Topic: Why nobody though of this....

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You have a colony ship sent in space, but thing go wrongs, and all male die, aside from a gay couple. And so for the colony to flourish they gotta have straigh sex a lot of it !

Immagine with every variations ! Imagine this with Trans in teh scenario....

We could create an entir egenra out of this. This would be healthier than try ürbro porn. (Or your mom, father, sister)

Updated by Millcore

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If it's a colony ship, then they'd likely have the means for in vitro insemination as part and parcel of the colonization, so the gay couple doesn't need to have sex with anyone. Plus, they'd have sufficient amounts of preserved samples from all male and female colonists and likely even from non-colonists left behind in order to have enough genetic samples for a viable population and in case of things going wrong. If something happens that compromises all of that, kiss the colony good-bye.

IMO, the respect of personal consent is more important than a nebulous concept like "the survival of humanity". Even if your species is going to be extinct unless you rape someone, that does not make rape a moral or ethical action.

Dunno how most science fiction writers would feel about that. It's a varied scene, sure, but "maintaining diversity in the face of adversity, especially if it has to do with cool tech" has been a running theme since, eh, the boom in the 1960's (among other profoundly-shaping works, HHGttG and Dune)?

wat8548 said:
Is it me or does this read like somebody's gay cure fantasy?

Not exactly, but it sure is too close for comfort. This next part might be perpetuating "free will is a myth," but when there are established homoromantics/homosexuals in media, celebrity life, etc., it gets concerning when some people imagine a straight alternative without the slightest ounce of evidence (to me, anyway, dunno about y'all & if there's a reason one would not be irked by it). I feel that it isn't 100% indicative of homophobia, per se, but it just might be... vain, I guess?

It would be really dumb luck if something would kill all the men on a colony ship except for two gay dudes who just happened to be in a relationship. Remember that the incidence rate for homosexuality is roughly 1 in 20 to 25 men, so you can project that a colony ship with a purely random selection of men will have about 50 men if it has two gay men on it, which would be...really small for a colony ship, so I find that scenario unlikely.

Also, why would they be in a relationship? Just because two men are gay doesn't make them automatically compatible. What if the male population of a colony ship gets reduced to two gay men...and they don't like each other? That might make for some comedy.

Even today we are already able to fertilize an egg cell with another woman's DNA, and given how long in the future a working colony ship is... I think there wouldn't be much of a problem. And if that's not possible on the ship or would result in only women being born (absence of a Y chromosome) there's always the good old manual way of sperm donation without intercourse

they could just jerk it into a turkey baster and spread it around some, though. insemination does not require much in the way of actual genital contact

wat8548 said:
Is it me or does this read like somebody's gay cure fantasy?

I thought it sounded like the start of some sort of hentai for straight women, but that works too. Realism aside, that's the only way I could see someone thinking of this.

clawstripe said:
If it's a colony ship, then they'd likely have the means for in vitro insemination as part and parcel of the colonization, so the gay couple doesn't need to have sex with anyone. Plus, they'd have sufficient amounts of preserved samples from all male and female colonists and likely even from non-colonists left behind in order to have enough genetic samples for a viable population and in case of things going wrong. If something happens that compromises all of that, kiss the colony good-bye.

Pretty much. A colony ship would have several redundancies and other emergency plans prepared for such a scenario. Especially considering no offspring means a slow death for the colony even if everything else goes well.

I usally do not enter threads like these, because they are - so to speak - a sink where many users have "gone into oblivion", when discussing in them...

I am really suprised that "Softporn only no Dirt", had managed to get to this point. I think he is a Frenchman with a very "combative" attitude, that like to ask very strange but interesting questions.

I have adviced him to place his questions a bit more "delicately" - and after passing his text through a spell-checker xD .

But I usually myself, don't participate in threads like these.


