTS in "...A snapshot was captured..." success, BEFORE waybacking the next URL
1a) suggest waiting a minute(or more) after successful-waybacking of an image BEFORE trying to archive next thing
1b) suggest waiting two(or more)minutes after successful-waybacking a webpage BEFORE trying to archive next thing
2) suggest waiting a few minutes before checking on EXAMPLE -link that comes after the "...A snapshot was captured..." message (maybe at least 2 minutes for an image, maybe at least 3 minutes for a webpage)


Might be simple enough to create a bot to do this for preexisting links.
Idk what e6 site administration would think about that tho. At least telling the internet archive to do it should be safe tho.
Automated editing. Usually won't end well heh.

Exciting thing (in my opinion) at Wayback Machine.

Wayback is now archiving YouTube videos. This may be OLD news to you (it is unclear when they started archiving YT vids),
but it is news to me ... because in the past I saw too many Wayback pages with message "The Wayback Machine does not have this video archived"
and gave up.

(Maybe only directly relevant to e621 in terms of
1) videos that include furry art... which we can screencap to find via image-search, or
2) videos appropriate to add to e621)

Standard wayback suggestions apply, if a wayback of a YouTube page already has a working archived video ... no need to Wayback it again.

Sometimes the latest wayback of a YouTube page is blocked by an annoying message (such as YouTube's "Before you continue to YouTube" annoying-you-about-cookies message which refuses to go away) that makes it impossible to play the video. In such a case, I suggest waiting at least 3-4 days after the archive-date of the page-with-error before trying to archive it again. (I usually add a reminder to one of my calendars for 7days after the archive-date.)

When archiving a YouTube page succesfully you'll get the usual "A snapshot was captured" success message,
ALONG WITH "It may take a few days for YouTube videos to become available for playback."


Wayback Machine is busy today, probably want to keep your archiving to a minimum.

Approx 2hours ago I asked Wayback to archive a twitter link and got message:
"The capture will start in ~1 hour, 44 minutes because our service is currently overloaded. ..."

And a few minutes ago got similar message for a YouTube page I asked Wayback to archive:
"The capture will start in ~1 hour, 20 minutes because our service is currently overloaded. ..."

Tried to use Wayback to archive a thumbnail* and result was:
"The capture will start in ~2 hours, 9 minutes because our service is currently overloaded. You may close your browser window and the page will still be saved."

That's the most overload (at Wayback) that I can remember.

Going outside(&offline) to do tasks, and probably won't try to archive anything for at least three hours.

In my opinion, everyone should avoid asking Wayback to archive anything for next 2-3 hours.

* = asked Wayback to archive the thumbnail approximately ten minutes ago (took me minutes to get over shock)

So with a lot of waybacks of FA userpages, one type of thumbnail is sometimes forgotten:
FA userpage mouseover thumbnails (what i'm calling them anyway).

Explanation of mouseover thumbnails (in case you not sure what I'm talking about):
1) go to any FA userpage with art showing
2) put your mouse pointer over an existing regular-thumbnail
3) after a few seconds a larger thumbnail will appear UNDER "View Gallery" and ABOVE the mini-gallery of latest regular-thumbnails.)


Archiving of mouseover thumbails OPTIONAL,
but occasionally an image disappears from Wayback (computer glitches??)
so it is nice to have a backup image. (in case a regular thumbnail disappears).


optional first stage:

1) go to wayback of artists FA userpage and if any regular-thumbnails missing from wayback version, suggest going to LIVE version of userpage and right-clicking on LIVE version of a thumbnail that Wayback doesn't have

2) copy image URL to (either the "Enter a URL..." field, or the "Save Page Now" field)


TIP(s) for archiving mouseover thumbnails.
1) go to LIVE version of artist's FA userpage (example: I went to {*see footnote for why this userpage}

2) move your mouse to move the mouse-pointer OVER/ON a regular thumbnail so the mouseover thumbnail appears

3) move up to the mouseover thumbnail (move mouse quickly to avoid other regular-thumbnails)

4) right-click on mouseover thumbnail and click on "copy image location"

5) got to and PASTE image URL into "Enter a URL..." field first and type on Enter-key (on keyboard)

6) the Wayback should tell you if that URL already waybacked,

7) IF image not waybacked you should see usual "This page is available on the web!..." message, and then you CLICK on "Save this URL in the Wayback Machine" button

7b) if you don't see a "Save this URL in the Wayback Machine" button,
then GO to and put image URL into "Save Page Now" field and click on "SAVE PAGE" button.

(I hope that is an appropriate amount of explanation)

examples from lonbluewolf userpage:

*footnote = because 1) they are the FA artist with most uploads at e621
2) the SFW version of their FA userpage has same thumbnails as latest wayback archive (so easier to demonstrate)
and 3) latest archive is old-ish (archived in December) ... so can clearly show mouseover thumbnails were archived on a later day.


Additional set of archiving steps I've thought of:


STEP 1) check if target URL is online.
Check on whether the URL-you-want-to-archive is currently up (aka online)
( example: if you go to , do you see the webpage OR an error???)

If the page/image/other-URL is NOT available there no point in trying to archive it. Wait until it back online.


OPTIONAL 2nd step) check latest existing archives of that website
EXAMPLE: go to*/* and click on To column so latest archives are at top,
Check a recent archived URL, and if latest archived URL is an ERROR page (that was archived less than ten-minutes ago) then WAIT (not sure what the magic amount of time would be ... probably at least ten minutes after latest archived ERROR)

EXAMPLE of ERROR at FurAffinity: "Error 503
Please wait a few seconds and try your request again.
The server is either currently having difficulty responding to all requests, or you are requesting web pages too fast and are being rate limited."


(AVOID going on an archiving spree WITHOUT checking results.
ie. wait 1-or-more minutes after archiving, check IF archive successful, if archiving successful then move on to next archiving)

STEP 3) archive one URL, then WAIT 1-or-more* minutes
(* = if archiving IMAGE, wait one-minute (or more) before checking if image successfully archived.
* = if archiving WEBPAGE, wait 2minutes (or more) before checking if webpage successfully archived.)
b) then check the archived version
c) if the archived version successful displays the target webpage/image/whatever correctly, then move on to next archiving.


