What would one do about a particular species if it’s a hybrid between two species, yet also has its own set of unique traits because of its lore?
I ask because this conundrum was brought to my attention while discussing an un-alias for the “kittydog” species, a species of which I believe fits the criteria of this conundrum, and I’m still kind of puzzled, even after an informed response.
I submitted a bulk update request as instructed, plus added reasoning, but it was met with disagree votes and no written input, so I’m not sure what I may have done wrong or if I don’t understand something. I’m still adamant that it has strong enough reasoning to be considered its own species (and supposedly so does the creator), so I’d like to see what more higher-ups can say about this and help inform me better about the operation of tags. I can go into more detail about my reasoning for an un-alias, but I’ll leave that out for now.
Can someone give me some input on this conundrum?