While some people like the concept of rape in fiction, for the sake of avoiding that maybe put them down as bi. They just so happen to already be in a relationship which they had intended to be monogamous, so they have to struggle against that in order to ensure their colony's survival, but it's more of a relationship struggle than an orientation one.

clawstripe said:
If it's a colony ship, then they'd likely have the means for in vitro insemination as part and parcel of the colonization, so the gay couple doesn't need to have sex with anyone. Plus, they'd have sufficient amounts of preserved samples from all male and female colonists and likely even from non-colonists left behind in order to have enough genetic samples for a viable population and in case of things going wrong. If something happens that compromises all of that, kiss the colony good-bye.

It porn comic, usually they get lazy excuses. + It can be heavly dammage in the crash or some shit.

+ The point of the comic is to go in the opposite direction of the actuals trends.
A bit like Jay comic where his trans character (who is just a gay dude iwth tits let's not lie to ourself) get to fuck a lot of woman and conced to his pulsion to breed them.
Because right now it is all trap, and usaly cross dressing only go from man to woman clothing.

IMO, the respect of personal consent is more important than a nebulous concept like "the survival of humanity". Even if your species is going to be extinct unless you rape someone, that does not make rape a moral or ethical action.

You said it had to be rape? It don't have to be the sabin rapt or anything. (Damn Roman early mythology is perfect for male crazy power fantasy.)
Just type Gay to straight tag. Or Straight to gay. You will see what I mean.

Updated by Millcore

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I thought it sounded like the start of some sort of hentai for straight women, but that works too. Realism aside, that's the only way I could see someone thinking of this.

Weeelllll they are coming aout "curing" striaghness and cisness, why not the reverse?


Well the comic higlight the importance of the biological factor in penny's problem.
It doesn't matter if HE doesn't get "misgendered". The point is made.

lonelylupine said:
It would be really dumb luck if something would kill all the men on a colony ship except for two gay dudes who just happened to be in a relationship. Remember that the incidence rate for homosexuality is roughly 1 in 20 to 25 men, so you can project that a colony ship with a purely random selection of men will have about 50 men if it has two gay men on it, which would be...really small for a colony ship, so I find that scenario unlikely.

Also, why would they be in a relationship? Just because two men are gay doesn't make them automatically compatible. What if the male population of a colony ship gets reduced to two gay men...and they don't like each other? That might make for some comedy.

Scenario setup can be in emdia res so you don't have to explain.

colacolabug said:
they could just jerk it into a turkey baster and spread it around some, though. insemination does not require much in the way of actual genital contact

With enough immagination we can turn this refelxion into a comical effect.

This next part might be perpetuating "free will is a myth," but when there are established homoromantics/homosexuals in media, celebrity life, etc., it gets concerning when some people imagine a straight alternative without the slightest ounce of evidence (to me, anyway, dunno about y'all & if there's a reason one would not be irked by it). I feel that it isn't 100% indicative of homophobia, per se, but it just might be... vain, I guess?

I live to see coment like this, I am well aware that mogammic exogammy is possible for homosexuals couple.
As I said we cure cisness and straighness here they are even tags for this. (Well gay to striaght exist but compare to straight to gay...) Why ot the reverse?
I am just curious to how people would react.

I would enjoy even more the comment section than the comic itself.

Updated by Millcore

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Cisness and heterosexuality are no more "curable" than trangendering and homosexuality. But why does there have to be any conversion at all? Homosexuals are fully capable of having straight sex if they so choose. If the situation has grown so dire and deteriorated that artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization can't be done, then the colonists would have worse problems to worry about than sex. If they did find time and opportunity to perpetuate the colony, there's nothing stopping the homosexuals to agree to swap DNA consensually. They might not be into it, but they can go through the actions if they feel it's necessary.

Still, if you must have the whole "conversion" shtick, you'd need to add in a toxic prejudicial cultural element to the scenario in order to make it work. Or do a plot twist and make it all role play fantasy of one or more colonists.