I wandered across a bunch of wayback archives (in same artist's gallery) that were just FA 503 errors,
and it feels like someone went on a archiving spree without checking if the previous archives were successful.

(sleeptime now) zzzzzz


So is Thursday evening (in the Americas) and a few minutes ago I asked Wayback to archive a webpage and the result was
"The capture will start in ~9 hours, 39 minutes because our service is currently overloaded.
You may close your browser window and the page will still be saved."

That is a LONG time to archive something.

So Wayback Machine is very busy and we should probably avoid trying to archive anything (with Wayback Machine) for approximately at least nine-or-ten hours

Time of post:
8:49pm in Pacific timezone (California etc)
11:49pm in Eastern timezone (New York, etc)
3:49am UTC.

Using WaybackMachine to try and archive FA thumbnails seems to have gotten more complicated recently.


The GOOD news is mouseover thumbnails seem to wayback as normal (except suggest you NOT wayback anything for 2minutes(or more)
before trying to wayback a mouseover thumbnail
... because archiving more often then 2minutes increases the risk of archiving an error message instead of the thing you wanted to archive.

If the live version of their FA-userpage still produces needed mouseover thumbnail(s) then you in luck.
Otherwise with old mouseover thumbnail in a WAYBACKed FA userpage you don't get option of UNchecking a "Save error pages" checkbox.
(That checkbox can be seen at at )


The BAD news is OLD regular-thumbnail locations seem resistant to being archived now probably because OLD location redirects to NEW location.

archived some mouseover thumbnails
example mouseover thumb:[email protected]

but the corresponding regular thumbnail ([email protected] ) resists archiving (that OLD URL redirects to URL at )
Trying to wayback that OLD URL results in "The capture failed because Save Page Now does not have access rights for[email protected] (HTTP status=403)."[email protected]
says "403 Forbidden".

Slightly exciting news regarding
Wayback Machine archiving YouTube pages:

waybacks of YT vid pages now starting to include
short preview-video loops (what I'm calling them anyway)
(for SOME browsers)

Re browsers:

  • Safari on friend's laptop shows the preview-vid loops (not all the time... may be a case of migrating the new video)
  • Browsers on my phone don't seem to display the preview-vid loops.


("Night Time Remedy" animation by Jib Kodi)
has loop approx four seconds long.

Noticed another that was longer... trying to find it now...

edit: the Wayback page with longer loop is of YT vid that is now "private", going to see if find another example of longer loop.

edit: example of longer loop at

(music vid "Leave Me Alone" uploaded by Silly_Tilly)
has loop approx 14seconds long
(took browser more than a minute to display the loop).


Wayback Machine time (UTC time) is now in July 13 time, so if you feel 13 is unlucky (like i kinda do) then maybe take it easy (binge Netflix or whatever) until UTC time gets to July 14.
(I forgot that Wayback Machine sometimes tries to archive missing images by itself. GAH!)

listerthesquirrel said:
Using WaybackMachine to try and archive FA thumbnails seems to have gotten more complicated recently.

The BAD news is OLD regular-thumbnail locations seem resistant to being archived now probably because OLD location redirects to NEW location.

archived some mouseover thumbnails
example mouseover thumb:[email protected]

but the corresponding regular thumbnail ([email protected] ) resists archiving (that OLD URL redirects to URL at )
Trying to wayback that OLD URL results in "The capture failed because Save Page Now does not have access rights for[email protected] (HTTP status=403)."[email protected]
says "403 Forbidden".

I'm guessing in cases such as above, Save Page Now has trouble archiving the relevant thumbnail because archive attempt(s) involves OLD thumbnail URL redirecting to NEW domain.

Example: visited 2018 wayback of and tried to archive some of the missing thumbnails,
but by visiting that 2018 archive the Wayback Machine tried to archive some of the missing images by itself.
Example: Wayback tried to archive the main artwork image , but OLD URL forwards to NEW URL which resulted in archiving error ("403 Forbidden")
which unfortunately means the first archive of the NEW image URL is now an ERROR.
(ERROR example: )

re-phrasing part of above: If you visit a waybacked page that is missing an image, the Wayback Machine may try to archive missing image(s) by itself, without being asked (which will result in archiving an error if image URL forwards to NEW FA domain).


SHORT take-away (moral?): visit more recent* archives and avoid old pages with OLD image URLs until last. (and if you have time, archive image(s) at their current domain)
* = (see below)

According to*/*
the first images archived at domain were archived in 2015 (BUT that is TOO early, as 2018 wayback now results in aforementioned error),
the next period of time when Wayback started archive images at domain STARTED on Feb 12, 2021 ...

so we should probably first check archives dated AFTER 2021-Feb-12 and archive any missing images (BEFORE checking earlier waybacks)


SIDE-NOTE: doesn't seem to have problem archiving OLD FA image URLs that forward to new FA domain.
EXAMPLE (furry by Xmas tree):

Something got fixed regarding waybacking of FurAffinity images. (i assume someone at FA did the fix)

Now we can once again wayback images from old FA domain (

example: go to*/[email protected] ,
click on archive date (July 29, 2023) and you get forwarded to artwork from

In a similar manner a image URL now forwards to current location of that image at

edit: Standard wayback guidelines still apply:
1) always UNcheck the "Save error pages ..." box (BEFORE clicking "Save Page" button)
2) be patient. Put some time in between archiving each URL. (suggest you wait at least a minute before archiving an image)(suggest you wait at least two minutes before archiving a URL that is not an image)
3) suggest you check if a URL works before trying to archive it (suggest using browser "private window" to make sure the URL can be viewed by Wayback Machine)


listerthesquirrel said:
Something got fixed regarding waybacking of FurAffinity images. (i assume someone at FA did the fix)

Now we can once again wayback images from old FA domain (

example: go to*/[email protected] ,
click on archive date (July 29, 2023) and you get forwarded to artwork from

In a similar manner a image URL now forwards to current location of that image at

edit: Standard wayback guidelines still apply:
1) always UNcheck the "Save error pages ..." box (BEFORE clicking "Save Page" button)
2) be patient. Put some time in between archiving each URL. (suggest you wait at least a minute before archiving an image)(suggest you wait at least two minutes before archiving a URL that is not an image)
3) suggest you check if a URL works before trying to archive it (suggest using browser "private window" to make sure the URL can be viewed by Wayback Machine)

It was their policy change, apparently. For years, they didn't want people archiving the site. Compare to IB and e621 where you can just download the entire list of image URLs in a range. See also: and their weirdness.

