Topic: Nasche name reconciliation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #1972 is pending approval.

create alias shinjikami (1) -> nasche (0)
create alias naschethelion (72) -> nasche (0)
create alias naschethedoggo (0) -> nasche (0)
create alias naschethedino (0) -> nasche (0)

Reason: Nasche is the artist formerly known as Shinjikami. His (newer) Furaffinity is Nasche the Lion, his Twitter handle and Patreon are Nache the Doggo, his Twitter name is Nasche the Dino, and his Patreon name is Nasche.

Aliasing his old name and the three variants of his new name to just "Nasche" is the simplest way to most accurately reconcile the tags. (There is no naschethedino tag at this time, so I'm not sure if it's appropriate to do the alias.)