It sounds like you should start writing it rather than just thinking aloud about it. You've clearly got what you want figured out.

softporn_only_nodirt said:
Scenario setup can be in emdia res so you don't have to explain.

That's not how that works. "In media res" is not a method to skip explaining anything, it's a way to get into the plot quicker, and fill in the backstory later as you're able to. All the same necessary information is still given, just in a different way. It's a tricky thing to do right, because you need to be able to get your audience hooked before they know anything (jumping into the middle of the story when your readers know nothing about the people involved, or what's going on, isn't likely to entice them to keep reading), while also being able to organically deliver necessary information later (info dumps or ad-hoc explanations to things that just did or will happen can come across as a deus ex machina, and pull your readers out of the story).

softporn_only_nodirt said:
I thought it sounded like the start of some sort of hentai for straight women, but that works too. Realism aside, that's the only way I could see someone thinking of this.

Weeelllll they are coming aout "curing" striaghness and cisness, why not the reverse?

I never said it was wrong , though if you're talking about non-porn then it's definitely something you'd need to take a lot more care with.

popoto said:
I never said it was wrong , though if you're talking about non-porn then it's definitely something you'd need to take a lot more care with.

As I said I have nothing against homosexuality I think Pasolini was great man, although no because or despite his homosexuality I do'nt give a shit about that.

I just have a beef with certain comunitty. You know the one that insisted so that we remooved the C-boy/Dick-Girl tags to replace them with more politicly correct term.
When we obviously knows that ain't right since, all they big talk about trans identity feel empty. THey implie that all trans are Tomboys ++++ or Filles manquées +++.
We all know that is a trend, because they are suddenly a lot of trans that pop of nowhere.
Surely pharmaceutic industries who sell hormonal inhibiters, would like to see children questioning their gender, and if their parent refuse it would be nice if they end like HRobert Hoogland.

What people don't get, it is that what you clal yourself is another. I is another. Je est un autre. It easy to confuse people about their identity. If that perosn is young or you are really clsoe to that person.

Honnestly those peopel don't represent much we all talk big out of their gaypride, but come here most Homosexual I know, including celebrities such as Durendal, don't like teh gaypride, they think it is a bad thing. It relay a very bad image of them.
And they think the slogan is hypocritical. "Come as yourself" they all say when they go shop stuff & co outside they don't weare jogstrap but blue jeans.

So the idea was to do like Jay Naylor, you see jay in is early 2000 to 2010 comics? (And even recently) How he like to you know SUBVERT (not transgress, openly subvert) christian normas monogammy exogammy etc....
Why not the reverse? Why not using their libertarian ideals against them? (Like te guys who event invented the super heteros/super homexuality)

This is why I said this setup could be reused with a dude like Penny from penny's problem.
I wouldn't mnd this setup being so re-used to the point where people woud go like :
"They are in a space sip alarm are on, it is going to crash.. HOoooo.... I know where this is going."

I don't like libertarian libs .. Well what Couscard Called "Libéral libertaire" anyway I know it doesn't have the same connotation across the channel or the atlantic.

It sounds like you should start writing it rather than just thinking aloud about it. You've clearly got what you want figured out.

I am politicals engagements, and an immage to uphold right now, I shouldn't even be here.
Even doing it anonymously could be a great mistake. My comrade wouldn't forgive me plus I am going to work at the TAN soon, no need for the money.

The setp up is simplistic enough people with immagination can use it at will just absed on this suggestion.

Alright, I'm gonna be honest here. The third last reply was when this thread started to lose coherency for me. I thought we were still talking about some sort of sexual fetish.

softporn_only_nodirt said:
As I said I have nothing against homosexuality I think Pasolini was great man, although no because or despite his homosexuality I do'nt give a shit about that....
[...and a bunch of other stuff]

I don't even know what the fuck all this is about. But I think it's high time I exited the thread.

(I TOLD you this Frenchman has "a combative attitude" and write "interesting things").




... and he had not yet mentioned J. P. Sartre and Heidegger yet...