Archive-related info regarding DeviantArt (that some of you may be aware of, but is news to me):

(click for boring intro)

Checked out and is "Deactivated Account",
but URLs to art in their account still work (as long as that artwork not deleted).
example URL
plus more examples at*/*

(Presumably they Deactivated their account sometime after 2023 Feb1, because a 2023 Feb 1 wayback
has artist username/link withOUT the strikethrough.

Presumably this means other DA accounts that are "Deactivated" also have artworks in their account that are still viewable via URL for that artwork.


Side-note: display image art URLs from DA in 2015 (& maybe nearby years) still forward to the current image location
forwards to the relevant LooooooNG URL)
That display image URL from
Display art image archived today (unless Wayback forgets it archived it)

listerthesquirrel said:
Archive-related info regarding DeviantArt (that some of you may be aware of, but is news to me):

(click for boring intro)

Checked out and is "Deactivated Account",
but URLs to art in their account still work (as long as that artwork not deleted).
example URL
plus more examples at*/*

(Presumably they Deactivated their account sometime after 2023 Feb1, because a 2023 Feb 1 wayback
has artist username/link withOUT the strikethrough.

Presumably this means other DA accounts that are "Deactivated" also have artworks in their account that are still viewable via URL for that artwork.


Side-note: display image art URLs from DA in 2015 (& maybe nearby years) still forward to the current image location
forwards to the relevant LooooooNG URL)
That display image URL from
Display art image archived today (unless Wayback forgets it archived it)

FA used to have that because of difference between disabling status page and the actual posts and the gallery view. I have no idea why they had those that way, but meh, defunct difference now as they lock all 3, usually, nowadays.

As someone who wants to archive as much as I can on here and Rule 34 I approve this message 👍

Keep archiving as much as possible

earthfurst2 said:
Wayback Machine seems to be having a major outage.
They haven't tweeted about status of Wayback, so I tweeted them about the outage.

Their Twitter is

(Do they have a Threads account?)

Good time to do a bunch of RealLife/offline and non-archive bunch of stuff.

Or you can use as an alternative. Works well with furaffinity too.

alphamule said:
LOL, good ol' Camfex.

Makes me wonder if Smaugit* (the FA username that made archiving of FA-mature content possible for awhile)
became Camfex.
OR if more than two furries have worked at

* = Imagine a dragon (Smaug) atop a hoard of furry art.

EDIT: OOPS, sorry. My brain did a brainfail. Camfex is FA username used by (And I just noticed is also DevArt username that also uses.)


On to new-ish sub-topic:
I forget about SoFurry, sometimes for months at a time:
But there is still archiving to be completed there.
1) (as with other websites) a SoFurry webpage might be archived, but the main art on that page might not have been archived.
example: archived back in 2022, but the artwork not archived until few days ago {right-click & "view image" reveals archive date of 20230821 (2023-Aug-21)}
2) On SoFurry view webpages, below the main art there are thumbnails and interesting thing with those SoFurry thumbnails is if you mouse-over them you get a larger "hoverPreview" version. I wondered if by mousing-over to view the hoverPreview, you were archiving the hoverPreview (if not archived already) and the answer is YES, you are archiving that image.
Example: above-mentioned wayback of includes thumb of "Shadzy say Thank you" and hoverPreview of that image now archived (today) at


Protip if archiving ImgUr galleries on Wayback (they'll get around to wiping everything furry+NSFW on ImgUr, eventually...), is to add /zip to the path (Hmm, Redditors figured this out first). It doesn't always work (I think because of videos), but it's much more effective if it does. And it seems bjorked.********/ gives me 403(Wayback). Bah, so much for working. I swear I was able to do this a few hours ago. :( Oh right: 500(either of my ISPs) code means it's overloaded, for reals, and not the fake overloaded it does to VPNs, hehe.

Example: *removed until I get a working one*

Sometimes, Archive.Today can successfully archive things that just don't work on due to overly-clever 'design' (in cargo cult sense).

I don't remember if there was a topic where we discussed site-specific tricks besides this one. i.e. Tumblr makes you import it into your account to get the original images, but not sure if it still works.

This works. Redirects here Caution:Fluffy Pony comic
Just replace 6Gz915i with any gallery link.


So Wayback Machine has had trouble archiving FA webpages for approx an hour.
(edit: I'm going to GUESS this problem might persist for at least another hour)

An archive is made, but instead of the usual guest webpage layout (of mostly-white lettering ON black&grey background),
the archive-version is barebones black-lettering, on white-background with WONKY layout.

photo (rating: general)
titled "Fort Meigs Monument"

(approx 3 hours later) EDIT: oh good, looks like Wayback Machine fixed the problem.


Noticing a (small?) glitch at Wayback Machine that i thought i'd share here.

Wandered across a wayback of a YouTube vid page that isn't recognized by the Wayback timeline.

the invisible(?) wayback (dated 2023 May 27):
(a vid by SomeThingElseYT )

but the Wayback date-range for that YouTube URL are currently "24 Apr 2018 - 10 May 2023".
(ie. 2023 May 27 falls outside of above date-range)

same date-range omission if you go to the general Wayback page of same YouTube URL
which says "Saved 151 times between April 24, 2018 and May 10, 2023."
(edit: fixed typo)

edit: another example
dated 2023 July 5,
but date range for archives of that YouTube url is "22 Jan 2021 - 14 Mar 2023".


Tried to wayback another image today and result was:
"You cannot make more than 200 captures per day. Please email us at "info {at}" if you would like to discuss this more."

I'm fairly sure this is the the first time I've seen that Wayback-error message, so maybe is a new limit.

Tried to wayback a YouTube video page, around 21:20 pm UTC (Dec 21)
and result was "This host has been already captured 60,183.0 times today. Please try again tomorrow. ..."

So should be able to archive again when UTC time gets to December 22.

NOTE: if a YouTube page has already been archived successfully (including the video), please don't archive again.

listerthesquirrel said:
Tried to wayback another image today and result was:
"You cannot make more than 200 captures per day. Please email us at "info {at}" if you would like to discuss this more."

I'm fairly sure this is the the first time I've seen that Wayback-error message, so maybe is a new limit.

Apparently, there's better ways if you want to archive hundreds of small(ish) files like that. Have you seen formats like WARC and web recording?

Today i noticed
is now "The page you are trying to reach is currently pending deletion by a request from its owner."

So we have an unknown amount of time (probably days) to wayback missing XenomadnessFA images so incomplete waybacks of XenomadnessFA are accompanied by the images that should appear in those archives.

Link to the various archives of xenomadnessfa's userpage:*/

EDiT: example: some images were missing at
I think i've successfully waybacked the xenomadnessfa thumbails of that wayback of xenomadnessfa userpage.
(haven't worked on the thumbnails of the favourites because presumably they aren't pending deletion)

EDiT: For archiving art in their gallery:
1) started with the furry Mormon artwork
2) went as early as Pansexual (ha ha ha LOL)
3) and went as recent as "Grim: alternative new design"
So a dozen FA view webapges in all (so far).

(Heading out for errands.)


listerthesquirrel said:
... Camfex is FA username used by (And I just noticed is also DevArt username that also uses.)

Seems Camfex is no longer logged-into DeviantArt,
so can no longer archive rated Mature art at DeviantArt.

example #1: (chibi?) anthro pony (female or girly)(in lingerie?) at
("This deviation has been labeled as containing themes not suitable for all deviants.")
live version:

example #2: comic page 6 by SushiGoat
live version:

So tried to wayback an art page a few minutes ago and Wayback Machine replied:
"The capture will start in ~17 minutes because our service is currently overloaded. ...."

(edit: so for today, I'm probably going to restrict myself to Waybacking one thing an hour ... until Wayback is no longer overloaded)

Also, I suggest avoid waybacking an artist's LATEST upload to FurAffinity,
because latest upload has "Next" link, but NOT a "Prev" (previous) link.


listerthesquirrel said:
Seems Camfex is no longer logged-into DeviantArt,
so can no longer archive rated Mature art at DeviantArt.

"We don't support your current browser version. Please upgrade your browser, it includes important security updates." Also, this. Sigh, probably have to ask them to fix it. I think it refuses to let you even log in if you get that message? I don't know who handles the Camfex account.

That thing with next/previous is mostly harmless if you have archives of the gallery view.

Wayback Machine is on UTC time. At time of writing post is 21:35 UTC, Monday, May 13, 2024,
so approx two & half hours left of Wayback Machine archiving things with archive date of May 13.

So if you want to archive something with Wayback Machine (edit: with May 13 archive date), I suggest archiving spooky things (like zombie art etc).

I realize this is just superstition,
but i figure if an archive date is (kinda) spooky, may as well archiving something spooky.

(almost like when a negative number multiplied by another negative number equals a positive number)

edit: EXAMPLE: archived art of a wraith
(non-furry example so a furry artist doesn't feel singled out)




earthfurst2 said:
Wayback Machine is on UTC time. At time of writing post is 21:35 UTC, Monday, May 13, 2024,
so approx two & half hours left of Wayback Machine archiving things with archive date of May 13.

So if you want to archive something with Wayback Machine (edit: with May 13 archive date), I suggest archiving spooky things (like zombie art etc).

I realize this is just superstition,
but i figure if an archive date is (kinda) spooky, may as well archiving something spooky.

(almost like when a negative number multiplied by another negative number equals a positive number)

edit: archiving art of a wraith
(non-furry example so a furry artist doesn't feel singled out)

Uhm, I guess so.

A little late, but might want to keep track of ones you archived. I use a private set for this but you can also use browser history or list archived files starting with a range of checksums or post dates or whatever key they use at the beginning of a file's path on a given source server. Also, Raccoony is good for local archives as it does it from your browser's cache, avoiding a second download. It also saves metadata on supported sites.

So a (new-ish?) development at Wayback Machine is limit on number of things each IP (aka internet address)* can archive per Wayback (UTC) day.

* = I'm assuming the limit is per IP.

Message at Wayback:
You cannot make more than (200,) captures per day. Please email us at" {email address} "if you would like to discuss this more."

Next time i use up my wayback limit I'll try to wayback something with my cellphone using wifi and see if cellphone attempt gets same "sorry..." message.

Unclear if your limit is increased if you login with your username.

I did fairly well today, used all my wayback limit with approximately only ten minutes until next day of UTC.



listerthesquirrel said:
So a (new-ish?) development at Wayback Machine is limit on number of things each IP (aka internet address)* can archive per Wayback (UTC) day.

* = I'm assuming the limit is per IP.

Message at Wayback:
You cannot make more than (200,) captures per day. Please email us at" {email address} "if you would like to discuss this more."

Next time i use up my wayback limit I'll try to wayback something with my cellphone using wifi and see if cellphone attempt gets same "sorry..." message.

Unclear if your limit is increased if you login with your username.

I did fairly well today, used all my wayback limit with approximately only ten minutes until next day of UTC.

They adjust it for various criteria and load reasons. Protip: It's more efficient to do large batches like WARC files but I'm not sure how you get them to list you as a source like with the 2015 FA archive. There's also ways to request a specific popular or historic page. I wish that VCL Art had that on more descriptions (the images are mirrored at I feel it was harder to archive than it should have been, as part of why it didn't get done in over a decade.

The limits can be per site, per page, per IP address, per URL, per minute, etc. A really busy and popular site will get hard limited to say, 5K unique URLs a day.

For large chunks of yesterday and today, attempting to wayback anything results in
Cannot start capture".

For example:*/
has gaps in waybacks of DeviantArt homepage
1) day starts ok with 12 waybacks from 00:31:58 TO 07:37:09
2) then an (almost) 7-hour gap of NO waybacks (between 07:37:09 and 14:32:27)
3) wayback at 14:32:27
4) 3.5 hour gap possibly from archiving down again (between 14:32:27 and 18:11:28)
5) last hours of that July1 have archiving working again with apparently no outages.