Weeeeeeeellllll when I say this communnitty I am talking about the liblibs !
You know the dude who in may 68 overshadowed a proletrian uprising that resulted in minor gain in quality of life.
THe studdents who were all about "wanting to see what' was in the girl changing room" On veut voir dans le vestiaire des Filles as they said.

The dude who punlishe dthis in a mainstream journal (welll wasn't as mainstream as it is now back in the days)

Let's teach luv to our kids.

The ones who said : It is forbidden to forbid. Il est inetrdit d'inetrdire.

People remmeber the C-Boy tag here, you can read talk about it in the comment section.
Why was it changed? It was changed because the people who inherited their philosophy asked it. I just explained from where this delirium come from.

The idea being those comics is that an excess of permissivity oriented in that particular way will enger in them a reaction, where they will auto regulate themself and let be more on teh repssive side (just a bit.)
And playing within their contradictions.

Updated by Millcore

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You say "you know the dude" like we're all experts on French modern history... Is e6 really the place you want to fight your culture war?

The dudeS.

Sorry. Mind bad. It was my mistake for not specifying it pluriel.

Basicly French theory and co sponsored by the CIA? Fun fact en Français, we don't say Théorie Française, we say French theory. It would be like saying "Hey guys have you ever ehard about the théorie américaine?"

Because it come from the U.S.A, it is no wonder if the "french doctors" are taught in californian universities or evergeen campus.

So you know those guys and their ideology. They are on this website. They usaly non crittical of the extreme mesure takken was is essentialy a flue and have become a sneeze with omicron, acting as snowflake thinking the hardtime and hardship truly come from disease itself.

Because it now the dominant ideology, since may 68.
We lost our colonial empire by then, an the réseaux Jaques Foccart (IGE neocolialism) weren't making up for it.
So the capitalist had to import the american way of life to open new market, the market of desir as clouscard call it.
And importing the american way of life they already did with th Marshall plan and the blum accords.
France was their princpipal playground for this experiences wich had many objectives.
First create needs, to avoid crising of overproductin udnrconsommation (even tho it ened up in bringing auterity and underconsumption.)
2 France had a very strong communist party it was to infiltrate the party and destroy it from the inside, wich they ened up doing with antiracism.
3 point destroy all moral barrier for 2 reasons : New niche markets = new way to make profit while avoiding concurence (Go browse laydayboy and see the amount of had it get on said pornsite.)
Second, enjoy those inequalities :
This was in front of university, it say "Hey students? (The (e) indicate it is male/female studdent) don't have anymoney? Why not sell your ass to a Suggar daddy/mama,"
Because studdents right now across the world if their parent ain't rich, they will have dfficulties paying their studdy.It is engineered. You see what the point of being rich if everybody is? The true advantage of it is having people shake their ass at the mere sight your banking card.
So not only they metaphoricly fuck you by rigging the electionbribing politicians, eating all public money, asking that the state and public sector pay their debt with tax payer money, extorison of plus-vvalue.
They also wanna fuck us litteraly.
You know in New York, it is already possible to get an hemipenis if you have enough money. So you can do it with two women, but slight change in the social order NOPE !
It bring us to the famous phrase of Michel Clouscard : "Tout est permis mais rien n'est possible" Or "Everything is allowed yet nothing is possible."

They are basicly birthing Slaanesh. (I shoudl reminind you Slaanesh is a god about obession perfection adn all kind of thing that are non sexuals even tho the sexual traits are dominants.)

People like Pasolini noticed and became hostile toward this sexual liberation..

Wich bring us back to the comic.
If those guys ideology is dominant, would it not make the subversion of it even more appealing?

Especialy if those guys become unsufferable, and we hit them using their own pseudo openness and tolerance.