So if you can't wayback something maybe try again in a hour (or other length of time) ... and/or maybe spring-clean, or walk to neighbourhood park or something.

edit: got wayback fail again right before writing this post,
then after posting I did get a wayback success (but it took about two minutes for Wayback Machine to come up with the archive success link)


So approximately two-and-half hours left of July13 (in Wayback time zone)
so good time to archiving spooky things (see quoted post BELOW for why)

examples at
which includes tags: "creepy, surreal, vampires, clowns, fantasy, Halloween, Resident_Evil, ... monsters, Dark_Souls, werewolves, zombies, Lovecraft, gothic, Silent_Hill, ..."

So can find spooky stuff to archive via such searches as
etc etc.

NOTE: just because search can find it, doesn't mean Wayback Machine can archive it.
Example: FA search for Lovecraft finds various comics by
but trying to view those uploads in Incognito mode (or while NOT being logged in) results in "available to registered users only."

{Apologies for not writing/posting this earlier .. but busy, too tired and hot weather impairing thinking}

earthfurst2 said:
Wayback Machine is on UTC time. At time of writing post is 21:35 UTC, Monday, May 13, 2024,
so approx two & half hours left of Wayback Machine archiving things with archive date of May 13.

So if you want to archive something with Wayback Machine (edit: with May 13 archive date), I suggest archiving spooky things (like zombie art etc).

I realize this is just superstition,
but i figure if an archive date is (kinda) spooky, may as well archiving something spooky.

(almost like when a negative number multiplied by another negative number equals a positive number)

edit: EXAMPLE: archived art of a wraith
(non-furry example so a furry artist doesn't feel singled out)



earthfurst2 said:
So approximately two-and-half hours left of July13 (in Wayback time zone)
so good time to archiving spooky things (see quoted post BELOW for why)

examples at
which includes tags: "creepy, surreal, vampires, clowns, fantasy, Halloween, Resident_Evil, ... monsters, Dark_Souls, werewolves, zombies, Lovecraft, gothic, Silent_Hill, ..."

So can find spooky stuff to archive via such searches as
etc etc.

NOTE: just because search can find it, doesn't mean Wayback Machine can archive it.
Example: FA search for Lovecraft finds various comics by
but trying to view those uploads in Incognito mode (or while NOT being logged in) results in "available to registered users only."

{Apologies for not writing/posting this earlier .. but busy, too tired and hot weather impairing thinking}

I think he had to do that because the skunk elf comic and most of the other pages are NSFW. Luckily, it seems he posts elsewhere, but NOT at The Duck. Was just now looking it up and found a Barnes and Noble link, haha. Also, Ko-Fi an Patreon, for other pay sites.

I just got done with a batch of archiving. The annoying part is verifying that it actually got archived, correctly. Sometimes I've seen corrupt archives.

Another artist's FA pending deletion:
is now "page you are trying to reach is currently pending deletion by a request from its owner."

So have a window of unknown number of hours (or days?) to archive the images in wayback-ed webpages:

example: "(c) Cuddles"
page archived/waybacked in 2017, but the MAIN art and 3 of the (OLD-navigation) thumbnails waybacked TODAY.

reminder: if an old-navigation thumbnail hasn't been archived yet, you can find the thumbnail URL via looking at page source (example: add "view-source:" before the waybacked page URL)

example: view-source:
(EDIT: except URL should include the "view-source:" before the URL. ...
the LINK above doesn't seem the include the "view-source" part in the LINK-proper ... probably because of forum coding or whatever)

EDIT:(below i will sometimes shorten thumbnail to "thumb")

Going through first wayback of their gallery
only some of the /view/ pages have been waybacked (sorted from new to old)

  • 24,096,088 / "(p) wiggle waggle" :

Main-art archived (a few minutes ago). Thumbs 1-3 archived today, thumbs 4-6 archived in 2018.

  • 24,082,386 "(c) kissus" :

main-art archived today, thumbs 1-2 archived today, thumb-3 archived in May, thumb-4 archived today, and thumbs 5-6 archived in 2018.

  • 24,069,907 "Streamin! Headshots open!":

main-art archived (a few minutes ago) but not showing up in webpage yet . thumb-1 archived in May, thumbs 2 archived today, thumbs 3-5 archived 2018, thumb-6 already deleted (Beach YCH).

  • 24,064,079 "$12 headshot batch":

main-art archived today, thumb1 archived in May, thumbs 2&3 archived today, thumbs 4&5 archived in 2018, thumb-6 already deleted (Beach YCH).

  • 24,063,950 "ArtFight Batch 1":

main-art archive today, thumbs 1 & 2 archived today, thumb5 already deleted (Beach YCH), other thumbs archived years ago.

  • 23,969,838 "Fight me on Art Fight!!":

main-art archived today (one thumb archived in 2018, other 5 thumbs already deleted):

  • 23,892,264 "Beach YCH":

page waybacked, but main-art already deleted (probably deleted years ago)(old-nav thumbs waybacked years ago...woo!):

  • 23,737,854 (above-mentioned "Cuddles"/23737854 artwork)

EDIT: I'm working on the mouse-over thumbnails of meepin~bloodeh's art on waybacks of artist's FA userpage.




Remember: Archived source definition excludes still-existing sources that are archived. Also, Wayback isn't the only archive people use. Some sites are excluded and you need to use something like Archive.Today.

It would be nice to have a tag that means a post is archived, regardless of if the original source exists, and what archival method was used, like SaveNow ('s Wayback Machine).

Sadly, it's probably a bit late to help you with that FA gallery. In my experience it usually takes hours to finalize. :(

alphamule said:
Sadly, it's probably a bit late to help you with that FA gallery. In my experience it usually takes hours to finalize. :(

Good news, the images are still available (but not the images that were deleted before account-deletion)
examples: if you visit any of the above Meep URLs (FROM "Cuddles" TO "Fight me on Art Fight!!"), you'll find the LIVE URL for the art still works.
(suggested range stopped at "Fight me on Art Fight!!" because "Beach YCH" art probably deleted years ago)

I used up all my Wayback Machine (allotment?) for today (UTC Tuesday).

listerthesquirrel said:
You cannot make more than (200,) captures per day. ..."

I realize that now UTC Wednesday is only 10 minutes away, (was doing too many other things while writing this)
but since I have so much todos already, thought some who read this thread and
maybe unsure of what hasn't been archived by WaybackMachine yet:

So if someone has time, some Waybacks URLs are missing their main-art (and hoping someone visit links-below who hasn't used up their daily Wayback limit):
"Night Butterflies" (GENERAL rating)

"Spirit of Pripyat" (GENERAL rating)

"Blossoms" (GENERAL rating) (not archived, but still available to be archived)

"Stolen Egg" (GENERAL rating)

"Filicia" (not archived, but still available to be archived) (GENERAL rating)

"Stars" (GENERAL rating) (not archived, but still available to be archived)

"Feyyore" (GENERAL rating) (not archived, but still available to be archived)

plus some thumbnails missing from (for example)

Next time i use up my wayback limit I'll try to wayback something with my cellphone using wifi and see if cellphone attempt gets same "sorry..." message.

After using up my archiving limit I tried to use my cellphone (via same wifi) and got same error message (of "You cannot make more than (200,) captures per day.")

EDIT (2024 Aug 17): another artist where most of their art could be re-archived at Wayback Machine (so Wayback Machine archived version of the webpages with six THUMBNAILs of other artwork to navigate to)

Artist where their FurAffinity userpage and gallery results in "voluntarily disabled access to their account", BUT individual artwork pages still visible: {one artwork possibly legal-but-problematic (could be context i am unaware of), but other artworks cute-ish style and i am pro-archiving of art}

All the links below are "GENERAL rating".

1) 1st in gallery (GENERAL rating) (titled "BANANA NOSE FOX GLASSES GURL")

(skipping 5 arts)

2) title "Princess Peach" (GENERAL rating) : OLD-archive (only mentioning because is 1st art in their gallery where title is NOT all UPPERCASE)(all uppercase titles sometimes annoy me)

3) title "RINGU FANCHAR" (re-archived)

etc, etc.

EDIT (2024 Aug 28): Wandered across (via FA browse: ):

1) FA gallenw: An early wayback of their gallery was missing about 70% of the thumbnails. Now missing just 15 of the thumbnails

2) FA rooklinq : First wayback of their gallery missing 43 thumbnails

Wandered across (via adverts at FA ):
neteyron (missing some mouseover thumbs) :


if someone has time, some Waybacks URLs are missing their thumbnails (edit: sometimes i will shorten "thumbnail" to "thumb")

has 19 thumbnails archived,
with 17 thumbnails NOT yet archived

(UPDATE: now just 11 of those thumbnails NOT yet archive)

If when you visit, some of the thumbnails are still missing then...

On that date (2015-09-23) the URLs for thumbnails harder to find (ie. can't simply right-click on missing thumbnail) (edit: don't know how long this webpage format lasted)

to find the thumbnail URLs

1) ADD "view-source:" BEFORE the URL
example: view-source:
(OR do whatever your browser does to display Page Source)

2) go back to the live webpage and right-click on missing thumbnail to copy the PAGE-URL the missing-thumbnail linked to.

EXAMPLE: I right-clicked on (missing) thumbnail for "Warm surprise", then searched (using browser's Find feature) the page-SOURCE to find the page-URL and then copied the IMAGE-URL in the page-source associated with the "Warm surprise" page-URL)

3a) search the page-SOURCE for the page-URL you copied which will have the associated thumbnail-URL nearby

3b) copy that thumbnail URL

4) paste that thumbnail URL INTO usual Wayback archiving page you use (example: )
REMEMBER to UNclick the "Save error pages" box (so it doesn't save an error)

EDIT: and
has eight thumbnails that haven't been archived yet (I archived some of the thumbnails). If a thumbnail is still at website (ie. available directly from FA website),
then feel free to archive that thumbnail.
Also, some mortimus-maximus art webpages at FA haven't been archived yet (I archived a few).


EDIT: 2024 Sept 3 (used up my wayback-limit early-ish today)
has 3 thumbs not yet archived (still hosted at FA so available to be archived)
some mouseover-thumbs not yet archived.


EDIT: 2024 Sept 4
where only six thumbs were archived (with 42 not archived),
NOW 17 thumbs archived (so 31 still to archive). (ie. if you have time, please archive some of those thumbs)

EDIT: 2024 Sept 4
With 20 thumbs archived (so 28 still to archive). (I archived around nine thumbs) (ie. if you have time, please archive some of those thumbs)

* * *

EDIT: 2024 Sept 7 (have used up my wayback-limit with three hours of Sep7 {wayback time} to go):
1) as usual various userpage mouseover thumbnails not archived yet, such as at
waybacks of raphians-of-fa FA userpage

(using quotes around link text because noticed today that BARE URLs with "*" before http-in-middle treated by e621 forum as TWO URL)

2) is missing 14 main thumbs

3) waybacks of rtfmcomics FA userpage missing mouseover thumbs AND sometimes main thumbs

4) various FA avatars not archived yet, such as at
waybacks of mai2.0 FA userpage
{example: some of the waybacks have string of 15 avatars that haven't been archived yet}

5) some waybacks of 2dumb2die-userpage
have strings of UNarchived FA-avatars.


Another archive tasks to share:

1) some pages and images not archived yet at*/

2) Only eight thumbnails were archived at
(ie. 40 thumbnails were NOT yet archived).
Archived 11 of the thumbnails, so 29 thumbs still to archive (assuming they all still hosted at FA).


Generic suggestions for when there are more than six thumbnails:

If there are missing thumbnails, suggest you archive 2-to-3 or more of the thumbnails, then
1) wait about 2-3 minutes,
then either
2a) RELOAD the page and see if a few more thumbnails get passively-archived (by the simple act of reloading the page)
or 2b) COPY the page URL, CLOSE the page, and then PASTE the page-URL into a browser tab (or window) and similarly see if a few more thumbnails get passively-archived.

EDIT: oh, I believe passively archiving an image counts towards your daily Wayback-archive-limit ... but it does take less effort.