They are also anti-universalists. Vewing people by their difference firts before to what we have in common.
They tend to consider being in a minority as sign of people you deserve priviledges. According to them being in a "very opressed minority" give you the priviledge to appropriate a portion of public space in order for the other to aknowledge teh identity you give to yourself.
This why when you say I am gay or I will begin my transition they tend to consider youa s an object of worship (Here when I mean they I mean the pawns an ideology wouldn't be dominant if was just the appedange of the upperclass.)
And you can find that mentality in striaght to gay comcis and co. As if by gayfiying yourself you become a superior human being.

The Idea here is to make it reverse. Weeeeelllllllll in that particular case, even by my standard coneding to yoru urges to breed and engage in polygamosu relationship.. Let say that if I was the oen writting the comic I would have an hard time convicing the audience that is a good devloppement in character, I would not believe it myself.

But you get the idea behind this I hope.


Well, this started kinda weird and just kept getting weirder and less comprehensible.

This has gone from story idea to an attempt at a politico-cultural diatribe. I think. Can we not, please? Your original idea needed some thought and playing around with to make it plausible even for pornography. That was fine. This, though, we don't care about and is irrelevant to the site and its forums.

clawstripe said:
This has gone from story idea to an attempt at a politico-cultural diatribe. I think. Can we not, please? Your original idea needed some thought and playing around with to make it plausible even for pornography. That was fine. This, though, we don't care about and is irrelevant to the site and its forums.

This was the way it was always going to go.

clawstripe said:
This has gone from story idea to an attempt at a politico-cultural diatribe. I think. Can we not, please? Your original idea needed some thought and playing around with to make it plausible even for pornography. That was fine. This, though, we don't care about and is irrelevant to the site and its forums.

I just explained the appeal. And explain what we were trying to subvert here.

It is not that hard to get really... I hoped by being vague at first I could make you understand without catching the hire of the foruma dministration and not having to be exhaustive.
The dud who produce the ideology that used to send this father to Jail. This what is targeted by teh comic.

JUst like this one :

You know the people who use a lot of dye. Aren't those epinal pictures (images d'épinale) no evoking anything to you?

Weell I hope you gained in culture at least.

And you could understand the actual zeitgeist.

Updated by Millcore

User was banned for the contents of this message.

You're going into far much detail for irrelevant things. We don't need to know "the appeal."
You had an idea to have a gay couple who needed to commit to straight sex in order to ensure the survival of their colony. People were pointing out some plotholes that needed filling in--is this a rape story? Are they willing to go along with it? What happened to the usual means of avoiding such a need, while not effecting the colony's chances of survival otherwise?

I also said :

"Imagine this with Trans in the scenario...."

The Idea was to put aside consideration of love and have people conced into biological impulses and need to breed.

People were pointing out some plotholes that needed filling in

As I said just watch those tags and ad comcis you will see how easly with mazy porn comic writting you cna fill in those gaps and get way with it.

softporn_only_nodirt said:
I just explained the appeal. And explain what we were trying to subvert here.

It is not that hard to get really... I hoped by being vague at first I could make you understand without catching the hire of the foruma dministration and not having to be exhaustive.
The dud who produce the ideology that used to send this father to Jail. This what is targeted by teh comic.

JUst like this one :

You know the people who use a lot of dye. Aren't those epinal pictures (images d'épinale) no evoking anything to you?

Weell I hope you gained in culture at least.

And you could understand the actual zeitgeist.

Hey, admins, can you lock this thread and punish this bigot already?

softporn_only_nodirt said:
I just explained the appeal. And explain what we were trying to subvert here.

It is not that hard to get really... I hoped by being vague at first I could make you understand without catching the hire of the foruma dministration and not having to be exhaustive.
The dud who produce the ideology that used to send this father to Jail. This what is targeted by teh comic.

JUst like this one :

You know the people who use a lot of dye. Aren't those epinal pictures (images d'épinale) no evoking anything to you?

Weell I hope you gained in culture at least.

And you could understand the actual zeitgeist.

Ta bigoterie n'est pas le bienvenu ici.