So September 13 (in Wayback Machine time zone) starts in about 20 minutes:

So 13th of the month a good day to use Wayback Machine to archive (stuff that hasn't been archive yet):

1) art of scary things such as demons, devil, ghosts, etc. (see quotes at bottom of this post)


2) YouTube (YT) thumbnails (most people probably probably don't care too deeply about when a YouTube thumbnail was archived. Suggest you start with:

A) going to any YouTube video page (a , NOT a /shorts/ page) and then reducing width of your browser window so the thumbnails appear BELOW the video (so you can check the thumbnails (at Wayback) ONE at a time ... thus you don't overload wayback with too many thumbnail requests at the same time)

B ) going to any archive of a YouTube video page and star checking through the thumbnails (again, ONE at a time. Wait for the 1st thumbnail to appear, THEN scroll down to the 2nd thumbail and wait for that thumbnail to APPEAR, before continuing on the next)

C) if you want to look at Wayback Machine archive of a YouTube CHANNEL page (example: @CulturallyFd ), suggest you reduce browser width to smallest-width, so you start viewing the archive version with only ONE OR TWO thumbnails (reducing the number of thumbnails it potentially has to archive at the same time), then increasing the width of the browser so you can see another thumbnail, if a thumbnail doesn't appear it is probably getting archived by Wayback Machine and you should wait a few minutes. If thumbnail doesn't appear after three minutes, maybe move on to another thumbnail OR another webpage. (Wayback Machine probably busy with too many YouTube-related requests)


3) thumbnails.
Waybacks of ThisFursonaDoesNotExist (TFDNExist) homepage at*/

All the waybacks of TFDNExist homepage (that i have looked at) consist of thumbnails that do NOT have a "www" in URL:

There are 2 ways (that i know of) to archive TFDNExist thumbnails:

the probably MORE-WORK method:
1) going to Wayback image indexes such as*/*
and seeing what thumbnail images are missing :
EXAMPLE: at the time of writing
TO haven't been archived yet.

the in-my-opinion EASIER method:
1) Go to , PAUSE the moving around thumbnails by pressing spacebar, and then REDUCING WIDTH and HEIGHT of browser window (i suggest maybe two thumbnails HIGH by three thumbnails WIDE)
Go to a wayback of the TFDNExist homepage and then reduce speed to slowest speed (press 1).
If there are too many BLANK thumbnails i suggest
a) pressing your keyboard's spacebar to PAUSE the wayback from moving around the thumbnails.
b) waiting a minute or 2
c) resuming slowly moving around the thumbnails

If I have approx two hours(or LESS) left of a Wayback day and i have NOT used up my wayback-archive-limit (if you don't know what i'm talking about, search this thread for "captures per day") I will usually set my browser to a wayback of TFDNExist, and keep the Wayback page SLOWLY moving around the of TFDNExist thumbnails at SLOWEST speed (press 1), while doing other things.
Occasionally will PAUSE the Wayback from moving around the thumbnails and will attempt to manually archive a thumbnail i can see hasn't been archived yet. If I get the "You cannot make more than 200 captures per day" error, then I know there is no point in me trying to do any further archiving until next Wayback day.
(and i can either do all the non-archive things i want to do, OR i can go to library or another wifi source to archive more stuff)

earthfurst2 said:
examples at
which includes tags: "creepy, surreal, vampires, clowns, fantasy, Halloween, Resident_Evil, ... monsters, Dark_Souls, werewolves, zombies, Lovecraft, gothic, Silent_Hill, ..."

So can find spooky stuff to archive via such searches as
etc etc.

NOTE: just because search can find it, doesn't mean Wayback Machine can archive it.
Example: FA search for Lovecraft finds various comics by
but trying to view those uploads in Incognito mode (or while NOT being logged in) results in "available to registered users only."

earthfurst2 said:
Wayback Machine is on UTC time.
So if you want to archive something with Wayback Machine (edit: with May 13 archive date), I suggest archiving spooky things (like zombie art etc).

I realize this is just superstition,
but i figure if an archive date is (kinda) spooky, may as well archiving something spooky.

(almost like when a negative number multiplied by another negative number equals a positive number)

edit: EXAMPLE: archived art of a wraith
(non-furry example so a furry artist doesn't feel singled out)


Tried to use Wayback Machine to archive a YouTube page with ten minutes to go of Sept15 (UTC/Wayback time),
and got error:
“This host has been already captured 90,705 times today. Please try again tomorrow. Please email us at "info (at)" if you would like to discuss this more.”

Not surprised there was so many captures so late in the Wayback day,
just want to note in this forum thread what another Wayback limit is for now.

(Potentially could be a daily limit of 90,705 for any domain ... such as DeviantArt website.)

UPDATE: (2024 Sept 17) Today (with 1hour & approx 50min left in Sep17 UTC day)
tried to archive a YouTube webpage and
got error with DIFFERENT number:
This host has been already captured 80,651 times today. Please try again tomorrow. ..."


EDIT: 2024 Sept 16. More gallery pages with some of the thumbnails still to be archived:

(posting these to hopefully inspire others to archive missing thumbs at all the URLs in this thread, but ALSO to wander through the various archived pages from FA to also archive any other missing thumbnails. Checking out waybacks of other artists via favs on archived FA userpages also cool.)

30 thumbs archived (waybacked),
18 thumbs were NOT archived (archived six).

19 thumbs were NOT archived (archived three).


EDIT: 2024 Sept 18. Another gallery with thumbnails to archive:
apparently NONE of the thumbs were archived
Archived 25 thumbnails (approx 8 active archivings and 17 passive archivings)
11 thumbs not yet archived

(and for those who have time, also check the other captures of dreamandnightmare FA pages, and any other FA page you wander across or think of)

EDIT: 2024 Sept 19. Another gallery with thumbnails to archive:
(their live FA now "available to registered users only." so Wayback can archive only the images)

Only a few thumbnails were archived.
Archived around eight thumbnails
16 thumbnails archived total so far.
so 32 thumbs not archived yet.


Another gallery with thumbnails to archive:
with only four thumbnails already archived
and 44 thumbnails NOT already archived.
Archived six thumbnails (including the first thumbnail and the last thumbnail)
so 38 thumbnails to go.

(If you are pressed for time:
feel free to just visit the URL, wait a minute or two after the page finishes loading and hopefully you will have passively archived one-to-a-few of the thumbnails.

Suggest you only load ONE wayback page at a time... if you want to archive stuff at the same time.)

Wayback Machine news!

So for the most of 2024, when the Wayback Machine archived an artwork webpage at DeviantArt it seemed unable to save the thumbnails for other arworks in the right column ("More by [ARTISTS-NAME]", "More Like This", etc)

So now Wayback Machine is able to once again save those thumbnails,
AND can now apparently add thumbnails to 2024 archives of DeviantArt pages that were missing thumbnail(s).

example: an artwork that was featured on DA homepage on June28
(archive date Jun 28)

  • 1st thumb archived june29
  • 2nd thumb archived today (unless WM has glitch and forgets it archived it)
  • 3rd thumbnail archived june 21

I'm honestly surprised any of the thumbnails were saved with archive dates from 2024 January TO September,
(because for the vast majority of 2024, an DA artwork saved in 2024 would not display the right-column thumbnails)
maybe Wayback Machine saved SOME of them at the time, but didn't display them?

(Maybe Wayback Machine way displaying thumbless 2024 achives to save on bandwidth to save on money while they were fighting their BIG legal case?)

Selected a non-ai artist from that ohhhhjellybird archived page: bongdawg (insert 420 humor here)
went with more recent arc date (Sep 22) to compare arc-dates of thumbs

  • thumb 1 : Sept 27 (so 5 days later)
  • thumb 2: Sep 20 (so 2 days BEFORE ... presumably from ANOTHER archived artwork page)
  • thumb 3: Sep 14 (so 8 days BEFORE)


Now I found one 2024 wayback (of a DA artwork page) that doesn't have thumbnails yet:
but I'm guessing maybe there's a Wayback bot slowly going through their waybacks and adding thumbnails back in ... maybe.

Short version: been getting DDOSed today, so suggest AVOID visiting to avoid accidentally contributing to the DDOS
(perhaps recheck their twitter for updates for all clear?).


So for a few hours today (Wednesday), Wayback Machine has been slow,
with "503 Service Unavailable" and other problems,

so take it easy on Wayback Machine today.

Checked their twitter and
is "📣👇" (megaphone icon and hand icon pointing down)
with finger pointing to repost of "DDOS on a tuesday? Last time it was a monday. Geez.
@internetarchive is working to restore services on"

Let me make something clear: Internet Archive had a data breach. It's not just a DDoS.
In my opinion, the fact that you are concentrating on the DDoS without mentioning the data breach is a little irresponsible.

If any of y'all have an account there, change your password when the site comes back up.
Change your password on other sites too, if you use the same one everywhere.


I'd say "who the hell would attack the Internet Archive", but sadly, I already know the answer... copyright holders and those who white-knight for them.

lendrimujina said:
I'd say "who the hell would attack the Internet Archive", but sadly, I already know the answer... copyright holders and those who white-knight for them.

actually pro-Palestine hacktivists apparently... for some reason

manitka said:
actually pro-Palestine hacktivists apparently... for some reason

The Internet Archive is run by Americans, and America is bad, thus an attack against them is justified.
Something along these lines.

If that is real, it's very silly.
But honestly sounds more like bait.



Maybe they just hate all that freely-available archive-y goodness and don't want anyone else to enjoy it, either? :shrugs: Who knows?

I still can't access it, BTW. :(

manitka said:
actually pro-Palestine hacktivists apparently... for some reason

I refuse to believe that is real.

All too convenient considering the legal battle over the open library project.

It is a false flag.
Anonymous Sudan seems to be Russian.

Considering all the nonsense facebook had PR firms pull before, on their behalf, with most russian groups being freelancers, it would not surprise me if this could go back to a publisher.



I think it's more likely people just object to the very concept of an archive that doesn't let you change history.

letforeverfinallydie said:
I refuse to believe that is real.

All too convenient considering the legal battle over the open library project.

It is a false flag.
Anonymous Sudan seems to be Russian.

Considering all the nonsense facebook had PR firms pull before, on their behalf, with most russian groups being freelancers, it would not surprise me if this could go back to a publisher.

Ultimate conspiracy theory: It's because the time travelers got caught in the alternate timeline and had to fix it.

letforeverfinallydie said:
I refuse to believe that is real.

All too convenient considering the legal battle over the open library project.

It is a false flag.
Anonymous Sudan seems to be Russian.

Considering all the nonsense facebook had PR firms pull before, on their behalf, with most russian groups being freelancers, it would not surprise me if this could go back to a publisher.

I'm certain it's a publisher, because authors and publishers have tried to team up and take down the Internet Archive countless times before.

Their antics have frustrated me so much that I can't remember the last time I legally purchased a book. Like... even video game publishers aren't trying to do that much damage. As bad as they are, they at least just stick to things relevant to their specific market, they don't try to permanently cripple the entire Internet like book publishers and record labels routinely attempt.




lendrimujina said:
I'm certain it's a publisher, because authors and publishers have tried to team up and take down the Internet Archive countless times before.

Their antics have frustrated me so much that I can't remember the last time I legally purchased a book. Like... even video game publishers aren't trying to do that much damage. As bad as they are, they at least just stick to things relevant to their specific market, they don't try to permanently cripple the entire Internet like book publishers and record labels routinely attempt.

Those attempts have always failed spectacularly, so only reason I can it happening every so often is the people who knew better aged out. Or their culture is just that decrepit and draconian.
*imagines some Buffy the Vampire Slayer-style villain running it all*

So Wayback Machine is still recovering from the DDOS-etc. (I'm wondering if there is still a bit of DDOS going on)
Sometimes trying to view an archived page results in an incomplete page, sometimes the result is "Unable to connect"/..."The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy."

Found another gallery at FA with incomplete set of thumbnails (edit: all available thumbs of Sept 4 wayback now ARCHIVED, the missing-thumbs already deleted from FA website)
Was missing around 24 thumbnails,
archived some of those thumbnails.


  • 1